
Wednesday 7 October 2015

New Challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

My journal page today is meant for the new challenge at
show patterns. 
You have 2 weeks to join us with your creations, so hope to see lots of you there.
I drew a face and doodled her hair and eyebrows. I kept the colours minimal, as I find these sort of patterns look better in black and white. The birds were added with a Dina Wakley stencil and the houses with an 'anonymous' stencil.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, architecture, 49 Faces and Kim Dellow's show your face.

Here 2 digitally altered versions:

The photos are from the weekend, I really have to stay home for a few days and rest, not something I like, but it's necessary.

Here you can see the new railings they are erecting along the Rhine:

And these photos were taken in Zons, a little town from the middle ages, a few kilometres up the Rhine from here.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yes do get the needed rest Valerie. A lovely page today and I enjoyed the photos. I guess it is a safety railing on the Rhine?

  2. I may have to pass on the Moo Mania theme this time, since I don't doodle. Of course, I really, really LIKE what you did. Very patterny indeed. OK, that may not be a word, but it fits.

    I loved the photos from today, and had to look up Zons on a map. What a lovely old place and that windmill was beautiful. As always, your Rhine photos show beauty and boats that make the Rhine the most traveled river in the world. Feel better soon, and stay in bed as long as possible. You may get bored, but you'll feel better in the end.

  3. Beautiful work as always, love the photos, too. Take care, and REST! That means not working! Hugs, Sarah

  4. An amazing page with the wonderful face and the artwork on the hair. Great to do a combined page for the challenges.

    Love the photographs and the new railings look like the railings on the side of a ship..I thought you were onboard

    Hope you are starting to feel better

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Love your doodles, Valerie .. and I think I am intrigued by the digital 'blue face' ... it's so different. Frankly, I think it's a shame when barriers appear anywhere ... alas. Lovely photos of the barges along the Rhine ... I would imagine there is quite a lot of traffic along this major waterway. Hope you feel somewhat better today ... take good care of yourself. hugs, Donna

  6. Eine wunderbare Seite und natürlich gefallen mir die gedoodelten Haare!!! Ich finde es immer wieder faszinierend, wie sich der Charakter eines Bildes durch die Veränderung des Farbschemas verändert!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  7. Fantastische Haarpracht hast Du dieser Schönen verpasst - was für eine Geduld Du hast ! Und absolut raffiniert mit allen Challenges kombiniert!
    Deine verschiedenen Versionen davon sehen interessant aus!
    Sehr stylische Geländer haben sie montiert und die Mühle ist ein Augenschmaus!

    Werd bald gesund!

    1. Wenn ich mehr Haare hätte würde ich es bei mir versuchen!

  8. That's a fun patterned hair-style, the birds are all saying "look at that" as they fly by.
    I wonder if these new railings are the right height to lean on, they look a bit high?
    Love the tower and the windmill, the village of Zons sounds worth a visit.
    Get better soon, Valerie, have a nice rest.

    1. They are a bit high to lean on, but thanks to the extra rungs, very easy to climb over, even for old ladies. I am trying to rest and be good, staying home with pneumonia is NOT my ticket!

  9. Are you feeling any better? Its tough sitting home but it will put you back on your feet a lot quicker! Love your face today. I like the little pop of color- makes it so much more dramatic, and I love the doodled hair! Get some rest! :)

  10. Fabulous zentangling patterns!! just gorgeous!
    And the photos of that windmill!!! OMGosh- I am awestruck- I have only seen graphics and never before a real up close photo- simply incredible and beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing these! xo

  11. Great minds think alike! You used architectural elements and a quote to feature your awesome portrait too. Blessings!

  12. So that's what a Moo is! Love your contribution!

    Loved the pictures of the Rhine. I used to put our visitors on the Rhine Steamer at Cologne, then motor to Koblenz (spl) where I would sit sketching, and then pick them up from Mainze.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Look at that "tangle" hair. Fabulous. So is that windmill. xox

  14. Love today's beautiful lady and the tangles in her hair look awesome.. Super photos from the weekend.
    Hope you are taking it easy and looking after yourself.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  15. Valerie, I love the zen tangle hair on your page today. You did a fantastic job! Hope you feel stronger tomorrow. Relax, have an extra cup of coffee and take the best care of YOU.
    Hugs and well wishes,

  16. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Where do you find all these fantastic quotes!!!! Love your pictures today too. When it comes to old - there is nothing like the real thing!!!!
    sandy xx

  17. love all the detail on her hair. fun and lots of work.

    lovely to see your world also.

  18. Just Beautiful Valerie. The quote is fantastic. Love the photos and the windmill is awesome.
    Happy Wednesday! cm

  19. Been thinking of you Valerie
    Hope you are taking it easy and starting to feel better..
    Wonderful photos, especially loved the windmill.
    I love LOVE your journal page and her fabulous Zentangled hair and great quote! She is really beautiful.
    take care......... Gill xx

  20. You definitely nailed it showing patterns Valerie. She is so fun - love her puffy lips but her hair is her crowning glory. How in the world you came up with so many different ways to add the patterns. AWESOME!!! What a fancy new rail for the Rhine. Now people will sit on it and fall over - eheheheh!!! Just teasing - hopefully not!!! What fun to see Zons. It just amazes me what they could building in the middle ages that has stood the test of time. You have such wonderful things to see all around you. I love seeing your world - thank you! j.

  21. I love the different colors you used in your pattern, especially the indigo:)
    Thank you so much for downloading Ghost For Sale. That really meant a lot to me.
    Hugs, friend,

  22. Wonderful face Valerie, I think the doodling gives her and Egyptian look!
    Great photos of the old town, but do stay home and rest until you are well again.
    Hugs, Avril, xx

  23. Jeez I take a a few days off and everyone is sick it seems. That nasty pneumonia is nothing ti ignore so I'm glad you are staying in and taking care of yourself! Us OLD FARTS don't bounce back the way we used to your know! ☺GREAT ART AND PHOTOS!

    1. You are so right dear Carol, that made me laugh!

  24. Love the doodled hair; so cool.

  25. Brilliant! Love the doodle hair and the composition and then the way the piece changes with the different colours! Fab! Thanks again for joining Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  26. What fabulous doodled hair - she's wonderful!
    Alison x


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