
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Last Day of December....

Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of 2015, and also the last day of our
collage Challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks to all who joined in again,
and made Susi and me happy with their lovely journaling.

I have once again , made a collage of my collages from December, although I have missed one or two!

This is one which I missed, and I didn't get round to showing it, so here it is now.
The hybrid collage has a painted and crackled background, one of 'my' heads, and a silhouette made from one of my photos. Mr Umbrella Man is there again, and the quote is from Stencilry.  I made a lot of blue pieces last month, let's see what the next month will be like!
Be sure to call back tomorrow to see who will be hosting our first challenge for 2016!

I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes.

We had beautiful and mild winter weather  again, but the weather is getting colder, so it looks like the warm woollies will be necessary!

The blackbird is one of my most frequent visitors just now, and always
has a healthy appetite:

Have a great day you all, and enjoy the last day of the year. 
Take care if you are out and about in bad weather!


  1. Your artwork for this month looks positively "dreamy" all together Valerie!
    I was thinking today and wondering how you and Susi manage creating wonderful art and posting about it every day. I salute you both!!!
    Today it was almost dark at 3pm ... it was nice seeing the sunshine for about ten minutes at least :-)
    (((Hugs))) from Virginia oxo

    1. Susi is a great girl who manages everything. I don't, so I just leave out little things like Housew*rk etc! Makes time for crafting!

    2. Sounds like you have your priorities straight Valerie.
      Housework can wait :-)

  2. the collage looks amazing!

    Best wishes to you!

  3. Fabulous artwork Valerie, and I'm so pleased you've shown the piece with Mr Umbrella Man, Love it.
    Wonderful photos, especially the close up of the blackbird.
    Hope you have a great New Year.
    Avril xx

  4. A lovely collage, glad you found what was missing! Stay warm Valerie, nice photos.

  5. so much beauty Valerie, as always! i love your collage of gorgeous pieces! you inspire. blessings and joy to you in the new year. xo

  6. Great collage and a great finish to the year...lovely viewing.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. xx

  7. Great collage of the month .. however I am totally in love with the 'dream' piece. Absolutely perfect, Valerie. Your photos of the crow are amazing - caught their essence. hugs, Donna

  8. What an amazing collection for the last month and a wonderful blue page for today as well..your mixture of ideas never fails to amaze me.
    The photographs are very beautiful today and it is so good the see some nice weather instead of gales and heavy rainfall..the star of the show for me is Mr Blackbird standing there posing for you.

    Have a great day
    Love Chrissie x

  9. Your collage collage and the blue collage are both wonderful, Kol hakavod! Love the photos, too. Enjoy the last day of the year, and all the best for you in the new one, hugs, Sarah

  10. Wunderschöne Werke und Fotos zeigst Du in Deinem jahresletzten Post.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein glückliches und gesundes Neues Jahr, liebe Valerie, komm gut rein.

  11. Eine wunderbare Gesamtcollage und letzte Seite liebe Valerie ( DU warst wieder megakreativ und alle Arbeiten sind meisterlich geatltete). Und herrliche Aufnahmen sind das auch wieder heute!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen entspannten letzten Tag im Jahr!

  12. Traumhaft schöne Fotos und Bilder liebe Valerie, hab lieben Dank dafür... Ich wünsche dir ein wundervolles Eintauchen ins 2016, geballte Kreativität weiterhin, ein Lächeln und alles Liebe.
    Herzliche Silvestergrüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. What a wonderful collection for December - I love your artwork Valerie and look forward to seeing more in 2016! You and Susi are such great hosts and I thank you for that too! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Your monthly wrap-up is wonderful. I was certainly impressed. I was in awe of the final one with your cranes and head.

    One thing I noticed in your photos of the river I hadn't seen before. There's a LOT of traffic on that part of the river. I loved how you showed the dredger and the boats as they made their way up and down the Rhine. It was fun to see.

    Have a lovely New Year's Eve and Day. Looks like I won't visit again until next year.

  15. Its always such a treat popping in here. Adore the collage of your stunning works and once again your photo journal is awe inspiring.
    Happy New Year!! May 2016 be all that you want it to be and more.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  16. Your collage of collages is amazing ! Such vibrant colours. The newest collage (not previously shown) is gorgeous. Happy New Year, Shirleyxx

  17. I always love your end of the month collages. Today is no exception. I know, how can it be the last of December already? Enjoy your last hours of this setting year and hope 2016 starts off wonderfully. See you then!

  18. What a great post to end this year. Always a treat to see all your pages as a beautiful collage. The Blue hybrid collage is fantastic - the background texture is fabulous, almost like concrete/stone. Great photos too, but my favourite one is of the lovely Blackbird, he looks like he is very happy for you to take his photo.
    (is that Labellia still flowering behind him?)

    Wishing you the very best for 2016...
    Enjoy your evening Valerie and see you next year..
    Gill xx

  19. Love your last day collection its lovely to see them all in one place. The last page looks fantastic.
    Happy New Year wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Valerie, another marvelous journal page. DREAM ON! I look forward to your monthly collage to view favorites and mostly to be inspired by your techniques and creative ideas for each page. Your photos today of Mr. Blackbird are wonderful. One of my goals for 2016 is to start a journal. Have a wonderful and healthy new year.

  21. Another wonderful post. I really love the Dreamer piece of art. Wishing you the very best 2016.

  22. Oh I love this collage. The blues just pop. I really enjoy them. And that blackbird, what bright eyes. You've probably mentioned this and I've missed it or don't remember, what city do you live in, Val? Enjoy the last of 2015.

  23. Love the Collage and the boats!!! Sorry I've been out of touch.

    The Very Happiest and Healthiest 2016, Valerie

  24. I was busy all week enjoying having DD home on a week's vacation from work, and I never made it to T this week, but I just had to stop by today and wish you a happy healthy New Year!

  25. That is a glorious blue piece, Valerie, it glows, it's amazing with the butterflies, the background, the herons, the flashes of orange, the lamp light, everything.
    Great photograph of your very fine blackbird, obviously he's been given the very best food.
    Looking forward to the next AJJ theme!

  26. Gorgeous collage and it is nice to see all of your month's work together. Happy New Year. I wish for you all nice things and excellent health in 2016.
    Hugs & smiles,

  27. A fabulous blue collage with so amazing colours, textures and a fabulous face... super! Wonderful art pieces of December too!
    Wishing you and yours and Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Mar xx

  28. OOOOOOOO!!!!! Love the blue collage :) A great piece for the end of the challenge and the end of the year :) Love the Black Bird too :) He's a cutie for sure. The birds are devouring the seeds and suet I put out this year. Much faster than usual so I think their natural food sources but be scarce this year and the cold weather has just begun here . Should be an interesting winter. Happy New Year My friend. ♥

  29. So fun to see another monthly collage Valerie - I always just enjoy sitting and sipping and looking when you post one. They are always soooo stunningly intriguing all together like that!!! And I enjoyed the silhouettes in your dreamer creation - really turned out unique and lovely. j.

  30. So fun to see another monthly collage Valerie - I always just enjoy sitting and sipping and looking when you post one. They are always soooo stunningly intriguing all together like that!!! And I enjoyed the silhouettes in your dreamer creation - really turned out unique and lovely. j.

  31. Love the photo montage to round out the year. xox

  32. Wonderful post! What is that boat? Is it a barge? Mighty sleek looking!
    It looks like a mini landing field for some kind of little plane!!
    sandy xx

    1. Yes they are barges, they seem to get bigger and bigger!


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