
Thursday 10 December 2015

A face and a collage

Hi Everybody!
It's Friday already - where did the week go?

For Paint Party Friday, Art Journal Journey, collage, 99 faces and Kim's show your face I have a mixed media face and a collage.
The face was drawn with black onto printed cardstock. I added some random stamping, and painted the face and one of the flowers with water colours.

Then I used the face as part of a collage, digitally adding a document as background, a nude painting made many years back, some bird photos and a telephone . And I placed Leonardo's Vitruvian man onto the eye.

We had a cold and frosty day here, with lots of sunshine, and wonderful skies all day, so I ran round with my camera pointing skywards to catch some impressions. The photos here were all taken during half an hour before sunrise, with the colours changing in intensity and hue all the time.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Wonderful page Valerie with such warm colours and a summer flower to brighten the dull days

    Your silhouette photographs with the wonderful skies are stunning

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. I love the warmth of your collage,, and its just turned 5 pm,, its dark here but it was cloudy and I had no sunset to see as well we had no sunrise to enjoy, too cloudy, I really enjoyed to see your dawn breaking,,

  3. Fantastic face, very clever and beautiful, and I love how you made it into a journal page. The sky photos are superb. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Great face. like the flower, the colour and where you placed it on the face. Great bright cheerful page

  5. I love your watercolour flower, lovely face too. Beautiful sunrise photos, nature's early morning art show!

  6. I especially liked how the nude was looking intently at the Vitruvian Man in the eye. I thought it said a lot.

    The morning photos were wonderful. What struck me were the contrails. especially the single one that first appeared, then diffused as time passed. Very telling! Happy Friday, because it's not even dinner time, here!

  7. Just gorgeous Valerie and lovely colours on your collage which is so full of detail.
    Great photos too.
    Fliss xx

  8. Ohhh I love this collage. The face, the colors and the crow just perfect. Lovely photos too.

  9. Ein gaaanz tolles Gesicht und eine fantastische Collage ! Oberklasse! Und die schönen Aufnahmen vom Sonnenaufgang sind HIMMLISCH im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes! Happy Friday Sweetie!

  10. wow,das sieht fabelhaft aus,schöne farben auch.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht.
    einen schönen tag dir,ich muss nachher zum arzt,hab keine lust.

    hugs jenny

  11. Amazing page Valerie, wow that flower background looks incredible, the combination of your painted flower with the paler ones is stunning, then the eye peeping through looks wonderful too. The more complex second version with the additional imagery adds another layer of interest, but if I am really honest, I actually prefer the first version. Stunning photos like always!

    1. I have to confess, I prefer the first one, too!

  12. Your journal pages are always so intriguing. I do like how you put the man in the eye and I love that vintage telephone! Some lovely skies in those photos.

  13. Awesome page Valerie! How beautifully you have incorporated all the elements to form a whole!
    Gorgeous sky pics!!! I am a sky-gazer too and click a lot of them!
    Love & Hugs

  14. Super Collage, die Augen-Idee gefällt mir.
    Dein orange-gelb-grün-blau-Himmelfoto ist grandios, Valerie! Was die Natur und doch immer für tolle Farben schenkt! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  15. enjoyed your collage, the face standing alone is also very nice

    happy PPF

    much love...

  16. That's an intriguing piece you've shared this week. I love all those gorgeous sky views. Happy PPF!

  17. Very interesting collage today. I love how you moved things around. I wonder if we can read anything into it, you know, life feels all mixed up sometimes and things don't always feel in the right place, or maybe it is just a beautiful collage. Have a great weekend Valerie! Hugs!

  18. I love those flowers in your art piece, so much movement with the way the petals are placed! Wonderful sky photos, I just love the colours, wow! hugs :)

  19. Wow, amazing colour and dynamic movement in your collage - it's stunning, and the photos are beautiful too. A really lovely post.
    Alison x

  20. There is such brightness and warmth in your beautiful work, striking!

  21. Oh, wonderful.. I get the pleasure of seeing two beautiful faces and sets of photos this week!. This is equally as enchanting. xo

  22. Fascinating page! Lovely and interesting combination of images and colours. Great photos - what wonderful skies you had!

