
Thursday 17 December 2015

Friday mix

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, so the weekend is almost here!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,  I made a mixed media A3 collage. I made a torn paper background, which I painted with gesso. I added some more prospect cut outs, and lots of bits and bobs from my various boxes. I wrote some journaling at several places. I added some colour at some places as the white looked too, well, too white.

This is a hybrid collage , also meant for Art Journal Journey and 99 Faces.
The background was painted with acrylics, stamped and embossed. I added my drawn face digitally. The quote is from Buddha.

And here some photos from my corner of the world:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and great pics too.
    Fliss xx

  2. Love your page - jammed with interest. Beautiful photos. hugs, Donna

  3. Love both collages. Is that you with your mum at the top left? The face is gorgeous too, as are the photos. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Great collage pieces ♥ Excellent photos again ..miss seeing Mr. Heron but since Mr. Hawk showed up today it's ok :)

  5. Super collages.
    The face and inspirational words are really beautiful Valerie!
    That handsome hawk posing for you makes me smile.
    It is always a thrill for me when I see them.
    Happy beginning of your weekend.
    It is almost dinner time here in Virginia ... Thursday evening.

  6. Your first project reminds me of something I heard recently... a "glue book". Instead of a journal - this gal was making a glue book and the inside was all glued collages - hers had no paint at all. And of course, your work is much different and more lovely Valerie but it just brought it to mind - never heart of a glue book!! Lovely background on the second project and I like the gold around her face! The birds - wow - you have some "proud" birds around there!! They are soooo interesting to see. And that "fungus" picture - wow - someone needs to paint that one!!! It's perfect.... it could win a photo contest. j.

  7. Beautiful pieces today! I love that photo with the duck and the reflections of the trees, great capture.

  8. Oh my gosh the bird pictures are beautiful especially the close up of the mallard.

  9. Beautiful collage. Your photos this week are just amazing. Well they are every week. LOL

  10. Your first collage was good, so many layers of imagery to draw they eye. Love the present moment piece. I love the gold outline of the face, just beautiful.


  11. Die Collage mit so vielen herrlichen ELementen ist meisterlich und von dem schönen Gesicht hybrid aufgesetzt bin ich ebenfalss mehr als angetan! Wunderschön!
    Ich wünsche Dir ein gutes Wochenende und eine Happy PPF und danke für die schönen Fotos.. dieser Baumpilz ist beeindruckend und der Habicht ist wohl zu Dir geflogen inzwischen, um sich bei Dir zu beschweren, dass wir ihn hier nicht haben wollten im Garten!


    1. Und weil der Habicht wieder da ist, verbringen die Tauben den ganzen Tag bei mir, und fressen Alles was nicht Niet und Nagelfest ist! Sie mögen ihm auch nicht!

  12. I especially liked your face today. I was drawn to the timepiece earring you chose. I thought that was SO clever and unique. You come up with the most amazing and unusual faces and how to embellish or decorate them.

    Your world is definitely taking on a winter appearance. Aside from the birds and the ships' flags, it looks rather bleak and very cold today.

    I'm off to thank you properly on my blog. Must get it started, though, because I'm having real buffer problems.

  13. Great collage, Valerie, with lots of areas of interest. The quote is certainly a good one that we should all take notice of in this busy world we live in. As always, I enjoyed your beautiful photos.

  14. Superb artwork altogether! My favourite is that wonderful, glimmering profile! Your posts have been such an inspiration to me in 2015! xx

  15. Hello Valerie I hope all well with you.
    Have missed visiting you but now my Steampunk finished at last, will catch up somehow with your posts :)
    Fantastic artwork and love the beautiful face especially - and that's a great quote... must remember that one.
    Wonderful photos, love seeing all the birds you have locally.
    Have a lovely day and a great weekend... Gill xxx

  16. Very beautiful and varied photographs Valerie. Love the birds.

    Such great pages today and the face is amazing and very serene

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. I really love the piece with the Buddha quote. Wonderful photos too!

  18. Both of your collages are gorgeous Valerie. I especially love the face-the gold outline really is almost luminescent which makes she look like some type of goddess. How clever to do that and add the Buddha quote. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  19. Fantastic collage and I love your gold face. Have a great weekend, xx

  20. Beautiful collage! And I really like your bird photos. They can be difficult to capture...flying off before you get a picture! Happy Christmas!

  21. Beautiful pages and photos. I love the quote on your second page and the awesome face you have shown us today.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Das gelbe Profil sieht toll aus! Wie schön der Bussard still gehalten hat - tolles Foto!
    Beste Grüße zum Wochenende von Ulrike

  23. hi val,

    was für tolle seiten du wider gemacht hast,ich bin schwer angetan.
    tolle bilder hast du wider gemacht,einen tollen garten hast du,möchte ich auch haben.
    wir haben heute den christbaum gekauft und auch schon schön geschmückt,dann haben wir nicht allzu viel stress,kochen und backen möchte ich ja auch noch,bei uns gibt es frische kartoffelsuppe mit speck und würstchen,yummie,wir haben keine lust auf braten in der röhre.
    hab einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  24. The colors and layers in both pieces are wonderful! Happy PPF!

  25. Loved both the collages...difficult to pick one! :)
    The nature pictures of your part of the world is gorgeous as always!

  26. Lots to enjoy here! A wonderful collage full of life and brightness!

  27. Thank you for all the beauty! I wish you a wonderful holiday and look forward to your art in the new year!!!

  28. Nice collage and another beautiful face. hugs, Teresa

  29. You always pick out the best quotes to go along with your hybrids and collages! Looks like winter is not far off now. Love the last photo!

  30. Great artwork!! Your faces are all fabulous along with great quotes. Wonderful photos too. The bird shots are excellent. Have a great weekend.xo

  31. Great work today, Valerie. The photos of the different birds are extraordinary and another terrific FACE with a quote we should use as a daily reminder before we start our day. I enjoyed viewing your collage as there was so much to see and read. WONDERFUL!
    I had car problems on Thursday, car in the shop for a new ignition bracket as key wouldn't start car. Not a fun present for Christmas.
    Take care to stay dry and warm and enjoy that cup of coffee.

  32. Beautiful work. I love the peacefulness of the Buddha quote. And the bird pictures are awesome

  33. Lovely work and beautiful photos.
    Merry xmas, happy holidays!

  34. Oh my! Your hybrid with the Buddha quote is exceptional! I adore everything about it! Beautiful side-view and the timepiece-perfect!!And i did not mention the palette- gorgeous!

  35. Your photos are just lovely. I also like the profile you drew--very sweet. Beautiful artwork!

  36. Valerie that face with the gold is stunning... I love it so much. I think it is greeting card worthy.. love it so much!! Your photos are always breath taking too... Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. The last image is so awesome~! Love the texture and color... thank you for sharing your photos

  38. Brilliant art today Valerie! I love the collage - such fun! Your face with the fabulous light and the duck on the golden water are especially uplifting! Hugs, Chrisx


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