
Wednesday 16 September 2015

The view from my window

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Through my window, I made another A3 mixed media page featuring 'my' tree, the moon and the stars. The lady who lives in the apartment under me always has a bright light on, which lights up the birch tree and often makes it look white. I used a CWS stencil for the tree, and blue and black acrylic paint for the background.

For 49 Faces and Kim Dellow's show your face I am sharing 
the last of the summer sketches from the ice parlour:

Yesterday evening the sky was filled with clouds, sunshine and a rainbow:

Today we had a  stormy start to the day:

I love how the sunlight was reflected on the leaves at the top of the trees:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your tree. I can picture the white light and the tree outside your window, and that is a very cool page you made on based on that image. I love the rainbow. I bet that woman enjoyed her ice cream. She looks really happy. Enjoy your day!

  2. LOVE your tree too, it's amazing and your ideas are just as amazing. Love the rainbow in the clouds, what a beautiful set of photos....and Your face, you are soooo good at the look of her, she makes one feel

  3. Lovely effect of the tree you have shown. Another nice face and what a beautiful rainbow you captured!

  4. Love the white tree, a very romantic picture, love it. Great face and photos, too, I think that lady was enjoying herself! Have a fun day, hope you are feeling better, hugs, Sarah

  5. Love the tree through the window and the touch of blue stands out so well..

    What a beautiful and happy lady you found to sketch Valerie she certainly is eye catching in your artwork version of her.

    The photographs are amazing with such beauty and drama. Natures palette has so many wonderful colours

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Heute fang ich mit den genilaen Aufnahmen an, die ich richtig toll finde und das Gesicht ist meiner Ansicht nach ebenfalls spitze . Die schöne Seite mit diesem fast haikumäßigem Text finde ich herrlich!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  7. tolle neu Wortschöpfung "genilae" ..
    das ist die Steigerung bzw Genetiv von "genial"-zwinker!

    1. Ich hab's neulich noch besser hingekriegt ,mit 'genital', so kann man Leute zum Lachen bringen!

  8. der stencil macht sich hier hervorragend mit dem tollen dunklen nachthintergrund! und einen regenbogen hab ich auch schon länger nicht mehr gesehen, fällt mir dabei auf... schöne Fotos!

  9. Dein Foto von diesem Regenbogen-Stück ist fantastisch!
    ... aber auch dein Baum gefällt mir sehr vor dem Blau! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  10. Love your tree Valerie, I can imagine it framed and up on a wall :)
    Lovely happy face, love her expression.
    Fabulous photos, lovely skies and rainbow and especially adore the last two, amazing skies love the colours.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday...... Gill xxx

  11. Your white tree is so beautiful against the blue background and the face is fabulous - beautiful photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Oh my! Your tree looks amzing - such a contrast between the white and the blue... gorgeous! Love the your face drawing... great details... and the!

  13. Love that tree. And our faces are quite good. Must be fun to sketch people you see. Everybody is showing rainbows lately. xox

  14. Love your tree page, it looks quite ghostly against the dark sky. The face she has wonderful features, she looks a jovial kind of person.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Really cool technique for the tree. Cute face; it really shows her personality. Love that rainbow.

  16. Hi Valerie, lovely tree page perfect for the fall season. Your face design is beautiful. Love the sky shots and the rainbow is beautiful. xo

  17. Great art!!! You have some most awesome stencils ♥♥♥ Love the face too and those photos are stunning .... Have a great day or evening which ever nay be the case here... the time thing is alluding me today :)

  18. That tree stencil is awesome sauce! Wonderful use of the acrylics! Your face is totes wow! Thanks for sharing the pics of your lovely sunset as well. ~Niki

  19. Valerie, I really like how you use your surroundings to create your journal pages and face drawings. You do such an excellent job and inspire so many of us. We have also had rain but no rainbows. I'm off to the dentist today for my final visit for the root canal.


    1. Good luck, had a long session at the dentist for my root canal.

  20. I love your tree art! I bet your tree looks beautiful bathed in white light. What an amazing rainbow--so lucky you caught it in a photo!

  21. Wow! love your white tree! Your wonderful lady 's face made me smile - although I wish she would share what is making her smile! Once again Valerie -beautiful photos! Sorry to have taken so long to get round to your blog! Chrisx

  22. Gorgeous tree, Valerie! Also love those pictures.

  23. Your tree looks wonderful liebe Valerie!
    Almost like you photo shopped it with the INVERT feature.
    Love how you find inspiration all around you ♥ AND turn it into ART.
    What a powerful and beautiful wide Wow!
    p.s. I will miss playing along with AJJ and seeing everyone's creations.
    We leave for 2 weeks on Ocracoke Island this weekend.
    See you in October ♥

  24. I hope you realize I'm trying to catch up, because this is the only time I seem to have on the computer of late.

    I adore that beautiful tree. It is gorgeous. I love that it is in the night sky.

    The woman is beautiful. Does it ever bother the people you are sketching? I like that you find people you don't know and copy their faces.

    Of course, I was in awe of that rainbow. You were in the right place with the right atmosphere at the right time.

  25. WOW! What a stunning post Valerie!! Your sketch of the woman is wonderful.
    Your gorgeous tree and that rainbow- so bold and vivid!! A beautiful day indeed!! xoxo

  26. Lots of fantastic! Love the tree and great sketch too and lovely photos. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  27. One of my favorite posts - that tree painting is spectacular. Again, I think you have yourself a very good camera - look at how you captured that rainbow. Amazing!! It's no wonder why I think of you as Vibrant Valerie!!
    Sandy xx

  28. I agree with Sandy, your tree really is spectacular and the face is wonderful too, AND you take amazing photographs! xx


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