
Thursday 5 November 2015

A crown for Leonardo

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by again, and it's Thursday already. We are still enjoying good, autumn weather, so that's something.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, and for Moo Mania and More, crowns,  I have another digitally altered mixed media page. I think Leonardo's work and thoughts were definitely worthy of a crown. The background was painted, collaged and stamped. The quote I have used here is from Shakespeare. I used add ons from Itkupilli and unknown.

Some photos from today's walk. in the first photo the stream looks dark, but the sun was lighting up the stream on the  other side of the bridge:

The time before sunrise is always very special:

One lonely gull was watching me down at the shore:

We  had beautiful and ever changing skies all day:

The little market is right by the Rhine, and it is always tempting to see what good things are on display.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, your digital collage is beautiful and so are the photographs. You have the most wonderful walks. It's funny to read you saying it's Thursday as it's still Wednesday evening here :) Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  2. Great DaVinci piece today. I love that little policeman you snuck in there. I also love your photos. We are also have some beautiful November weather and you have to love it! Have a great day!

  3. My pic of all the pretties are the stream photos:)

  4. Brilliant post again, love the gorgeous collage and the photos are my inspiration of the day.
    I have a new blog due to google plus playing a game or two on my old one and I don't know how to change it all without losing my followers comments. If you have the time I would be honoured if you would follow me again.
    Here is a link to my new one..  { aNNie}

  5. You may not believe this, but I have a rubber stamp of the Vitruvian Man and almost used him for today's entry rather than my tiger. I'm glad I didn't because your beautiful photo would have put mine to shame. I certainly love your crowned Vitruvian and the autumn colors you chose for him. I thought your policeman on top of the building added a bit of humor, too.

    Those contrails are really exciting to see. I know you said you live near an airport, but I always enjoy seeing the vapor they leave behind in the sky. Hope you are having a wonderful day, dear.

    1. The airport is one of the reasons why we have such lovely skies here, as they cause a lot of haze which gives wonderful effects. There are other, more negative effects, too, but I try to concentrate on the good ones!

  6. Love your work for today, very beautiful, and Leonardo and Shakespeare make a wonderful combination.. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Interesting effect of the light on that stream. Lovely page!

  8. Also wenn einer eine Krone verdient hat, ist es ganz sicher Leonardo. Das hast Du wunderschön umgesetzt, liebe Valerie. Ein schönes Thema, das viel Raum für Interpretationen läßt. Und ganz klar paßt es auch in die Vorweihnachtszeit :)

    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir
    Deine Erika

  9. Such a beautiful page Valerie with so much depth added with the wonderful images. The quote is terrific.

    Stunning photographs that are so bright and cheerful on this dark, wet morning. Love the plane lines in the sky and I wanted to add notes to them to make music :)

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Deine Collage ist herrlich und der Spruch passt auf uns, oder? Super! Was für tolle Fotos wieder - schwärm! Einen schönen Tag Valerie!

  11. A superb collage Valerie. We are still having quite mild weather here but it's rather dark and gloomy although the fireworks will light up the sky tonight! Xx

  12. Beautiful piece today Valerie. Your shots of the autumn leaves are hitting home with me now. I can see how you get inspired by your surroundings, I have just a touch of the beautiful nature that you have and I am just loving every minute of it. hugs :)

  13. Stunning photos of that stream!!
    Love Leonardo as well! heehee xo

  14. Wonderful DaVinci piece you created liebe Valerie.
    I so enjoy taking walks with you along the Rhine...
    so much beauty and majesty with your artists eyes.

  15. I really like this "crown" piece. There is something mysterious about it. Again your photos take me on a trip. The market looks really good. Wonder what the prices are. LOL
    Have a very nice day

    1. Good stuff but rather expensive! I think they charge for the view!

  16. Beautiful journal page today, and your photos always a joy to view. We had frost this morning making for a cool morning. Looking forward to you adventure tomorrow.

  17. Gorgeous and inspiring artwork Valerie - love the colours and imagery... and isn't that a nice quote - simple - but so lovely.
    As always a joy to see your photos - the first two, I could just sit there all day by that stream enjoying the view.
    Love the photo of the tree with, is it berries or just reddish leaves? - it looks like someone is laidback, sitting in the branches ( the denser bit at top being the head)
    Hope you have had a great day
    Gill xx

  18. This is my new favorite design of yours. The colors and that quote are fantabulous, and so true! Awesome sauce design and details. Thanks for sharing more pictures! Hugz.

  19. Wonderful layering and collage work, your photos are lovely too.

  20. A beautiful piece inspired by Autumn's golden colours and thanks as always for sharing your peaceful Autumn walks and skies, you are indeed enjoying this magical season!

  21. Fantastic page with fabulous autumn colours and images. Lovely photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  22. An awesome collage page , Great crown for Leonardo's figure, very regal he looks.
    Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Wonderful collage and pics.
    Guess what I got today?...a big beautiful envelope filled with joy!! From you!!
    Thank you so much. Hugs.

  24. Hi Valerie, your art page is gorgeous. Love the crown for Leonardo. I always enjoy your walking pics.
    You capture the best shots with your camera. Beautiful fall colors there. We don't see much of that here in Texas. Raining today with high winds and under a tornado watch. Have a nice weekend.

  25. A crown and then some for this genius. Great page. Love that photo of the contrails in the sky. xox

  26. Your page is great! Leonardo does deserve a crown :) Love the photos too... You have much more color than we do this fall and it's a joy to see it.

  27. Wow, diese Collage ist unglaublich toll geworden, Valerie!
    ...und so klasse Fotos wieder. Irre, das Bild mit den 4 Kondenzstreifen am Himmel, sowas sieht man ja auch nicht allzu häufig. Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  28. Gorgeous page, Valerie. I love the texture in it.
    Have a great weekend.

  29. This really is a fantastic page - fabulous images! Your photos really show off the wonderful area where you live - we have had rain most of the day - nothing like the weather forecast we saw this morning! Chrisx

  30. LOVE your page for AJJ! But I have to say I LOVE your photos as well!!! You definitely have an eye for photography.

  31. Beautiful collage! Why didn't Leonardo think of that crown? It looks just perfect!


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