
Saturday 1 August 2015

The new challenge at Art Journal Journey is....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at 
and the theme has been chosen by our lovely Yvonnewho is our talented Guest Hostess  this month. Her chosen theme is
Many of us wonder where time gets to, mostly it flies, sometimes it drags - as Einstein said, everything is relative!
So this month we want to see all you can think of for this theme - get those creative juices flowing, follow the flow, and link your creations to us. I am looking forward to seeing your work.

As it is summer, I have been inspired by the beautiful flowers I see everywhere on my walks. I was inspired to make the one-sided face by an idea I saw on Pinterest. I just used the idea, and drew my own face style and used a stamped collage of roses, leaves and a clock (all 4 stamps from LaBlanche), masking the parts that needed to stay free, and  colouring with Gelatos and water colours. The A3 background was gessoed, and stamped with a text using a remnant of pink paint from another project. I drew in some extra leaves, and added the shading with pastel chalks. I had fun making this one. I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Friday Face Art, where this month our faces should be inspired by other blogs.

I am also linking to Mix it Monthly, mixed media flowers.

Today started off again with a wonderful sunrise. One of my readers asked if I get up specially to watch it - well,  no, I just can't sleep!

The pictures were taken on my Thursday walk to the next village up the Rhine.
I love how the hibiscus is spilling over the wall: 

And I always wonder that this wall is still standing:

I love going through the avenue of beech trees:

And saw lots of the berries of the Arum Lily growing in the undergrowth:

The sun was shining, and the sky magnificent:

The heron was hunting:

The crow was watching him:

All in all, a wonderful walk!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really fantastic Val, I have been waiting for it to appear! Wonderful work and great photos, hugs, Sarah

  2. Wunderbar ist dieses Rosen- Uhren Gesicht! Eine Schönheit !
    Und Deine Fotos sind heute wieder so schön -- einmalig... diese Mauer sieht echt so aus, als ob sie jeden Moment den Geist!
    Hab gestern auch wieder Reiher gesehen..
    Die Natur ist so schön ---
    Einen tollen AJJ Monat wünsche ich uns beiden und einen schönen Samstag für Dich!

  3. I enjoyed all the details in you journal page, and the roses and clock really added to the entire subject of the face. Also, I love taking that walk with lovely the flowers and scenery.

  4. Wow,eine erste wunderschönes uhrengesicht hast du zum neuen thema gemacht,mir gefallen auch die farben und idee sehr gut.
    tolle bilder hast du gemacht,die natur ist so schön.
    hab meine erste seite zum thema eben hochgeladen.
    wünsch dir einen schönen samstag.

    hugs jenny

  5. Oh Valerie! Your beautiful flower girl the fabulous roses in her hair, the quote and the wonderful photos of your walk have been a great start to my weekend! Chrisx

  6. This is a fantastic girl with her "timeless" face. I enjoyed the leaves that hung from one ear, too. Overall, a fantastic piece.

    I always enjoy your photos of places around your home, too. Wonderful shots of fields and walls this time.

  7. Ja die Uhr im Kopf, wer hat sie in der heutigen Zeit nicht, toll hast du das dargestellt. Auch die Fotos sind wieder 1. Sahne. Ich bin ganz verwundert heute früh, dass schon August ist, ein paar Wochen noch und wir haben schon wieder Herbst, geniessen wir also die Blumenfülle. Danke für die schönen Fotos,
    Schönes We und lG Anja

  8. Love your beautiful girl and page Valerie, her eye on time looks fantastic, as does the lovely flowers and foliage in her hair.
    Thank you so much for having me as your guest at AJJ this month.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. A wonderful set of photos as well

  9. Beautiful page, love your girl... I need to find more time :) Your photographs are also gorgeous. Happy Weekend, Shirleyxx

    1. Don't we all? My time just disappears every day.

  10. Such a lovely journal page, Valerie. Loving the hint of vintage shabby chic to it. Awesome scenery and nature at its best. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  11. I love your page for the new Time theme! Enjoyed your walk today too!

  12. She gorgeous. You used those LaBlanche stamps wonderfully too. I lvoe how she doesn't just look like a girl who put a few flowers in her hair but rather she looks like a nymph of the summer gardens!

