
Tuesday 1 September 2015

New Challenges at TIOT and Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today sees the start of new challenges at TIOT and Art Journal Journey.

For Art Journal Journey  our theme this month is 
'Through my window', and our guest hostess is Corinne.
Her lovely example is on our blog, and you have 4 weeks to join in, and I hope to see lots of you there again. You can read all the details and the pesky rules there, too!
For my A3 Mixed media page I was inspired by the Beatles' wonderful song, 'Eleanor Rigby', an old and friendless lady, who stands at the window and keeps her face in a jar by the door. You can read the whole text here.
I am also linking to 49 Faces 

And here's the song to hear:

At TIOT our theme is 'something new'. All formats and styles are allowed, just use something new, try something new - whatever - you have, as always 2 weeks to join us! I made a 12" kraft tag using a new stencil that I got a few weeks back in a bundle from EBAY. You can see lots of wonderful examples from the DT on the TIOT blog. I  matted the tag with black and gold card.

And last but not least, I would like to welcome my friends from Elizabeth's

Today I am sharing some of my fave coffee mugs, and these are just a few of them - others buy new shoes, I buy coffee mugs. But I usually get them from  the thrift shop for 1€, so  that's okay.

And this is my very fave one just now, as it holds nearly three 'normal' cups, lots of yummy coffee....

The tablecloth is one I embroidered for my Great Aunt when I was a kid. I always had to do needlework when I was at her place, she said 'The devil finds work for idle hands', so kept mine busy working. After she died it came back to me, and is now almost 60 years old.

And some of my pens and pencils live in this stylish wooden barrel that I got as a present years back, filled with delicious coffee beans.

Please help yourself to cup cakes, I baked plenty, and last week you learned how to eat them!

 Enjoy your coffee or tea or whatever you are drinking today!

 Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fabulous post, so much to see, and the Beatles as bonus - fantastic. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Fantastisch!

    Die Seite is so toll zum neuen Thema Valerie!
    Deine Kaffeetassencollection hab ich nun richtig genossen und das Tischtuch ist wunderschön!
    60 Jahre!!! WOW!
    Happy T-Day Sweetie!

    Ne ich nehm keinen cup cake...ich will doch abnehmen!

    Hab grad ne Banane genossen!

  3. Lovely work for the new challenges, your mugs and muffins look delicious, wonderful post! Oh I do love your tag.

  4. eine schöne seite und leecker muffins,die duften bis hierher,yummy.
    schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  5. ein wunderbarer post auf der ganzen Linie! danke für dein cupcake, sitzt schon auf meinen hüften;)
    und das herz zeigt sicher dich? sehr schön, tolle Idee!

  6. Such a great post Valerie with lots to enjoy. Your AJJ page is wonderful and great that you thought to use the Beatles song. Love the stencil on the very beautiful tag. The colours look so classy together..

    Great mug collection that makes ours look boring. Must try to find some interesting one as I imagine the coffee will taste better then

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. What a lovely post! I enjoyed reading it. I love the Eleanor Rigby page. Yes, I remember the song well. And the stencil on that tag is fab!
    Thanks for showing us your collection of mugs. I wish we had thrift stores here. I would be there every day!
    Thanks for visiting me already,
    Have a good Tuesday,

  8. A great card, love the stencil hugs Bee.

  9. What a lovely post! I enjoyed reading it. I love the Eleanor Rigby page. Yes, I remember the song well. And the stencil on that tag is fab!
    Thanks for showing us your collection of mugs. I wish we had thrift stores here. I would be there every day!
    Thanks for visiting me already,
    Have a good Tuesday,

  10. This entire post is filled with wonderful art. I've admitted in the past I'm not a big Beatles fan, but I do like Eleanor Rigby. The theme Corrine picked for the month is great and I know you'll have fun with it.

    The tag is wonderful and I really LIKE that new stencil you used for TioT. It will come in handy with 49 faces, too.

    Of course, I was thrilled to see those gorgeous mugs. Delicate cups and saucers may be good for tea, but MUGS are just perfect for coffee. And I know how much you and I like coffee, possibly better than any other TSFT participant.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art, as well as those great mugs with us for T this Tuesday.

