
Thursday 3 September 2015

A face in the window

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.
I spent  quite some time today at the dentist's, I needed a root-canal treatment. He is really good, but even so it was rather arduous and I am happy to be back home.

For  Art Journal Journey, through my window, and for our 49 Faces challenge, I have another journal page. This was a quick and rather minimalist face drawing, set in a window, and with a verse I wrote for it. I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Friday Face

Who do you see in your window?

The sunrise was wonderful again

And I visited the flower farm again, and although a lot did look rather beaten down by the rain, some are still going strong:

And some more windows from my little town:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing flowers and beautiful windows. Love your minimalist face today too.

  2. The face is very beautiful, love this reduced form of painting. Wonderful photos, too, love the flowers and windows. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Ein ausdrucksstarkes Gesicht mit wenigen Strichen- toll! Und das Gedicht dazu- perfekt!
    Herrliche Aufnahmen - die Fenster sind wunderschön !!
    EInen feinen Donnerstag - nach der Strapaze hast Du DIr Entspannung heute verdient!

  4. Terrific verse Valerie with a great face to go with it--which came first I wonder?

    Love the photographs and especially the gladdies :)

    Have a great day

    Chrissie xx

    1. The face came first and the verse sort of developed out of it!

  5. Lovely minimalist face and the great verse you have written. Love the beautiful photos.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Mar

  6. Wow Valerie, that face is fabulous. You should try to have it made into a stencil, it'd would fly out of the shops.
    I hope your mouth isn't too uncomfortable today after the root canal treatment. Ugh!
    The window pics are great. I think the last one looks like they are either painted white onto the bricks or they are reflected thre from across the way. Cool!
    Enjoy your day, {{Hugs}}

    1. It's the reflection of the windows in the upper floor of the house opposite

  7. Oh I love your face today and the poem is lovely. I have a dentist check up in a couple of weeks and I always dread it so much, hope you're not too uncomfortable today after your treatment. Xx

  8. This is a beautiful and brilliant creation your face is so pretty, the poem is adorable and your photos are it.xx
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  9. A beautiful face, her eyes are gorgeous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Your minimalist face is gorgeous! You really outdid yourself. Great window photos too!

  11. Yes ... when you start selling your face stencils please make sure we can get them in the UK too :)
    Fantastic and clever face and poem. Always love seeing your photos but especially the buildings.
    Hope your mouth isn't too sore today.... have a great day.... Gill xx :)

    1. Thanks for asking, my mouth is sore, but not too bad, it's getting better and better!

  12. über den zahnarzt-teil hab ich ganz schnell hinweggelesen, du arme!
    das gftgrün und das pink sind ganz schön knallig, passen aber gut zusammen. schönes journaling und tolle Fotos!

  13. Lovely face and words and I adore that lights of windows on the brick wall. xox

  14. Lovely verse today, Valerie. Hope you are feeling a lot better this morning. Dentist visits are not fun and I can relate. The photos of the gladiolas are so vibrant and I enjoy the window photos too.
    an you believe this week is almost over? We celebrate a long Labor Day weekend and hubby has a birthday on Monday. Take care of yourself and enjoy your beautiful surroundings.


    1. Thanks, I am feeling more or less normal again.

  15. OUCH I bet you're glad to have that dental visit behind you. Glad to read above that things are returning to normal for you.
    Your beautiful green eyed girl is wonderful and the verse is so very special too liebe Valerie!
    Still no rain for us...things are getting crispy ;-(

  16. This is striking! I love the simple lines and few colours chosen, that green is so great, it lights the whole face up!

  17. OOOOh dear, hope you are not in too much pain after the dental work.
    Your painting is stunning and the verse is so touching and special.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Great face in the window with a special verse. Love the walking pics. Happy Weekend almost!

  19. Very nice face. I love how you have created the reflection in her eyes. Also I have missed your photos. I am blogging today. Just posted.

  20. Your face is very cool. I can imagine it on four big canvases in a uptown New York apartment. Your verse is sweet too.

  21. You might call this minimalistic, but I call it expressive. The eyes take on a soulful look that fits your poem.

    I'm late visiting, so it's good to read your root canal is over and you are feeling better. That sounds very tedious, but it's always good to save a tooth.

    Your flowers today are gorgeous. So glad you had a chance to take some shots at the flower farm and of windows, or it wouldn't have been a Valerie post!!

  22. Beautiful photos! I will miss summer when fall comes

  23. She is lovely for sure but she has a different look... and after hearing about your dental visit I decided that her look is saying.... "please don't touch"!!!! Glad you are better Valerie. j.

  24. She is gorgeous - and I love your text and that little reflection in her eyes. Brilliant work.

  25. Loving your minimalist face, Valerie - so crisp and clear. The poem is lovely too. I've often caught sight of myself in a reflection and I always think 'Oh no! Can that really be me!?' Great photos too - wonderful skies. xx

  26. Love your pink and green face!
    And those glads?!!! OMG! So beautiful! xo

  27. Your face is gorgeous, Valerie. The beautiful green eyes just grab my attention and I wonder what she is thinking as she gazes out the window. And your sunrise photos are awesome. Your architectural photos make me wish I could visit Germany again.

  28. The face is you and it is beautiful along with the poem.

    Your photos are so lovely.

  29. Love! You know putting the lines on for the window changes how I see her, she is definitely watching and waiting :) Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and sorry I'm late coming around to comment! Thanks for the shout out too. Off to see your other links from last week :) :) Kx


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