
Saturday 26 September 2015

Van Gogh, mushrooms and birds

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another Van Gogh imitation to share with you. I just love painting in his style, with the swirls and movement. The smaller painting in the middle was placed on an A3 page where I continued the painting and  added the birds with a Dina Wakley stencil. I painted a shadow-man walking by in the foreground, who is not obscuring the view but has become part of it.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, through my window.

At this time of year the mushrooms and toadstools are springing up everywhere:

The Egyptian wild geese were down at the Rhine again:

The starlings are getting ready to fly away:

The cormorant was keeping watch:

And more fungi I saw on my way home through the park:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your Vincent Van Gogh inspired page. Blessings!

  2. I can tell you love the Van Gogh style because your piece is so full of joy. And the shadow man is perfect. I love how he is not totally dark and blocking the background underneath him. There are so many cool mushrooms aren't there? I have been noticing all the fungi around here too. But that white hairy looking one with the black trim is quite amazing-kind of looks like a high fashion skirt. Enjoy your day!

  3. Love your Van Gogh interpretation. You had a most interesting walk, I have never seen a frilly mushroom like that 2nd one. And what colourful geese.

  4. Wonderful art and photos again, you always manage to see so many things when you are out. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  5. Such a show of fungi Valerie and wonderfully clear photography. Love the bird ones as well.

    You do the Van Gogh style so well and always use great colours to bring out the texture.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. What a wonderful painting for your art journal.... you can see that you are lead towards the tree by the figure walking that way, and the birds flying in that direction too. Gorgeous photos... wow the mushroom that looks like its hung with fringing!!

  7. Oh my goodness - your Van Gogh artwork is just amazing Valerie. - I love it!
    What a wonderful selection of fungi too, I'm imagining them in a lovely risotto - yummy.. LOL
    You always see so many fascinating things on your walks.
    Have a great day............ Gill xx

  8. Wunderbar ist die Seite.. die Treansparenz und die Bewegung wirkt traumhaft schön!
    So viele schöne Bilder ..heuer dürfte wirklich wieder ein verrücktes Pilzjahr sein..hier sieht man sie an den unmöglichsten Stellen sprießen auch!

    Hab einen feinen Samstag liebe Valerie!

  9. You take the most amazing photos, and as you say, they sure don't look edible...but great pics of the mushies...
    Fabulous work of art with the most amazing colours.xx

  10. Hi Val - I do love the imitation art work - Van Gogh created magic through is creative thoughts and paintings. Those mushrooms might have had something to do with his creativity ... but am glad to see you're not trying to decide which are edible and which are not. Fungi are just extraordinary to see - nature's creative genius at work ... cheers Hilary

  11. Valerie! I see why you love painting in Van Gogh's style and you are so prolific at this style!
    Your page is gorgeous!!
    I LOVE that hairy mushroom as well!!

    1. Yes, they are very fascinating, I see new ones nearly every day.

  12. A wonderful Van Gough style painting, the shadow man looks great and draws you into the picture. Fantastic photos, the fungi do look edible but I would need an expert before I would try any.
    Yvonne xx

  13. You do Van Gogh in such a great Valerie way. This is super. Love the man in front too. And the mushrooms - dear me. One of those looks like - what was it - "the it or the thing" on the Adams family. Heheheheh. I have never seen a toadstool like that one - wow. My Daddy used to bring us mushrooms from the woods and fry them for us - there was nothing better. Makes my mouth water. None of our mushrooms around here are edible. These are such great pictures. As always thanks for sharing your world! j.

  14. Good Morning Valerie, You have Van Gogh's style mastered. What a awesome work.Great impressive page! Very interesting mushrooms and you captured great pics. Have a nice weekend. cm

  15. I am so impressed with your Van Gogh knock offs!!!!
    Sandy xx

  16. Such a lovely painting. Of course, I've long loved Van Gogh. Since I was a little girl!

  17. I like the mushrooms! - but not for eating.
    Your Van Gogh is fantastic with the swirl of the birds and the shadow man.
    That's such a good photo of the cormorant sitting on the red triangle thing, a great contrast between man-made object and bird.

    1. Glad you like the mushrooms, too! They are beautiful, but perhaps not all good for eating! I think the confidant knows that it looks good there!

  18. Brilliant Van Gough piece Valerie, I love your shadow man, he's really part of the piece. You have a great collection of mushrooms there, - love the hairy one - it reminds me of the 70's when everyone wore wigs. My mum used to put hers on a stand at night and it looked just like your 'shroom lol xx

    1. I will be thinking of wigs now every time I see one of those mushrooms!

  19. Fantastic and wonderful Van Gough style artwork. I also love your mushroom photos, amazing ! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Shirleyxx

  20. You really are good in this style! The mushroompics are amazing!

  21. You do a fantastic job Van Gogh style, Valerie, completing another journal page. Will you bind them into a booklet? Your fungi/mushrooms are very interesting as ours all look the same. I added a digital piece from my photos of the mushrooms that popped up in our yard and posted it to my digital blog prior to the Happy Buddha art. Your photos are so clear and outstanding. I am going to save your photo of the lacey looking mushroom to use down the road in an art piece. It is amazing and appears so delicate.


  22. I love the swirling sky with the soaring birds in your art page.
    Great photos. Love all the different mushrooms.

  23. Love the art ♥ That second mushroom is so fascinating!!! I have never seen one like that before :)

  24. I kept thinking I had missed a post and finally found it. My computer and internet are so slow, I think I skipped over it when I looked a few minutes ago.

    I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past how much I love Van Gogh. You do him SO well, whether it's his older work or the work he did right before he died. This latest piece is spectacular.

    AH, the starlings. They are something to see, aren't they? They blacken the sky overhead where I live, and they have become a problem at a local small airport. Your photo of them is lovely against the sky.

    I'm always in awe of what you find on your walks. What others would pass up, you find beauty in. Those mushrooms are magnificently photographed. So interesting to see life through your lens.

  25. Love your fabulous Van Gogh interpretation, you've really captured his style.
    Hugs, Mar

  26. Mushrooms invading for sure, here too. Murmurations of starlings too and the geese are flocking up. Nice page. Soon the crows will be gathering by the millions and we will know the snows will fly. xox

  27. I love this window - you have an amazing talent!! I love your fungi pics and I wonder how far your starlings will fly! We often go to the reed beds near the caravan in November to see the murmurations at dusk and it never fails to fascinate me! We have seen several flocks of geese heading their way there - hearing them first as the go overhead! Chrisx


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