  11. Great post. The tag is elegant and the page creative.
    Hugs xx

  12. A brilliant journal page and a great tag, I love the stencil and the cupcakes look yummy. Have a good day.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Wow- so much to see today! Very clever putting your face in that heart in that spoon. :) I love it. And it is great seeing all your mugs for your coffee. What a fun collection! And those cupcakes looks yummy! I love how you chose the Eleanor Rigby song. You really portrayed that song so nicely.The fuzzy photo and the face in a jar are really interesting parts on that page. Have a great rest of your day! :)

  14. Beautiful and brilliant work...all looks fabulous as always, and off to have a cupcake and {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  15. Good Morning liebe really get into your coffee don't you ;-) ... cute heart with you!
    Fun mug collection you have there.
    The Beatles inspired piece you created is very expressive and cool! I think if I had to pick one music group as a favorite it would have to be them. Their music is timeless and wonderful.
    Happy T Day my friend oxo

  16. Love your take on the Beatles song, and your stenciled tag is beautiful! Love all those fab coffee mugs too-I couldn't pick a favorite. Happy T day!

  17. Also dein Beitrag zu diesem tollenThema ist
    einzigartig, ich habe keine Ahnung für welches Bild ich mich entscheiden
    würde, sie sind alle faszinierend, doch die Frau im umgestürzten Glas ist
    Lg Sadie

  18. I really like your A3 page (even tho' I don't like the beatles), the face in the jar is very pretty, I like the lashes you did.
    Your coffee cups are awesome! me and one of my sons collect coffee cups too. We believe they make a difference to the taste of coffee, so it has to be right! Happy T Day D

  19. So much to see! How could i possibly comment on it all...? :) LOVE seeing your coffee cups. I really like the ones with all the words on them.... I think i'm a little bit in love with that man with the umbrella from Tim Holz... I really need to get the stamp or diecut or something.... Those pearls on the tag add just the right touch! Lovely... Happy happy Tday my dear! Hugs! deb

  20. WOW! what a great post full of delicious art, food and drink. I like your journal pages and that tage turned out beautiful.

    Happy T-day and thanks for visiting and leaving me a comment this week.

  21. WHAT a BRILLIANT post! I love your journal page. ...I love Corrine's theme too! Brilliant tag too Of course coffee mugs(and coffee ) are life's essentials! Hugs, Chrisx ps Thanks for the giggle earlier! Hugs, Chrisx

  22. Truly one of the saddest songs ever. I'm trying to recover with your coffee mugs and cup cakes, but.... *sobs*

    1. I know what you mean, but it is the fate of so many people....

  23. Thank you for the delicious cupcake. :) Wow, you do have a lot of coffee cups! It's a great and useful collection.

    Eleanor Rigby is one of my favorite Beatles songs. The lyrics are just so poetic. You had a great idea to base your journal page on this song. Your tag is great, too--the touches of gold are so lovely.

    Happy T Day! :)

  24. Gosh, love that song, even though it is so sad. Perfect for the theme. Nice collection of mugs. I am drinking coffee from my crow mug today. xox

  25. Elenor Rigby is one of my favourite Beatles songs. I love your page; the theme is so well illustrated and your face-in-the-jar is fabulous. Gorgeous tag too. I love the pearls; they are always so elegant.

  26. Hallo Valerie, eine klasse gestaltete und nachdenkllich stimmende Seite hast du da gewerkelt. Den Beatles-Song habe ich erst vor Kurzem noch gehört. Die Tassensammlung ist schön, ich mag besonders die lustigen Kühe, genau das Richtige gegen den Morgenblues. ;) Das Tag mit den Perlen drauf sieht richtig edel aus. Die gestickte Decke ist ein Traum und sollt in Ehren gehalten werden, diese wunderschönen Handarbeiten sind leider Heute sehr rar geworden. Ich habe früher auch immer die Fernsehstunden genutzt um dabei zu stricken und zu häkeln für meine Kinder und für mich. Heute schaue ich meist nur noch beim Bügeln fern, habe aber wieder zu stricken angefangen, was ich im Garten bei Ruhepausen mache.
    Wünsche dir eine schöne Herbstzeit.
    Sabine xox

  27. always lovely to see what you are creating
    i like your jar, very much
    lovely September to you ~

  28. What a great collection of mugs you have! I would enjoy tea in them, too. Dainty little cups with saucers just don't hold enough for me, LOL! Your tag is very elegant, and the Eleanor Rigby piece fits the song well. I always found the song sad and haunting, but I do love The Beatles! Thanks for visiting again in your cup, er with your cups--good to see you here my friend!

  29. Oh Valerie!!! This post brought a smile to my face in oh so many ways.... Your creativity is boundless ♥ and I love everyone of those mugs ♥♥♥ Thanks for lighting up my day!

