
Monday 21 December 2015

A face and a cake

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all who left birthday wishes yesterday, and to those who sent cards and presents, which were very much appreciated. I will take photos and
show them tomorrow.

For Art Journal Journey, collage and 99 Faces, I have a 
mixed media face/collage. This is the same lady I drew recently, so here she is in a new colour scheme. I drew her in black ink on printed and stamped cardstock, and painted her with water colours. I collaged the sentiment from Khalil Gibran.

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elisabeth's blog, so a big welcome to all the  T gang. Today I am sharing my birthday cake with you. Nobody had time to help me eat  the lemon sponge yesterday, so there's plenty for all of me and all of you; enjoy!

And some photos from sunrise and my walk on Sunday:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love todays face, it appears she is withholding a secret. The cake was delicious as were the new photos. Today will be longer but go just as quickly for me.

  2. Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was splendid. Lovely face with all it's interest inside. Cake looks perfect. xox

  3. Your cake looks more than good, and I love the face. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Happy slightly belated birthday Valerie!!! Your cake looks amazing. I like the change of colour on your face and the red wreath on that white door is very effective.

  5. Ohhh I am late on your birthday. Happy day to you. I hope you received everything you wanted. Thank you for the comment on my post. It is pretty aweful weather here. Have wonderful day.

  6. happy birthday to you!! And thank you for bringing us all this beauty today! and cake too!!!

  7. A really lovely face with lots of collage feeling to it. It is beautiful.

    I felt like such a fool yesterday when I saw it was your birthday. Of course it goes without saying how much you have enriched my life and my art since we met online. So, birthday wishes are a bit inadequate, but I still offer them again today.

    Your lemon cake looks wonderful. It's too bad you had to bake your own birthday cake, even though I know you like to bake.

    Really enjoyed the photos today. Some were rather ethereal, while others were very festive and spoke of the season.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely collaged face, your beautiful "out and about" photos, and your lemon birthday cake and drink with us for T this Tuesday. At least I think it may be Tuesday in your world by now!

    1. You didn't know, and I didn't publish it in advance, so don't feel a fool, absolutely no need for that. I appreciate your visits and your art and you being you, more is not necessary.

  8. Happy , happy belated birthday to you!!! So much beauty in this post. I love your sentiment with the sunny yellow color and sweet face. Your cake sounds wonderful-wish I could have made it for you -or at least shared some with you:)

  9. Oh my gosh,that cake looks delish. I'll have a piece to go, please;)
    Belated, happy birthday, young one. I hope it was as wonderful as you.

  10. happy happy birthday du liebe,dein kuchen sieht lecker aus,ich möchte bitte ein stück :-)
    deine seite ist wunderschön und die bildersind klasse,so stimmungsvoll,einfach schön.
    eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  11. Great mixed media face. Thanks for stopping by and belated Birthday Wishes and Seasons Greetings to you!

  12. Great mixed media face. Thanks for stopping by and belated Birthday Wishes and Seasons Greetings to you!

  13. Ein traumhaft schönes Gesicht liebe Valerie und Dein Zitronenbiscuitkuchen sieht fantastisch aus!
    Den leckeren Kaffee dazu --wow!
    Deine Fotos sind wie immer eine feine Bereicherung ! Danke!
    Hab einen schönen Dienstag!

  14. also, für einen kurzen geburtstagsbesuch hätte ich mir schon zeit genommen, würde ich in der nähe wohnen... man kann das auch übertreiben mit dem weihnachtsstress (leider scheint das wirklich ein ungünstiger geb.termin zu sein...). von mir jedenfalls noch nachträglich die besten wünsche!
    ich finde es schön, wie deine collagenfrau stolz ihre kette präsentiert: aus gestempelten blättern, muss man erstmal drauf kommen. gute Idee!

    hier kommen heute die "kinder" heim für weihnachten, deswegen wünsche ich dir jetzt schon mal ein schönes fest und friedvolle tage!

  15. traumschön deine Kunst, die Fotos ebenfalls. Ich wünsche dir genussvolle, berührende, gesunde und frohe Tage.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  16. I just love this lady with the cheeky smile and she would look great anywhere I think. A very beautiful page for sure.

    The cake looks yummy but I know how it is when your birthday is near to Christmas or any holiday it just seems to go by the wayside-mine always has even when I was little.

    The photographs are so spectacular today I have saved one as it is crying out to be a wonderful background.

    Hope today goes well for you

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. awww so sorry for missing your Birthday Valerie... belated greetings to you - I hope you had a lovely day :)
    Your lemon cake looks yummy (I love the face on your cow in the background too).

    Fabulous photos - loved that wonderful festive door.

    Love the colours on your beautiful face, she has a wonderful expression.

    oops I seem to have said 'Love' quite a bit here, maybe I need to get my thesaurus out ha ha.... oh well...Have a lovely day ........... Gill xxx

  18. Valerie fabulous work as always. We only just got back and thought I'd have a bit of a play with images. I wasn't going to publish till the new year but accidentally pressed publish instead of draft so here I more though till the 1st January. Have a wonderful Christmas and hugs to you...xx {aNNie}
    PS has your parcel arrived yet?