  13. Your girl is truly fabulous Valerie. Really well done. I love your art. Your photos are lovely too of course {{Hugs}}

  14. Oh my my my myyyyyyy - I am blown away by the SWEETNESS of your "RoseQuartz"! Quarter face covered with roses on the quarter hour - RoseQuartz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry - just couldn't resist Valerie - eheheheheh!! Seriously - you made a RARE BEAUTY here. The colors - perfect. The background comes thru just at the exact right places on her face to add dimension. The roses are sooo pretty. Well - I will stop rambling but I love her. YOU DID INCREDIBLE art here!! Xj

  15. Wonderful photos Valerie, and your page is beautiful! Great quote!
    Alison xx

  16. I love your first page for the new month at AJJ! Beautiful face and wonderful flowers in her hair. Great quote too. The photos are so lovely today. Hugs, Mar

  17. Stunning artwork! And lovely photos too, Valerie. Have a wonderful weekend, sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  18. What a great piece! I love the sentiment ... the *sunrise*, the hibiscus and all the rest. Jus beautiful!

  19. What wonderful art! Such a great thought. Beautiful photographs too, the clouds are amazing and I love herons!

  20. Gorgeous artwork, Valerie! I love her face and one clocked eye! Gorgeous! And on the subject, your daily photos are again a treat! Happy Weekend!

  21. I really like what you did with the journal page and the time theme :)
    Beautiful photos again... the Heron looks as if he just may have spotted something to eat :)

  22. Valerie, I love love love the face you did. Everything about her is so beautiful.

    And I envy you having such a lovely place to walk. Thanks for taking us along with you.

  23. I love this! The flowers are just gorgeous and your pictures are so wonderful!

  24. Beautiful TIME page today. I was feeling better so decided it was "time" to clean the house, change the bed and dust. By noon, I fixed lunch and took a rest. Then forgot to come back to your blog to leave a comment. Time is a great theme as we never seem to manage it to do all that we want to accomplish. I had planned to make some birthday cards today and it is almost 7PM so that won't happen either. Did you teach art? You have so much talent in drawing putting items together on a page. Enjoy Sunday.


  25. Wonderful page today, so romantic and beautiful! Your flowers and foliage are stunning!! Great shot of the heron, never seen one of those in real life myself. hugs :)

  26. What a gorgeous girl with her clockwork eye...really brilliant with the perfect words liebe Valerie!
    I am excited again this month with yet another fab challenge.
    Ideas are swirling in my head.
    Thank you for sharing lovely photos of your Rhineland which are always so beautiful and speak to me sweetly!
    GLG oxo

  27. Liebe Valerie,

    was für ein wundervolles Werk, genial schön.

    Ich mag Deine Fotos auch so gerne, herrlich der Hibiskus an der Mauer. Was für eine Pracht !!!

    In den Wälder gibt es dieses Jahr sehr viele Aronstäbe, meine ich zumindest.

    Sommerliche Grüße
    von Anke

  28. You are absolutely correct! # things to live by! Love how you created her hair with those roses and trailing greenery- beautiful page Valerie! hugs,xoxo

  29. 3 good things to value..I love your photos and the eye

  30. Gorgeous! So many details, I love the stamping. Thanks for joining in #ShareYourFace and for the shout out too. Kx

  31. Oh jeh, weiss garnicht, ob mein Kommentar nun geklappt hat oder nicht! Ich mag Deine Journalseite sehr, vor allem auch die warmen Farben und die feinen Blumen auf ihrem Haar und im Schmuck! Auch Deine Fotos sind immer so inspirierend! ❤ Conny

  32. Gorgeous face. Love how you did the clockface for an eye. Beautiful photos too.

  33. Wowwww, die Seite sieht einfach fantastisch aus. Gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut.

    Die Fotos sind wieder herrlich.
    LG Carola

  34. Gorgeuos piece of art and wonderful pictures!

  35. I commented on your art pieces today in a lot of your blogs. Fabulous art, painting.

    So I joined to Mix it Monthly . It looks fun. So late afternoon I posted two on my blogs.

  36. Such a beautiful piece and great pictures as always!

  37. Lovely piece. And, as always, thanks for sharing your world with us!

  38. WOW and WOW... both to the paintings and photos. They are all awesome. Thank you ever so much for sharing.
    Kind regards


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