
Thursday 24 September 2015

Faces in the window

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, through my window, and for 
49 faces, I have another journal page. I tried to do 2 simple line drawings, but I think the one on the right turned out better than the one on the left, who looks like she let a bad beauty doctor treat her mouth and chin! Or perhaps left is before and right is afterwards? What do you think?!
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Show your face

Love the name of this ship, which often passes by here:

Some photos of a neighbouring village and  Schloss Kalkum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Interesting faces today. I think the girl on the left looks a little sad compared to the girl on the right, so they could be the same person in different moods. Or twins! Great photos today too. That reflection is stunning.

  2. very creative line drawings for AJJ. Iinteresting town photos too.

  3. The faces are different, love the simplicity of the lines, and your explanations are fun, too! Hugs, Sarah

  4. It's hard to draw two faces like that, but I thought you did a great job, although I laughed at your interpretation of her lips and chin.

    I was really impressed with the neighboring town, especially the brick street. Had to look up Schloss Kalkum and realized after seeing it on the internet, it was the building with the wonderful reflection you had photographed. Lovely images, as always, but even more impressive since I like your photos better than the one I saw on the internet.

  5. Diese Gesichter sind super - ich bin verliebt in ihre Lippen ... und was für ein Schwung in den Formen! Klasse ..herrliche Aufnahmen sind das wieder mal !
    Die Spiegelung im Wasser ist exquisit!


  6. Your photos are fabulous; I really like the last one with the=at awesome reflection :D
    I think the lady on the left is just grumpy at having to share space with her sister _ siblings always argue, lol :D

  7. Fab faces, I like them both equally, so full of movement!

  8. Love your faces Valerie - I read recently its hard to do a drawing and then reverse it, something about being left or right handed you draw them facing a certain way.... I have trouble getting one to look ok, let alone reverse it LOL. I think the one on the left looks like she is trying not to sneeze :)
    Loving your photos as again - smiled at the boats name - makes me wonder why that?
    Temptation!!! - ahhhh off to find some chocolate now :) ..... have a lovely day........... Gill xx

  9. Fabulous faces, I love them both and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Fab faces love they expressions brilliant photos as well x

  11. The faces are a matter of perspective and angle. Both are beautiful. Superb photography. The water reflections are not always easy to capture with effect but you did a great job of do just that. The boat name is a good reminder.

    Hugs and Blessings

  12. The faces are a matter of perspective and angle. Both are beautiful. Superb photography. The water reflections are not always easy to capture with effect but you did a great job of do just that. The boat name is a good reminder.

    Hugs and Blessings

  13. Expressive faces Valerie. maybe one of them has had a Botox job, they both have a definite pout with their lips. Super photos and reflections.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Valerie I like both of your faces -- both have different emotions and the different features show those emotions.
    Still watching the Pope on TV.
    Sandy xx

  15. Oh yes! I totally love this one! Looks Picasso-ish to me!! xo

  16. Your art and photos brought a smile to my face today ☺

  17. Love your pretty, flirty faces.

  18. Oh super cool! Adore! I'm so glad you linked up again to Show Your Face. Great art Valerie and lovely photo peek into your life. Thanks for the shout out too. Kx

  19. I like your little poem and your two faces. Whenever I see a before and after plastic surgery result, I usually like the before best as it has more character, but maybe I like the second face better this time.
    What a lovely day you've had (here too) and it's always good to see the pink house/castle.

    1. Most 'real' people look much better before plastic surgery!

  20. This really attracts, only a few lines yet it holds the attention so well!

  21. your faces are fantastic Valerie! They look very much to me like Picasso art! Enjoyed another lovely walk about with you too:)

  22. Love your humour Val!
    I have always found that I draw a face in profile much better when facing the right but struggle when profile is facing towards the left. I really like the variation on the faces you created.

  23. Hi Valerie, love your faces today. I think they are both equally beautiful. Always wonderful pics from around the town. Great shots. Hugs, cm

  24. Good morning, Valerie, because you won't read my post until morning being so late to post today.
    I admire you for attempting to draw the faces and I like to think the young miss on the left had plastic surgery to fix her misshapen nose. AND, she even inserted colored contacts to change the color of her eyes.

    Great, clear photos today. The reflection on the last one is exceptional. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  25. You always amaze me with your incredible imagination Valerie. I really enjoyed seeing these side-view - one eyed folks. It just inspires me so to see the way you just DRAW and it comes out so great every time. And best of all - I don't see perfection - I see freedom and I see YOU. I almost think I could pick your style out in a grouping by now! j.

  26. You always amaze me with your incredible imagination Valerie. I really enjoyed seeing these side-view - one eyed folks. It just inspires me so to see the way you just DRAW and it comes out so great every time. And best of all - I don't see perfection - I see freedom and I see YOU. I almost think I could pick your style out in a grouping by now! j.

  27. You always amaze me with your incredible imagination Valerie. I really enjoyed seeing these side-view - one eyed folks. It just inspires me so to see the way you just DRAW and it comes out so great every time. And best of all - I don't see perfection - I see freedom and I see YOU. I almost think I could pick your style out in a grouping by now! j.

  28. This is one of my favourites Valerie, I love how you can draw a face with just a few strokes. This reminds my of Roy Lichtenstein (which is a good thing 'cos I really like him lol) xx

  29. I can't see where either have them have had any work done on their faces - they are both beautiful! Love the photos of the village! Chrisx


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