    1. No, not yet, the post is very slow just now, but it will come sooner or later, and I will let you know straightaway! Hugs, Valerie

  19. Such a beautiful face and yummy looking lemon sponge. You can send a piece my way. I love on the face how you have all the natural things underneath. Very creative. And I want to thank you for the beautiful digital card. I was hoping to send one out myself but I can tell right now that is not going to happen. That's what happens when you have to go to work.Have a great holiday! Hugs!

  20. Oh goodness! I missed your birthday! I can't believe you have had another one already! geesh! lol
    many happy belated wishes dear Valerie! I do hope it was as special as you are!
    Your cake looks so yummy- makes me want to start baking all over again!!
    Have a wonderful day -sending you love! Jackie

  21. Dear Valerie!
    Enjoy your special day (you already did!)
    month and year!
    Happy Happy Birthday to you.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork, photos and more!
    I miss the butterkreme torte my Mutti always made for my birthday.
    Your cake looks yummy!
    Happy T Day oxo

  22. Art, cake and the beautiful outdoors, what could be better?
    Happy Birthday year, Valerie, hope it is a good one.
    Love how you have presented your cake, it looks terrific, just right for a visitor.
    The two photographs just under are especially stunning, the one with the bird is out-of-this-world amazing.

  23. Lemon sponge cake? Yes, please :) It looks very tasty. I enjoyed my virtual walk via your photos. So peaceful.

    Happy T Tuesday

  24. Happy belated birthday! Love your face artwork! The layers are gorgeous.
    Happy T day and Merry Christmas!

  25. Happy Birthday, Valerie. I didn't know ... so belated wishes for a wonderful year ahead. Love your face ... she looks very cheeky! Cake and coffee sounds wonderful ... and of course your photos are stunning. Have a great day. hugs, Donna

  26. Each day is bright with creative bliss
    Since dear Valerie never a post do you miss.
    We all so enjoy going with you on walks
    and comments make for fun little talks.
    And who among us can match your imagination?
    Each piece of art boasts your personal equation.
    Life would be so dull and oblique
    If not for your creating the fun and unique.
    So to YOU dear Valerie - our special friend...
    HAPPY Birthday day/year from beginning to end.
    You are such a joy to us in so many ways...
    that you deserve the best... all of your days.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALERIE - with all my love and thanks... j.

  27. Hmmm - I would love to visit you Valerie. What a quaint and lovely place setting - wow. That place mat is gorgeous and the entire setting just looks like something out of a magazine. Luscious looking cake too!!! And... I just love your face today. That flower in the background just totally makes her look so very very special. Love that sentiment too. Blowing you a kiss and squeezing you out a huge hug for your birthday dear friend. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX j.

  28. Beauty is a light in the heart....what a perfect saying.

  29. Belated birthday wishes my friend. I haven't been on the pc much this past month and I feel like I'm lost.....LOL
    Now I can pass up most cakes.......but lemon is my favorite, thanks for saving some for us.

    OMGosh!! Your face is just fantastic and the sentiment is divine......and so true!!

    I always love visiting your blog when you are sharing your photos. We have actually had *weather* and have had some amazing sunrises too, but I haven't thought to get photos of them. I really like all the photos of the birds.

    Must keep moving to make the rounds....Hope your holidays are full of love and laughter.

  30. That´s a wonderful face you made, I like the message, too. I´m glad to hear you had a good birthday, and that lemon sponge looks delicious! The photos are gorgeous. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, a very Merry Christmas and Happy T-Day!

  31. I love your whimsical face.... and the quote. It is very true.
    The sunrise photos are stunning. I never see the sunrise as I don't get up very early, but it is beautiful.
    I like the red ribbon on the door. I assume it is a Christmas decoration.
    Thank you for visiting me earlier. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas.

  32. Your beautiful lady has a lovely secret kind of smile today, maybe she sneaked a piece of the yummy cake when you weren't looking. beautiful photos today as well Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  33. I feel so sad that I didn't get here to wish you a Happy Birthday yesterday. I hope you'll still share a piece of that delicious looking sponge cake with me. I loved all your photos--did you see the heart the branches made? Wishing you a Happy T Day!

  34. Belated Birthday Wishes to you Valerie. Your face looks stunning. Love all the elements that came inside her face.
    Merry Christmas. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful time

  35. Wow! celebrating in style with lemon cake and cappuccino! I'm sure that helped you enjoy your day! I love the face in those colours! I also love the fabulous colours in your photos today too! Chrisx

  36. Your lady is beautiful, Valerie. Happy belated birthday. I'm glad it was a good one.

  37. Lovely lady and quote! The lemon sponge cake--looks absolutely delicious!
    Happy T-Day and Merry Christmas! :)

  38. What a wonderful face! Happy belated birthday! Beautiful photographs too...


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