
Tuesday 8 December 2015

The colour blue

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, I have another hybrid creation today. The background is a photo of a ship in the London docks. I grew up near the docks, but in the meantime it has all become a playground for the very rich. Back then, we could see big ships at the end of the street, a fun sight! Here I added my fave Mr Umbrella man, out for his evening walk, and a girl and her bike, both from a digital set called paper town. The moon is one of my photos. The stenciled sentiment is from Stencilry com.

For 99 Faces I drew a face on patterned cardstock with black ink, and painted her eyes, mouth and eyebrows with blue ink. I dribbled some blue and green ink at the top, sprayed it with water and let it run down the page. When it was dried I added some white to brighten it a bit. Also linking to Kim's Show your face.

And as today is all about blue, I am including the tag I made for Tag Tuesday yesterday, theme 'night sky'. I painted directly onto a manila tag using my scratchy brush, sprinkled it with fairy dust, and added some stars when it was dry. The houses were drawn with a stencil, and I mounted the tag onto 2 others cut slightly larger from blue Mirri card and gold corrugated card.

I didn't have much time for taking photos today, as I had a long appointment at the orthopedic specialist. In February I will be getting a shiny new knee joint.
The pictures here were taken early this morning - the sky was clear, the moon and stars were twinkling. I especially love the combination of the crescent moon and Venus

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely journal page and face and tag, your posts are always great value for money. I love that you used a photo of the docks. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow! I love all your work ~ my favorite is the first one ~ your very elegant collage ~

    Wishing you the magic and love of the Season ~
    artmusedog and carol

    ps. I have been doing photography but my soul is wanting to dabble in the arts again with collage, linocut and explore ~ You are inspiring!

  3. Enjoyed your creative pieces today Valerie, I love blue. Good luck on the knee surgery, Feb will be here soon enough.

  4. I wonder if you ever passed a friend of mine when you were growing up- I wish I knew her maiden name. She lived in that area until she was in her 20's and then moved to America in the 1960's. She would be around your sister's age-which I remember from your post the other day. When I find it out I will let you know. Just in case! I know London is a big place...but anyhow- I LOVE your piece in blue, your face and also your tag. Oh yes, and your photos too!

  5. Love everything. The moon shots are beautiful. And the blue in your collage is wondrous. Good luck with the new knee. The hh got one a couple of years ago. I'll be thinking of you.

  6. Lovely creations again and the colours are gorgeous. Beautiful photos of the moon, makes one feel like there is still hope for the world.
     { aNNie}

  7. Beautiful projects in blue today! And, your face on printed background paper is lovely too. A new knee joint? Yikes this doesn't sound like a fun way to start 2016.

    Oh and I love the photos of the moon.

  8. Oh I love that Midnight Blue! Very striking and the face is as lovely as can be! A new knee joint and hopefully the healing and therapy process will be speedy and that is my hope for you! Hugs!

  9. Today's face is lovely, and the blue collage is beautiful. But the tag was what caught my eye. Something about the unevenness of the scratchy brush, in addition to the stenciled row of houses made this a real favorite in my book.

    I can't believe you do so much walking every day, yet have to have a knee replacement. I remember Sally (who has now had both knees replaced) couldn't take three steps without resting right before her surgeries. I wish you the best, but be prepared for several weeks of recovery.

  10. Another beautiful set of creations here, love the hybrid piece and how the light shines about Mr Rain man, the face is very expressive and the blue night time tag has a wonderful mood. The photos of the moon and Venus are stunning too!

    All the very best with the planned operation!!

  11. Ich libeb das Gesicht heute und die London Collage und das Tag sind auch wunderschön! Das wird alles gut laufen mit der Knie OP - ich bin fest überzeugt. So herrliche Sonnenaufgangs Aufnahmen..wunderschön!
    Hab einen guten Tag Liebes!

  12. Wonderful post Valerie with the terrific London docks scene. The face is brilliant with the blues you have introduced and the hint of cheekiness in the eyes and mouth. Lovely tag as well.

    Great photographs with the crescent Moon

    Have a lovely day-will email later

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Die blaue Stimmung auf deinem Bild ist wundervoll und der gelbe Mond als Gegenfarbe wirkt ganz toll hier!
    Oh je, wenn dein Knie operiert wird, kannst du ja erstmal nicht mehr laufen - das wird bestimmt ganz hart, du Arme. Meine Knie sind momentan ruhig, toi, toi, toi. LG Ulrike

    1. Danke, wenn ich nicht operieren lasse, kann ich bald gar nicht mehr laufen - es wird schon gut gehen!

  14. That dreamer piece just ROCKS! I love everything about it! Both figures look like they are waiting/searching for something or someone, and of course, that moon is just beautiful!

    If I had to guess, based on your exercise, slim weight, etc, you will have a smooth quick recovery! (my unsolicited 2 cents!)

  15. Wonderful pieces today Valerie, I love the highlighting around umbrella man! I've had no luck with photographing the moon, well done! hugs :)

    1. It is sometimes difficult, it's perhaps best to try with a tripod.

  16. beautiful beautiful work! The night skyline scene is magical and the woman is beautiful! The night sky photos are amazing

  17. I am awed by your digital creations...your blue piece is marvelous! Love the beautiful face and gorgeous tags too. Good luck with the shiny new joint. My hubby got one, and while the recuperation was lengthy he said it has been worth it. Less pain is always good! Happy belated T day!

  18. I am awed by your digital creations...your blue piece is marvelous! Love the beautiful face and gorgeous tags too. Good luck with the shiny new joint. My hubby got one, and while the recuperation was lengthy he said it has been worth it. Less pain is always good! Happy belated T day!

  19. Even though I love the blues, the second face is interesting. She just has that certain look in her eye....

  20. Your moon creation is stunning -- makes me want to hop on board the ship. The patterned paper for the face makes a most interesting finished product - great idea. Love the shaggy bottom on your tag. Beautiful photos once again. Have a great day. hugs, Donna

  21. Awesome works of art in blue. Love the quote on the page and the fantastic dockland scene you created. The time will fly by until you get your new Knee, all the walking you are doing is sure to help with your fitness and recovery.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Valerie, Valerie, Valerie :) You always inspire me with your wonderful works of art. Love both of them today and of course the sky shots are amazing too ♥♥♥♥ Have a blessed day!

  23. Nice tag, fun page and I love your gorgeous line-drawn face. It amazes me how you are able to show such depth with virtually no shading.

  24. Hi Valerie, love the shades of blue in your creation right down to your lovely photos. I love it when umbrella man appears. Have a great day!xo

  25. Love the atmospheric digi page - like a film from the 1930s - and the face is lovely and fresh. Great photos again... the tree silhouettes against those glorious skyscapes - just stunning.
    Alison x

  26. A stunning page love the colour and I see umbrella man love him. The photos are great as usual x

  27. Ohh I love that collage! very cool!
    Your lady is beautiful and I applaud you and Susi for your efforts on this challenge! xo


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