
Sunday 15 November 2015

The leaves are falling fast

Hi Everybody!
Hope you have had a good weekend.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, I have an A3 mixed media page. The centre part has a background which was collaged and painted. I added David, the leaves and other images digitally. Then I added it to a brush-wipe page, which I darkened a bit to fit the colour scheme. I added the birds, clock and cogs with stencils, and wrote the text by hand. I thought it would be good to show this one before the last of the leaves fall!

For 99 faces I have a hybrid face. The face is my drawing, and has been added to a painted and collaged background, which I embellished with a brush. The bird and sun are my photos.

Today was cloudy and  windy, but not cold:

It was extremely windy along the Rhine, but I enjoyed my walk.
The canon is not used these days.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love both of your autumn pieces. Love the details on your digital piece-those white flowers and the crow are great details. It is nice to still see flowers in windows boxes blooming as in your last photo-everything is gone here. We even had snowflakes on Saturday! Hope your week starts off in a good way!

  2. Just gorgeous Valerie and love those Autumn shades - here's hoping one certain leaf doesn't fall too - tee hee!
    Fliss xx

  3. Lovely pages Valerie, and I hope David's leaf stays put! Great photos again too, hugs, Sarah

  4. Cheeky!!! David and his leaves are making me :) let's hope he spares our blushes and the leaves don't start to fall too soon!
    Amazing hybrid art.

  5. Gorgeous colours on your page Valerie, like the others, I hope David's leaf stays in place.
    Great photos.
    Avril xx

  6. Well placed leaf made me smile. Lovely glowing colours in your background just shine out of the page.Really love you face and super flower head band. Great pieces

  7. Oh no! Don't let that leaf fall! This has such a wonderful Autumn glow! I love this face and the way her face shines in the darkness! The leaves seem to be falling fast now in your part of the world -a lot have fallen here but there are still some green leaves around and still a little bit of colour! Chrisx

  8. Ha there's that leaf again.....fabulous colours and photos again Valerie.xx { aNNie}

  9. I really like the PG version of David. The leaf fell in just the right spot. This is a beautiful piece, with the painted frame.

    What an incredible face. She seems to be glowing in Autumn's moonlight.

    You really ARE losing all your leaves, but I notice the geraniums in the window boxes are still blooming. Mine have died. Love that brick wall. Reminds me of the color of rust!

  10. To answer your question about how long I need to leave these in the jar, I'm not sure. This is all new to me, although the other fabric I eco-dyed, I left wrapped in a plastic bag for about 30 days each time after I steamed the bundles. Since there is no heat with this process (except sunlight possibly heating the water), I'm going to watch them to see if the fabric changes colors. If and when that happens, I'll remove and unwrap them. When I steamed them, the fabric had already started to change colors before I ever put the bundles in the plastic bag. Of course, I never used alum as a mordant before either, so that may speed up the process, or change the chemical composition.

    With this process it's sort of a "wait and see" situation. Sorry I can't be more specific than that.

  11. Lovely work for the challenges, glad it wasn't cold at least.

  12. Zwei genial schöne Arbeiten heute Valerie - bin begeistert von dem Farbrausch und der Poesie in der David Seite und beeindruckt wie Du Deine eigenen Elemente gekonnt inszeniert hast in der Gesichts Seite. Danke für's Mitnehmen auf den Spaziergang ! Die alte Kanone macht sich gut .. immer wieder eine Überraschung bei Euch in der Gegend!
    Hab einen guten Wochenstart Liebes!

  13. Good job the last leaf didn't fall it might have put me off me porridge! Great art page again and you make the most wonderful backgrounds with blot up pages.

    The face is beautiful as always and great that you use your own photographs in such amazing ways.

    Beautiful photographs today. Can't believe how many flowers are still in bloom the streets look wonderful.

    Happy new week

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Well, I wouldn't want to put you off your porridge, would I?!

  14. Hi Valerie...
    Two gorgeous artworks - the first piece has such lovely warm and cheerful colours (just as well the wind wasn't blowing on 'that leaf' when you took the photo ha ha )
    Had a sky like yours this morning too.. was hoping for clear skies tonight to see the Leonids meteor showers but looks like will be cloudy.
    Have a great day.... Gill xx

  15. Wonderful pages Valerie, the face is beautiful and I hope the leaf stays where it is.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Beautiful pages Valerie, a well placed leaf, to fire the thoughts. Love your face painting as well as all the super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Wonderful Autumn pages, and i love the placement of the oak leaf! teehee
    Jackie xo

  18. There are still some leaves hanging on, but soon they will be gone. Your artwork is beautiful and it made me smile :) Have a great week, xx

  19. Beautiful pieces today Valerie, love the perfectly placed leaf...hilarious!! Gorgeous shots of your walk. hugs :)

  20. Poor David...everyone is always worried his leaf will move :) Great art again today! You always manage to get the colors just right :) Beautiful photos. It is wet and chilly here but our weekend was fantastic :)

  21. Oooh, 99 faces?! Haven't heard of this yet - I love what you did - and your David piece is so warm and pretty, if he doesn't mind my saying that ;) Have a great week~! xoxo

  22. Orange ist ganz klar deine Lieblingsfarbe, nicht wahr! Das Face ist auch gelungen.
    ... ist doch erstaunlich, dass Mitte noch die Geranien in den Städten blühen! LG Ulrike

    1. Wie kommst Du drauf dass Orange meine Lieblingsfarbe ist?

  23. HI Valerie, Just love your art pieces and I am really enjoying the 99 faces. Your so creative and each and every treasure is one of a kind. I tell ya, you could have a showing in a gallery.
    Lovely walking pics. Storming and chilly here. brrrrr. Have a great week. xo

  24. Such wonderful bright colours in your art page and I love the flower garlands on your beautiful lady.


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