
Saturday 22 August 2015

Time now and then

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend already, have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, time, my private 49 Faces challenge with Susi,  and Kim Dellow's Show your face I made another face. 
This time I tried for something different, as lately I have been making a lot of sweet and flowery stuff, and sometimes I need a change.
I had an appointment at the doctor's this morning, and saw  the inspiration to this face in a magazine. I didn't have my camera with me, so tried to memorize it as well as possible, and made a sketch as soon as I got back. Then I used a black Edding pen to draw it onto an A3 page. I coloured it with water colours. I went over the glass with some white chalk to make it look glassy. The verse is from ! Corinthians 13, and I thought it fitted well to the time theme:
Now we see through a glass darkly,
Then we shall see face to face.

The  sculpture in the park is almost covered up by the plants just now:

The restored chapel:

I love walking through the fields along the Rhine. The grass was freshly mowed, and the crows were out in force to get their share:

And I can't resist beautiful shadows:

I was awake very early, and sat on my balcony from 5.30 onwards watching the  sky brighten and the sun rise.

Can you see the plane coming down by the rising sun?

Shadows on the curtain:

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I almost didn't recognize that as one of your faces. You have such a wide variety of drawing skills, and this face is really different. It goes quite well with the quote.

    The crows caught my eye, and that plane was an amazing photo. So clear and easy to discern. I also liked the play on shadows, too. Hope your weekend goes well.

  2. Your face is really interesting today. You certainly have a lot of talent to change your style so easily, and still make something really impressive. Great shadow photos too, and yes, you did leave a comment but that was my fault, I hadn't checked my comments and it hadn't been posted yet, but thanks for checking back.Hope your weekend is going well.

  3. a most interesting face today Valerie! Enjoyed your shadowy photos today.

  4. I love how you can change your style every day, and always come up with something great. Wonderful photos, too, hugs, Sarah

  5. Du hast immer wieder neue Einfälle und Inspirationen - das Gesicht ist beeindruckend .. Die Fotos sind es auch! Der herrliche Sonnenaufgang und die Schattenaufnahmen sind ganz besonders schön!
    Einen guten Samstag wünsch ich Dir!

  6. A different style but still a beautiful face. Love the U.S. Rise photos, I wonder where the plane was coming from? Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

    1. I don't know where it came from, but t was heading for the airport here!

  7. Terrific page Valerie and an interesting face with the eye glass.

    Love the photographs of the sunrise but the one of the wall with the bike and shadows is amazing.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Love how you used the eye glass, its a fantastic page and quite amazing where we find our inspiration. Our doctors don't display any reading materials. Love your photos and like Chrissie the one with the shadow of the lamp it's super.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Oh I do enjoy your drawing and the verse...perfect! The hay fields are beautiful and my hay is just baled and needing to be moved to the hay lot. It's good to have fodder for the animals come winter.

  10. Beautiful post, full of creative spirit! Thank you for sharing

  11. Yes - I see the plane - how in the world you capture some of these amazing photos is incredible to me. What lovely shadows too - love that curtain one. And the mowed grass is so neat looking - great texture!!! And your face - love that magnifying glass and the sentiment is perfect. Always so fun to read your posts Valerie - thanks bunches. Have a sweet weekend. j.

  12. Great face!!! So you say there is a sculpture in all of that green ? Looks like some of the areas in my yard this year :) Love the chapel and your sunrise shots are amazing ♥

    1. It's modern art made from old railway sleepers and girders....

    2. Valerie, I am always in awe how you can view an item for inspiration and then go home and recreate it yourself by drawing what you envisioned. Great face and verse today.
      Lovely photos too of the rising sun where you captured the airplane in the shot.


  13. You have a good eye that's for sure Valerie! The smell of a freshly mowed field is delightful!
    Fantastic face -- I can tell you are really enjoying your challenge with Susi - two very talented women!!
    Sandy xx

  14. I love that face, and those pictures are so good, I love having a look at where people live,

  15. I really like your face and the verse you put with it. Very fun!
    And as usual, your photos are fantastic. Makes me want to come and walk the areas that you walk along side you. :-)

  16. What a fascinating face! Beautiful! Your photos are wonderful too, I especially like the chapel.

  17. Valerie, your art work is amazing and I like this change from the floral looks. Great verse too.
    Your photos are always incredible. Love that darling restored church and the sunrise is beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend. cm

  18. So versatile and so talented. I LOVE her, and how perfect is the verse. I had to smile, when I first saw her, I said....out loud....."Here's looking at you",,,, but your message is much better. Also love to see your photos.

  19. Love your face painting and photography is excellent!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  20. Your face painting is awesome. Like the white face. Enjoyed the photos. Thanks.:)

  21. Love what you did with the magnifying glass, Valerie! She is indeed looking through a glass darkly!!! xx

  22. Die Lupenfrau ist klasse! Ulrike

  23. Oh Valerie, first the smile at your face and then a peaceful look through your photos - lovely post again! Chrisx

  24. This is fabulous Val, I love her magnifying glass,and your photographs are beautiful xx

  25. You had a very busy week last week! All your fab faces and gorgeous photos. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too! Kx


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