    Hope you have a fabulous Christmas, Valerie!

  23. brilliant art Valerie and how I love the beautiful skies!

  24. Both pages are wonderful today with the painted flower and those huge green eyes. Interesting how tastes differ. I like the second collage the best as it contains more of YOU in it with your drawing, the bird and of course your green eye hidden somewhat with Leonardo's drawing. Enjoys the morning photos.

  25. How bright and cheery. And, the little bird in the tree is a cutie. :)

  26. Your lady looks mysterious and so much fun! Great collage! Don't you just love the way the sky changes hourly! Happy weekend!

  27. Your artwork and photos are all so inspiring - so gorgeous! Thanks for your visit and encouragement. Means a lot.

  28. Love this fabulous collage! Such a clever way to incorporate these beautiful flowers. The skies photos are fantastic. Hugs, Mar

  29. They are fabulous collage pages Valerie, love the added details, I wonder if the naked lady is about to make a phone call, love how you used the large blooms on the pages as well.
    Yvonne xx

  30. Amazing journal pages, the flowers are so beautiful and the face is interesting. The sunrise photos are gorgeous. Happy Weekend xx

  31. Very cool and unexpected art page, Valerie. I detect a bold confidence in your face drawings lately.

  32. Thanks for bright colors again. We have lots of led-lights outside to brighten darkness...
    Happy weekend!

  33. I do love this collage! Love the flowers and the wandering eye! Also love the Rubenesque figure at the bottom- did you draw her- beautifully done!

  34. Awesome art as always and love the photos.

  35. Wow! Wonderful collage pages this post. I especially love the second one. It feel mysterious to me! Great photos. I love the bird and branch silhouetted against the darkening blue sky. Thanks for your coment on my link.

  36. Such a wonderful eclectic gathering of art and photography. Lovely!

  37. Love the art! The first being my favorite but both are great :) The photos are once again fabulous ♥ Hope your lovely weather continues. It is unseasonably warm here this week... Summer warm 75° F. Have a great weekend!

  38. Love the collage! That is really beautiful artwork, and the way you added covered up her face is great. I had to keep looking to see everything and enjoyed every minute the collage had me looking. I could see that hanging in a gallery, it's that unique. And I always enjoy your photos of where you live. Always beautiful and breathtaking. Thank you for popping by my blog and leaving me the sweetest comment. I am a day late on visiting and am going to try to visit everyone over the weekend. Hugs, Rasz

  39. Both are lovely and wonderfully creative and artistic. The photos of the morning are refreshing.

  40. Vision, well I guess we both had that in our minds in a different way. You always have a wonderful vision in your photos and this gal with her floral eye and soaring countenance, wonderful. xox

  41. So much warmth and light on a dreary winter's day! I loved all the detail and richness of colour in your journal page, Valerie. You've cheered up my winter's day! xx

  42. Beautiful sunrisings and a wonderful artwork too. Your face and flower added to the background were lovely. I especially liked the free flow of the flower and it's placement on her head. Fun to see the other additions too. You are just so creative Valerie. I enjoy seeing your unique and thought provoking collages and the best ones for me are always the ones where you have painted too! I really enjoyed this one! j.

  43. Beautiful sunrisings and a wonderful artwork too. Your face and flower added to the background were lovely. I especially liked the free flow of the flower and it's placement on her head. Fun to see the other additions too. You are just so creative Valerie. I enjoy seeing your unique and thought provoking collages and the best ones for me are always the ones where you have painted too! I really enjoyed this one! j.

  44. A fabulous face and a brilliant collage! Your photos are amazing - Nature is truly wonderful isn't it! Chrisx


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