  30. Hi Valerie, had my extra cup of coffee this morning and thought of you. Perfect timing for your post today and your marvelous journal page. I have not heard the song, Eleanor Rigby, and had to go and read the lyrics to confirm you had captured them perfectly on your page. My daughter was a Beatles fan but we were too old for the Beatles. You indeed received some wonderful stencils and I like the one you used on your tag. I also note that you did perfect cross stitches on the cloth you shared with us. Needlework was my thing when I was younger and my daughter and I both enjoyed it a lot. We took classes and had fun making various items. I still have the tablecloth that I worked on when we lived in Germany back in 1956. It has some stains on it and I never bound off the edge but just can't seem to toss it.

    Off to the dentist tomorrow to complete the root canal.


  31. I almost spilled my own coffee when I came to the last photo, Valerie who keeps her face in her coffee spoon - but she looks happy to be there! Not like Eleanor Rigby, what a sad (clever) picture you've made. I always thought that she kept her make-up in a jar by the door, to hurriedly put on if someone came, I'll have to read the lyrics again.

    1. HaHa! I keep my makeup in a glass by the door!

    2. You and ER both.
      I like your new blogface by the way.

  32. I LOVE your face in the spoon! HOW COOL IS THAT?! I think she wants a muffin ;) LOVE your faces and your collection of mugs too - I'm guilty of harding them myself :))) Thank you!! xoxo

  33. That brings back memories! Love that song. Did a modern dance routine for gym class to the Vanilla Fudge version. You did a touching spread to represent the song, too. Very pretty tag. So many mugs--would be hard to pick one to drink out of at your place. I LOVE your little coffee barrel...well, and the muffins look good, too. But that barrel is awesome! Happy T-Day!! :)

  34. I have had a super time reading your post and having a catch up. Fabulous art journal page and its a super new theme. The tag is awesome as well with the lovely vintage silhouette.
    Couldn't fail to like your selection od cups and the yummy cakes.
    Yvonne xx

  35. You definitely have my mouth watering Valerie! How I wish I was sitting there with you enjoying both of your last two pictures - yum. And that lovely lady in the spoon is so fun!!!! Great smile - by the way!!!

    Love your journal page - I used to know Eleanor by heart... seems like I almost still do! Heheheh - the perfect topic for the theme... love how you put her in the jar!!! It's just such a SUPER creation.

    And your tag totally looks like it is cut out. That stencil is wonderful and they way you did it - wow. That tag is sooo elegant and unique. Perfect colors.

    So enjoyed seeing your little needlepoint - I did the same thing with Auntie Sister! I think yours looks better though! Your cow mugs made me laugh out loud!! Great way to end my day. j.

  36. Fabulous page and a great Corrine's theme. Your tag is really creative and I love your new stencil, the pearls is a lovely touch. What a fantastic collection of coffee mugs, I also collect them.
    Great post today, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  37. Hello and Happy T Day! What a wonderful fun post this was! Beautiful art, that tag is lovely. Yay, for fun mugs, much more fun then buying shoes. Would love a cupcake or two please, thank you. Have a great week, thanks for sharing today.

  38. Lovely art and beautiful tea cups! The tag is my favorite. The silhouette does show an attitude-:) Love everything about it. The mugs with the cows prints look awesome
    Have a wonderful week

  39. Love your journal page Valerie, great images with the words, think I may be singing all today!
    Great tag with your new stencil and the pearls are a lovely touch.Cupcakes look so yummy and at least you've got plenty of mugs if we all decided to call in for coffee and cake.
    Avril xx

    1. Definitely, always plenty of mugs and coffee and tea, so feel free to drop in at any time!

  40. Just sitting here reading your great post drinking coffee but from a boring plain cup - what a fab collection you have.
    I must clean my glasses as when I was reading about woman at window I read it as fingerless woman instead of friendless ooops :) Great artwork! ........ Gill xx

    1. Nearly fell off the chair laughing at the thought of the fingerless woman!

  41. I always liked that song but never understood it. Love your imagery. The people do look lonely. Your many mugs are great fun, and a face in a teaspoon , how clever is that

  42. What a gorgeous post!Love the mugs, the photos!Wonderful, my friend!

  43. What a fabulous journal page!!! I love it!! Valerie, your whole post is super and I Love that photo of you on the spoon at the end!! You are sooo clever!! xoxo

  44. What a happy Live Journal you create Valerie. Such a pleasure for me to sit and view over an hour all.

    Your a treasure house artistic person and photographer. Your imagination is so blow minding. Love it.


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