
Saturday 28 November 2015

Sunday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.

Our challenge at Art Journal Journey is nearly over, on Tuesday a new challenge will be starting. I have more work for 'inspired by the colours of autumn' today. I made an A3 mixed media page. The central part was digitally made, using a photo and a drawing to make the background and eyes, with some digital add ons from Algeradesign and Dezinaworld. The background was painted in autumn colours and I added some stenciled patterns.
I am also linking to 99 faces

For June's cheeky challenge the theme this week is cowboy.
I one again used autumn colours. The background is a photo taken last week. The horses are also my photos, as are the flying geese. The cowboy was googled.

The ducks were happy swimming around in circles:

The heron decided to go for a walk with the lady and her dog:

And why? The heron didn't like the company of dozens of geese, gulls and ducks which suddenly descended and disturbed his peace:

The heron was looking for fish as always:

And was actively mobbed by ducks who swam circles round him - I saw the same thing with a gull recently! He looked most indignant, and then took off to look for quieter fishing grounds!

The Magpie is a frequent visitor to my balcony - here he is trying to not to look interested....

This little chappie also visits a lot, much to the annoyance of the tits (chickadees) who think that the balcony is their territory.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What beautiful autumn art, I love the colors. Such lovely art! Beautiful photos too, you take great bird pictures!

  2. As always, I love your colourful art and wonderful photos. You have a lot of patience with the birds! Hugs, Sarah

  3. With colours that most definitely speak of Autumn, they are positively glowing and I love the image of the child at the window.

  4. Lovely wildlife photos! I like the window in your AJJ piece.Good old John Wayne too!

  5. Beautiful bird photos today! And I love your cowboy digital piece! Its got great depth. And your AJJ piece is perfect. I lvoe the boy in the window and the little man above the window. He's a riot. Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  6. I am so enjoying your lovely projects Valerie, the colours, the images, drawings are so delightful to view and along with my journey of your wonderous photos.xx
     { aNNie}

  7. I like your John Wayne cowboy – the silhouette, the colors, the horses – it all fits perfectly together. Your photos are also telling a story for sure. A very enjoyable post.

  8. I was super impressed with the autumn inspired art. I really liked the background and the way you added the stenciling. Subtle, but effective.

    The John Wayne inspired cowboy was great, and I see you added some of your photos to it, too.

    As always, I enjoy your walks. This one was fun because it was great to see a heron. I had seen hundreds one year while on a business trip when I took an out-of-the-way side trip to marshes where they were visiting on their flight south. Have a super Sunday, dear Valerie.

  9. oohh wow,was für eine tolle seite,und die ducks sind ja süss,die haben wohl hunger
    wünsch dir einen schönen 1,advendt,ich backe nachher wieder bananenbrot,ich schick dir schon mal ein stückchen rüber.

    hugs jenny

  10. Wow.. wie vielschichtig und beeindruckend Deine Seite heute ist und die Cowboy-Arbeit find ich auch super gelungen- Die Aufnahmen sind genial.. die Vögelchen haben es mir angetan.... Ihr habt eine tolle Fauna - und Du fotografierst einfach großartig!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag!

  11. Terrific pages today with the Autumn colours. You have made the most amazing pages all month as you always do.

    Love the photographs and especially he one with the heron going for a walk with the lady and the dog-fantastic.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I never saw a heron walking so near to a dog before!

  12. Beautiful pieces today, love the John Wayne quote. You have so many wonderful creatures where you live, great job capturing them all on camera to share! I look forward to finding some of my own in the spring. Magpies are brilliant! hugs :)

  13. Gorgeous collage and as always I love your photographs. Happy Sunday to you ! Shirleyxx

  14. Wonderful page love that little whimsical chubby guy at the top and the eyes peeking out! Wow love the heron and the adorable little bird photos great post!! Who didn't love John Wayne...great quote!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. Always love your this and that. Beautiful page Valerie. Great John Wayne quote. You walking pics are beautiful and the heron are stunning birds. xo

  16. Fantastic pages with fabulous images, Valerie. The cowboy is amazing and a great quote. The bird photos are very beautiful.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Terrific cowboy collage and great words to go with it...well done.

  18. Very imaginative journal page and John Wayne reminds me of matinée movies when I was very young. Great photos of the Heron, they are quite majestic, and magpies are always fun. I have one at my balcony too, it tries to hide under our rotting sofa and answers when I speak to it :)

    Love and hugs

  19. Love your horses!! This A3 is amazeballs! Those colors are fire lickin good and so Autumnal. I find that face to be mysterious and brooding-excellent feeling to the face! As usual, your photos are so fun. Love all the animals. Hugz! ~Niki

  20. Valerie, your colorful page today contains a lot making it a very special addition to your autumn journal. However, my favorite is your cowboy page with your horse photos included, and the photos of the heron. They are very skittish here and fly off at the smallest sound should we go out in the yard to snap a photo. I have yet caught them in flight with their huge wing span.
    Another week already. Hope it treats you well.

  21. A beautiful autumn collage page, the face in the background is fantastic and I love the image in the window frame. The cowboy looks very macho, another super page. Awesome photos, geese and myself keep well apart, one of the local farms keep them and the chase anyone walking past.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Beautiful, bright page. I love the branches.

  23. Hallo Valerie Du Multitalent! Kein Wunder, bei Dir den John Wayne zu finden!
    Wunderbar zu wissen, wo er derzeit weilt!
    Herzlich P.

  24. gorgeous journal work! and as always, loving your photos! xo

  25. deine gesamt-Collage dieses monats zeigt nochmal so schön die feurigen Herbstfarben - wir wurden ja wirklich bis mitte November verwöhnt! vielen dank für dein eifriges Engagement bei artjournaljourney, eine tolle challenge!
    ich bin sicher, du fütterst die vögel gut über den winter und bekommst so noch mehr dieser schönen Nahaufnahmen. die Elstern sind bei uns ganz schön frech. und die kleineren kommen leider nicht so nah, dass ich mit meinem Fotoapparat gute aufnahmen machen könnte.
    take care & Keep warm, auf in einen neuen challengemonat!

  26. You all!! tee heehee You made me laugh out loud Valerie!
    That last little bird with the orange heart shaped breast is just darling! So sweet!
    Your cowboy piece is fab- I really love your digital combos- you do it so well!
    On the first piece -I think my fav is that lil man atop the window- sorta like a leprechaun!
    Have a good 1st day of advent my friend!

  27. An amazing cowboy collage and a lovely journal page, love your photos with different birds.

  28. An amazing cowboy collage and a lovely journal page, love your photos with different birds.

  29. I love seeing your posts. there is always lots to see and some gorgeous photos. Your creation using the JW quote is fabulous i love the silhouette type feel of it. Brilliant. Thanks for joining in the challenge.

  30. You have the best birds in your window - now that we are in Florida I no longer have them - boo hoo.
    Sandy xx

  31. What a fabulous page - so many things to look at! I love how the horses have made an appearance in your digital picture! Great photos once again! Chrisx

  32. Beautiful colors, art and photos!

  33. Beautiful colors, art and photos!


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