
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Picasso, coconut bars and coffee

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week got off to a good start.

For Art Journal Journey, through my window, I made a journal page. I found a photo of Picasso standing at a window in an old magazine I was leafing through. I copied it several times, did some fussy cutting,and changed the parts round a bit to make a Picasso-like treatment of his photos, which I then collaged to an A3 page painted with gesso.
The quotes are all from Picasso, too.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'something old.something new'. I used an old stencil and stamps, together with new Signo pens in black and gold.
The coffee cups also fit well to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so hello to all the gang.

And now for the real thing. On Saturday I had a visitor, so we drank our coffee out of the onion pattern china:

And I baked these very delicious coconut bars with a recipe I got from Nicole.
And as you know, when they are cut up into small pieces, half of the calories fall out  every time you make a cut! Try a piece, just help yourselves!

At the moment it's 'Oktober Fest' in Munich, and all over Germany people like to make their own celebrations, where the main ingredient is beer, and lots of savoury food to keep people sober long enough to drink lots of beer! This little celebration was held  here on Saturday:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a really artsy and interesting journal page today. Love the quotes and the way you manipulated the images! Great old photo of Picasso. And love seeing the photos and also learning a bit about about Oktoberfest. Is there reason they hold it in September and call it Oktoberfest? I could never figure that one out. Have a great day.

    1. I have no idea! Perhaps the beer tastes better in September?

  2. Very creative Picasso page today. Cute tag too. Your baking and coffee looks fantastic, I will check out the recipe. Happy Oktoberfest, it is celebrated in Canada too, any excuse for beer for some people, lol.

  3. Your Picasso art work looks amazing!! Love your cup tag, and yum to the coffee! I've been to an Octoberfest in Munich many years ago - best fun...wish to do it again one day!

  4. Lovely post again, your Picasso page is great, and of course, I love the coffee tag. The mini Octoberfest looks nice, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Die Picasso Collage Seite hat wieder sehr viel Tiefgang Valerie...
    seine gestreiften Shirts immer.... er sieht darin immer aus wie ein Strä!
    Das Tga ist toll und diese leckeren Dinger reizen mich mehr als....
    ich nehm mir frech ein Stück!
    Ja wenn's ums Feiern,Saufen und (Fr)essen geht sind die Leute immer dick da !!
    Stammen alle von den Phäaken ab.

    Sei lieb gegrüßt
    und hab nen feinen Tag

  6. Oh wow tha is an amazing photo to start with, what you did with it looks fantastic! Sweet little tag too and great photos of course....

  7. As much as I am aware of Picasso's paintings, I had NO idea what he looked like. This was a great journal page and I learned something, too.

    Your tag is superb. I have to admit, that quote on the cup had me laughing. Going without coffee would do that for me, that's for sure. I was impressed with the cups and the fibers and beads you used to compliment the colors on the tag.

    I was also impressed with your Oktoberfest photos. So much fun to see your local color and celebrations. Thanks for sharing the photos, as well as your Picasso page, and of course, your tag with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, I think I need my strength, so I'll have TWO of those wonderful coconut bars, please. After all, you cut the calories a bunch when you cut them!

  8. I love your Picasso-esque page, it made me chuckle. A very clever idea of yours Valerie.
    I love to see the costumes people wear at local 'fests' whatever they maybe about. Here of course, it is kilts ;)
    I love your onion tea set; are the napkins the same pattern?
    Happy T Day :D

    1. Yes, and I have a matching tablecloth, but shame on me it was not ironed! Kilts always look lovely!

  9. Thanks for the info about Oktoberfest. It makes a lot of sense to me, but what an interesting way to celebrate a wedding. Yup, I bet beer does taste better in September, when it is warmer to sit outside...Have a great rest of your day!

  10. Picasso looks a bit like a convict in his stripey jumper! The coffee and biscuits look delicious. I love coconut but my mother and daughter hate it. Have a good day, it's dreich and rainy here. xx

    1. Same here, good for stopping home! People either like or hate coconut!

  11. A SUPER Picasso's collage! I also love the fantastic tag with the gold touch.
    The coconut bars looks so crunchy and yummy! Great post, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  12. BRILLIANT everything is so admirable here today.x.

    I am helping out in a blog hop if you want to join in and win...details on my blog...

    Thanks ♥
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  13. Hello and Happy T Day! What a cool journal page you did, very good!!! How cute your tag is, laughing at the stamp on it. How lovely your tea cup is and even the cute napkin under it, how nice to spend time with a friend. Thanks for sharing your yummy bars with us and less calories means I can have a few, right!
    LOVE these pictures from the Octoberfest, festive and pretty it looks, thanks for sharing them with us too.
    Have a wonderful week!

