
Monday 24 August 2015

Take time

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is over and it's time for a new week - have a good one!
And it's also time for another journal page for 'Time' at Art Journal Journey

I made a mixed media piece with drawing and stenciling on an A3 background painted with Gesso. I used another of my new stencils for the flowers and flourishes.  This time I used colours which are reminiscent of Autumn.
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's show your face, a nice place to show faces and see new ones, and to our 49 Faces Challenge.

Yesterday I showed the photos of the white cattle. After I had visited them I walked further along the Max Clarenbach Path (he was a German painter) and enjoyed seeing the gates and stairs leading to hidden gardens:

I love the alcoves in the walls, perhaps they were made for statues?

At the end of the path you can see the old Church to the right, Max Clarenbach used to live next to it.

The plaque is on the wall of the pub where he used to go for his drink every evening:

I am sure he will have taken this walk along the Rhine path, too:

And back in our little place the horses were enjoying being on the meadow.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love those colors you used on this piece. She has the most gorgeous green eyes. You have so many interesting places to walk to. I have never heard of this painter, so I looked him up and he painted some beautiful landscapes. Thanks for teaching me something new! :)

    1. Yes he painted the landscapes around here, and I like them!

  2. She is just adorable! And, as usual, I enjoyed my walk Down the rhine and I happen to love horses!

  3. Love the vibrant colors and the gorgeous path and gates!

  4. Wonderful face again, great fun with the flowers and dragonflies! Hugs, Sarah

  5. What struck me about your painting was the calligraphy. I have tried writing like that with a chisel point Sharpie and have had zero luck. I always seem to forget the rules of 45 degree angle and which direction to go. You have done a fantastic job.

    So glad to see yet another area of your beautiful land that is gorgeous. It seems to go from village to country to village. It's simply amazing how far you travel each time you walk.

    So glad I was able to visit yesterday, because I've been without electricity most of the day after a thunder and lightening storm knocked power out in my neighborhood. Happy first of the week! It's still Sunday here!

  6. wieder ein maler, von dem ich noch nie was gehört habe... ich sag ja: boggen bildet:)
    und deine Fotos sind immer so schön...

    1. Er ist hier sehr bekannt, hat hier gelebt und viele Bilder der Landschaft hier gemalt

  7. Beautiful photos today. Love your page, wish I had more time to make more of these creations...DT take up most of my spare hours.xx {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  8. Beautiful journal and love the time theme. Those photos are looking really great!

  9. A fabulous piece Valerie and beautiful photos, I love the gates leading to secret gardens.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Deine neuen Stencils sind wirklich toll - das Gesicht ist wunderschön - ihre Augen sind beeindruckend!
    Hab ich wieder einen neuen Maler kennengelernt- danke - hab mir bei You Tube ein schönes Video angeguckt über seine Werke..der WIntermaler Niederrheins....
    um diese saftigen grünen Wiesen kann man die schönen Pferde beneiden!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  11. Oh, to be able to sneak through those closed gates! Your face today is very sweet :) enjoy your day, pouring of rain here :( xx

  12. Beautiful green eyes on your lovely page today, love the stencils background as well. Those steps and gates look so temping, lucky the folk who live there, with such easy access to wonderful walks.
    Yvonne xx

  13. sie hat ein gesicht wie ein grüner apfel *gg*gefällt mir sehr mit den stencils als haar.

    tolle bilder wider,aber der weiße schimmel ist am schönsten für heute.

    hugs jenny

  14. Brilliant green eyes and who does not love the transformative power of the dragonfly. xox

  15. Of course, you know how I love dragonflies so this journal page is PERFECTLY WONDERFUL for me to see Valerie - super fine!!!! Also loved seeing your photos of Max Clarenbach's places of interest... so interesting. j.

  16. Lovely page. I like how your face is looking up at the dragonfly on her nose. Quirky and cute.

    What gorgeous architecture. That empty alcove is begging to tell its story.

    Have a great week.


  17. Oh what a great face! She is definitely enjoying the dragonflies visiting!! Great walk today Valerie! Chrisx
    PS Guess what? I am on catch up again!!!

  18. Love her and her crossed eyed look at the dragonfly :) Love the quote you used true :) Your photos are so beautiful and I learned of another painter today ... you live in such a beautiful area nad I love seeing all of your photos. ♥♥♥♥

  19. Your page is, once again, inspiring and very beautiful. I really like the green you used.
    The gates and steps are fabulously intriguing. I wonder what's on the other side ;)
    I googled Max Clarenbach and was rewarded most grandly! What a fabulous artist. His reflections on water are mesmerising.I was looking for so long, I almost forgot how I came across his name, lol.
    Again I enjoyed following your walk; you come across the most interesting paths and walkways. What a fabulous town/city(?) you live in. {{Hugs}}

  20. Beautiful colors you used with the stencils and the face you drew for your page today. I loved the photos and also wondered what was behind the gates; some never used as the leaves were built up on the steps. The horses are grandiose and so beautiful and well groomed. Enjoy your week.

  21. Gorgeous post today Valerie - I want to go up those stairs and see the secret garden!
    Sandy xx

  22. WOW!!!Awesome!!!Beautiful pictures!!!

  23. Liebe Valerie, ich mag Deine Libellenfrau sehr! Eine wunderschöne Idee, sie so zu malen. Es läßt Raum für Gedankenspiele ...
    Auch Deine verborgenen Türen sind herrlich geheimnisvoll. Eine verborgene Zeit, ein verborgener Raum.

    Herzliche Grüße zu Dir

  24. She is adorable and I love seeing architecture from places other than my own!

  25. This is fabulous Val, so imaginative and I love your handwriting xx

  26. Your sentiment is so true! How many times do we rush about and forget that! Gorgeous share again Valerie thank you so much for the link up and shout out for Show Your Face! You are rocking the faces! It isn't going to take you long to do 49! Kx

  27. Again, your photos and art are wonderful! Love those gates! xoxo


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