
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Mid week mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, I have another hybrid collage, using my photos and art work. I added  Banksy's little girl with the balloon (stencilry) and some bubbles.

For Wen's Simply Neutrals I made another hybrid collage. The fish are from Itkupilli, all the rest is made from my own art/photos.

These 2 photos fit Wen's theme, too:

On Sunday we had beautiful weather. This raven was waiting for his breakfast in the early morning:

Here I have digitally cut out the background and changed it to a PNG file,  (with a transparent background) so please feel free to down load and use this one in your own work if you like it.

We have had wonderful sunrises in the past few days, I love seeing the morning sun dispelling the frost and mist.

My long shadow accompanies me on my walks:

The leaves of the pollard willows were gleaming like silver in the sun:

Frozen leaves:

There was ice on the little swamp:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What an incredible posting, so much art, creativity and talent. You've set your bar very high, Valerie. Just love this one!

  2. Amazing colages and wonderful photos again!

  3. Great collages again and wonderful photos! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Really unique talent and work, well done!

  5. I LOVE your digital collages lately Valerie. It is so cool you've been using your photos to make these pieces. They are beautiful. Your photos today are pretty nice too!

  6. So many great pieces to choose from. I really like the neutral collage:)
    Have a good one, Young One.

  7. I love your page today!!! I'm so thrilled to see your beautiful photos included on your art journal pages. And, more photos today to share with us. Thank you. I was taken back by the one of the trees that line the path. They look so bare without their leaves. I need to go back and find your earlier photo with the autumn colored leaves and compare the two. (Perhaps you could do something like that on a journal page for autumn.) It would be awesome.


  8. Beautiful work - both photos and art. I enjoy seeing nature and you captured it so well.

  9. wow,tolle seiten hast du gemacht,ich bin begeistert,gefallen mir mega gut.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  10. As always, I love your hybrid AJJ journal page, and your lovely neutrals page. It is lovely, as is the face.

    I was out early yesterday morning and stepped on a block of ice. Quite a surprise for me, and now I can relate to your little swamp and frozen leaves. Lovely art and nature shots, as always, dear.

  11. Lovely work and wonderful photos Valerie!

  12. Was für geniale Arbeiten heute wieder - wunderschön! Die neutral stimmige Gesichtsseite ist ganz besonders schön - und absolut herrliche Fotos - da überleg ich fast ob ich nicht doch rausgehen schmackhaft machst DU einem die Natur - aber ne.. zu kalt für mich heute....war eben im Garten und es schneit zuviel und Wind geht auch --das fühlt sich gleich nochmal so kalt an. Dein Krähenfreebie hab ich mir geschnappt- danke!
    Einen schönen Tag Valerie!

  13. A wonderful and beautiful blend of your photos and artwork, Valerie! Your collages are beautiful and so interesting. And the photos, so gorgeous, the mushrooms, the ice on the leaves, the beautiful nature around you. A wonderful post! Wishing you a happy day and sending you sunny smiles! xx

  14. Terrific mix for your page today and always good to see yoiu using your own photographs in such wonderful ways. Love the neutrals with the very classy things you have found for the collage.

    Your photographs today are wonderful with the frozen leaves and also nice to see the long legged lady back with you.

    Have a great day-will email later

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Both collages are beautiful, I love how you've used your photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Fabulous designed creations as always, Your own designed images and awesome papers.xx

     { aNNie}

  17. Cool collage page, very ethereal. Love your crow and teasel, shadows and shrooms. Tree mushrooms always are so otherworldly. Happy Wednesday. xox

  18. Hi Valerie. Your collages are so beautiful and so different from the mainstream. What a great photographer you are! Of course, I am attracted to anything featuring birds, so I especially appreciate the time you spent on making that freebie available to all of us. Hugs, Sue

  19. Fabulous collaged pages Valerie. Love todays photos.
    Avril xx

  20. Beautiful pieces today, love the seashells collage. That photo of the frozen leaves is incredible! Our skies are quite brilliant in the morning now too, winter em. hugs :)

  21. Zwei wunderschöne Kollagen sind das! Mir gefällt die erste ganz besonders gut ... sie ist so stimmungsvoll! Schöne Fotos sind auch heute wieder zu bewundern ... herzlichen Dank dafür!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  22. Fabulouis collages, the second one is unique. Great photos, specially the frozen leaves.
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Nice pages, Valerie - both so different. Especially like the cut out you did of the girl -- very attractive. Walk looks beautiful and sunny. It's sunny here today, though COLD ... ice on the windows of the car this morning! A little over the top for me.. lol. Take care, hugs, Donna

  24. I love how you capture so much of the beauty all around you, even in your long shadow.
    The face combined with the elegant embroidery is beautiful.

  25. Gosh Valerie, everything here is really wonderful.
    Again I love your neutral piece, love the digital cut out of the raven, your AJJ piece with the Banksy girl is so inventive, that's a tremendous photo of the teasel, the frozen leaves, the pollarded trees walk.......I could go on and on.
    I really enjoyed this post.

  26. Both of the pages look fantastic, the Banksy girl on the first one is a lovely silhouette..
    Super photos again today, .
    Yvonne xx

  27. Wow Valerie! I love your neutrals! The hybrid page is fabulous! Your photos are brilliant - love the icy swamp! Chrisx

  28. Your art is very good today!!! Love all of the details and layers. And then there are those photos ♥♥♥♥ You have captured the feeling of late fall with them :)

  29. Hi Valerie, your artwork is gorgeous. Love your photos and the pretty fall colors.
    Have a nice weekend ahead. xo

  30. Hi Valerie,
    to be honest I don't know what a hybrid collage is but they are beautiful:)
    Love, love the photo with the raven.
    Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.

    1. Hybrid is combining various pieces of art and or photo digitally.

  31. Loving your images! And that thistle! You could have fun with that photo!

  32. Love your collage play Valerie! I must learn digital! you inspire me so! hugs my friend!

  33. It's really good to see your wonderful photo's used in your artwork Valerie, love it! xx

  34. Wowzer! Gorgeous photos Valerie! and beautiful art work too. You are so unique and creative. So glad I found this wonderful post! Have a nice week, Karen O

  35. Hello Valerie, Thanks for a wonderful post. Your digital art is very interesting, and you are so lucky to be out in such beautiful natural landscapes. I love that prickly thistle :)


  36. Yes I am still looking -- love the eye in the sea.
    Sandy xx


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