
Saturday 7 November 2015

This, that and the other for Saturday

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, and Moo Mania and More, crowns, I have  another hybrid journal page. The painting in the background is one I made back at the beginning of the 1990s. I added  the figures in the foreground, stars and the flying fish digitally. The bird-head, crown, fish and owl are from Itkupilli, the runner is from June at Dezinaworld. I am enjoying digging out 'oldies' and giving them a new lease of life.

I love watching the contrails from the planes, and how they slowly dissolve:

The horses have gone to their winter stables, and the old bath tubs, which are usually filled with water for them to drink, are now filled with leaves

This seagull was sitting alone on his little rock today, and 2 ducks were swimming around the rock in circles. I watched them for quite some time, it was really strange.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeuos page Val, love the colours, wonderful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wundervoll ist die Seite und großartig sind Deine Bilder heute wieder!
    Du bist so toll und vielseitig in Deiner Kunst Valerie - ich bin immer wieder begeistert!
    Hab einen guten Samstag!
    Happy AJJ and MMM!

  3. Spectacular page Valerie, wow your colours are just so vibrant, love it. Your pics are as awesome as ever. Hope you enjoy your weekend.xx
     { aNNie}

  4. Hi Valerie. Long time no see! My original blog got hijacked, I shifted houses and have been hugely busy for a number of years and its time to get back to blogging with a new blog. Luckily, I have not lost the list of blogs I followed and am slowly visiting them to see whats happening in all your lives. Love your images. You are now going into Winter as we are heading into Summer and its lovely to see the beautiful colours of your Autumn. x Julie

  5. I love today's contribution - it has shades of Alice through the Looking Glass about it.

    The 3 baths is unusual find ...what's the story there I wonder.

    I spent 25 years making con-trails ... a life time ago now. It's warm here too, but it's raining horizontally with a gale straight off the Atlantic. it's only when the wind moves to the Northern quadrant that the sea gets really wild.

    1. I live near the airport, and love watching the planes take off or land, and the beautiful skies they make.

  6. Terrific art page and a wonderful story could be written around the characters you added to the old background, It is good to revisit old files and folders and find treasures.

    The photographs today are stunning. The lines in the sky and the wonderful colours are terrific.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I am working my way through the pictures stored in my closet and putting them into the computer. Biiiiig job.

  7. Wow Valerie........absolutely adore these projects. Wonderful details and the whimsy style

    TFS and have a lovely weekend
    Annie x

  8. Klasse, Valerie! Gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut...wünsche schönes Wochenende und sende viele Grüße

  9. What a fun piece! I love ItKupiLli"s work and her graphics so fun to play with! Happy weekend! xo

  10. Wonderful piece today Valerie. Great images, I also enjoy watching the plane contrails dissipate, like a really strange cloud (which I suppose, it is)! lol

    Hugs :)
    My Little Craft Things

  11. Wow- this piece is amazing Valerie. Those colors! I think digging out those old pieces and giving them new life is so much better than just letting them sit and molder where ever they are stored. Those plane contrails are cool. I also like to watch them and wonder they are going to (often wishing I was going there too) and where they have been. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  12. Your post made me smile today! Great art--love the humor and beautiful colors. Swimming lessons at the rock! Very cute!

  13. Fantastic hybrid page, I have no idea how you do that :) Beautiful photographs as well. Happy Weekend, xx

  14. I don't see the flying fish...but a lovely page, wonderful depth. Happy trails in your photos!

  15. Fabulous arty/surreal piece Valerie- love the background, looks like there a re more contrails there as well.
    I love looking at the sky too, I've probably said before about seeing faces in clouds etc, but the plane contrails are like a tornado/whirlwind or almost a pink lightning bolt.
    Do you think the ducks were trying to intimidate the seagull to take its place on the rock or just making him dizzy swimming round and round :)
    Gill xx

    1. The contrails were particularly special that day. I think the ducks were trying to intimidate him, looked like a clear case of duck harassment!

  16. Stunning page today with the bright stars and itkupili's crowned bird or is it a bird? Lovely photos You shared today.

  17. Fabulous page with stunning colours and a great choice of images. Love the beautiful photos too.
    Have a lovely weekend, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  18. Love your fabulous journal page and all the images and autumn colours. Awesome photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Love the absurdity of this journalpage! Great background painting too!

  20. How lovely to take something from the past and make it yours again now. It's a wonderful image. Your photos are gorgeous too. I wonder what the ducks and seagull were thinking...

  21. deine seite ist eine wucht,soooo klasse,was man da alles endecken kann.
    wunderschöne herbstbilder hast du wieder und der strahl am himmel ist so toll,das hast du super getroffen.
    ein schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  22. I love the painted scenery in the background of your page and the beautiful flourish in the foreground.

  23. I apologize for being so late visiting this post, but I couldn't let this one get away. I was really impressed with your hybrid art and the bird with the crown.

    Of course, those contrails were amazing. I've seen many of them, but none with sunlight reflecting like that. They were absolutely stunning.

    Laughed at the ducks and seagull. It's always fun to see what you have come up with on your walks.

  24. Spitzencollage, liebe Varlerie, eine ungewöhnliche Kombination der Motive!
    Deine Himmelfotos sind ja wieder fantastisch! LG Ulrike

  25. I've said it before and I'm saying it again your collage skills are amazing!!! I want to be you when I grow up :) This is just over the top all around ♥ Your photos are fantastic! Out here in the country I don't get to see many contrails anymore. Don't even see many airplanes but that's okay with me. The birds are funny

  26. I love your page - and those images again! We live quite close to the airport now and as a child we used to have an aerodrome - I used to enjoy counting how long it would take for contrails to disappear! My mum was quite an expert at recognising military aircraft by their sound and we used to run out to watch the vulcans take off over our house! Chrisx

  27. I love your digital creation on the crowns theme -- it is bold and beautiful. and as always I adore your photos. xo

  28. I love that you are recycling your art! Cool art!


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