  14. Sehr coole Arbeit heute mit deinem Picasso-Sträfling! Echt klasse! LG Ulrike

  15. I've never seen a china pattern with matching linen. Wonderful! Your coconut squares look yummy. Individual Oktober Fests sounds perfect, and I'd love celebrating away from the larger crowds at bigger festivals. That table looks beautiful.. Happy T Tuesday :)

  16. Lovely Picasso based journal page and very clever editing of the photos but the tag with the cups stacked and the quote had me... very good, made me smile while the coffee and cake/biscuits has made me hungry,,,,,

  17. Oohhh ooohhhh ooohhhh I LOVE this piece of art. This is brilliant!!!!! The coffee tag, right on. Someone on FB said it was national coffee day. I commented, for me EVERY day is national coffee day. LOL One of my dreams is to visit Germany and during Oktober fest would be the best. Thanks for the mention on the Coconut bars. I like your version with the raisins. Have a great day

    1. Ha - you are right - everyday is coffee day with me too. Your coconut bars really are the tops!

  18. Two things I really love - beer and savory foods. I do prefer my pints really cold! And I know you know quite a bit about savory foods as I have seen some of your makes (or should I say bakes) for a good while now. Your onion dishes are beautiful and it is so nice to see you baking!
    I have always loved your pictures - since I cannot be there myself, it's a treat to see where you live through your eyes.
    Your tag really went well with your pictures - great tag.
    I have never been a fan of Picasso but I must say Valerie - you have captured his personality with your journal page. Bravo!
    And your coffee - it sure does look yummy to me!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. I love baking, but try only to bake if visitors are coming so I don't eat everything myself1

  19. Fantastic collage of Picasso for your journal page, Valerie. Your tag made me laugh because going without coffee is the worst ever. I'd love to eat some of your coconut bars and enjoy coffee with you. Your guest was treated to the best with fine china and home made goodies. Thanks for sharing the photos of the Oktoberfest celebration in your area.

  20. I don't recall seeing this photo of Picasso, very interesting and a great journal page.
    The china you served coffee in is beautiful, and the coconut bars????? Well I'd eat them will ALL the calories, they look so yummy!!
    I would love to attend an Oktober Fest in Germany.......I like beer and food and beer and food! LOL
    Happy T-day and thanks for sharing your photos

  21. Your Picasso page is brilliant! It captures him as well as expresses your own art.
    Love the photos of the Oktober Fest. Yes, feiern, saufen und fressen sums it up really. But it is fun to watch without actually going there.
    I love your coffee cups and plate. It is a well known pattern, which is timeless.
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting me already earlier.

  22. Your Picasso piece is awesome! I love the creativeness of it all! Being a big mixed media fan, of course I love it...a feast for the eyes! :-) Your whole post is really wonderful--as is your usual. Thank you for including us all in your travels and for sharing all the beauty as you see it around you.

  23. OH!!!! LOVE the Picasso art!!!! You always come up with the most amazing ideas :) We have lots of 'Oktober Fest' here this time of year too. Week ends are full of activities and celebrations and lots of partying .

  24. Love that Picasso collage and all his quotes! your tea cups made me smile...and the Octoberfest gathering looks wonderful. such attractive table settings looking so festive! ♥

  25. eine tolle seite,picasso sieht echt wie ein sträfling aus,dein cafe und kuchen machen mir geschmack,wer mir gleich mal cafe machen.e
    dein tag ist auch klasse,ich mag tassen und sammel sie auch,hab soviele verschiedene.
    einen schönen abend dir.

    hugs jenny

  26. Fun art with the Picasso cut-up, I think he would have liked it.
    Both your painted cups and the real cups are terrific and the quote is so true.

  27. Love how you made today's art page, Picasso would have liked this one. Thanks for the invite to taste the goodies, they looked delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  28. Hi Valerie, Your page of Picasso is fantastic. Great photo you found to use and add your quote. I read he really was crazy and would love this!! Your treats look so good. Looks like a nice celebration for October fest. Happy Fall.
    Hugs, cm

  29. Great Picasso picture and I love the way you used it! Great quote on that coffee!! Now, I am guessing that along with calories the sugar content dropped too so maybe I will help myself - Thank you - they look yummy!! Chrisx

  30. Artistic page and sweet tag. That coffee looks good.

  31. Love your "disturbing" Picasso collage--lol!
    Everything looks yummy. Happy T-Day! :)


  32. Your Picasso piece is fabulous - just love all the quotes, especially the disturbed one.
    I could almost smell those scrumptious looking Coconut bars - then realised it was the homemade soup my husband had made which amongst other things had coconut and lime in.
    Fabulous and interesting post as always! Gill xx

  33. Gorgeous Picasso page!Love the quotes and the photos too. We have Oktober Fest here too in the south which was colonized by German people.Great post!Happy T-Day! :)

  34. Great Picasso page and quotes! I love seeing local celebrations; this one is so colorful. Well, I am knee deep in suitcases and packing right now but promise to visit more often when I return. Just heard that there is a book launch party the evening before the exhibition opening--this is all very surreal to me!

  35. Okay! As soon as I saw the title of the post, I skipped through the art -right to dessert! You are such a temptress Valerie! heehee
    Your Picasso piece is totally cool and I need to know, what sorts of food did you eat at the fest? I love German food! Yum!! xo


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