
Wednesday 26 August 2015

A face, an owl and flowers

Hi Everybody!
We had a lot of storms here in the past few days, and I'm happy to say things have quietened down again today. 

A new challenge is starting today at Moo Mania and More.
Black and White. I hope lots of you will join us with your black and white creations. Projects of all formats are allowed, and you have two weeks to link your work.

I made a large owl on an A3 page using a black India Ink pen.
I gave it clock eyes to fit in with our challenge at 
Art Journal Journey, time. The flourishes and branch were stenciled.

Recently I made this quick sketch of a lady sitting in the ice parlour. She sat very still, and just moved her eyes right and left, right and left - perhaps she was looking for someone.

I made three digital versions of my sketch, I think I like the last one best.

I am linking to our 49 faces challenge

The photos were taken at the weekend, today I spent my time at the dentist's!

This crow had a lot of white feathers:

I wonder if King Arthur owns the ship?

We had a rather pale sunrise today, but it was good to see the sun again after the storm.

 I love the wild flowers which grow along the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hope your mouth is feeling better now that your tooth has been pulled. You made a fabulous sketch too-hope you were eating that ice cream to afterwards so your mouth would be a little happier. And very clever way to get the time theme into your owl by adding those clock numbers into the eyes! He's a great owl! Hope its a great day so far :)

  2. Lovely work for the challenges, cute owl. Enjoyed your photos and the sunrise but hope the dentist went ok.

  3. I love the owl and the faces so good

  4. Love the owl and the face variations, I like the last one best. Hope you are feeling better today! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Was für eine oberbrilliantgeniale Eule, ich bin sowas von begeistert.
    Das Gesicht hast Du auch sehr gut hinbekommen und Deine Fotos sind wie immer allererste Sahne.

    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Tag

  6. The owl is just adorable! I love the clock faces around her eyes. What a great idea! The portrait is wonderful too.
    I'm sorry you had to see the dentist. Hopefully all is well now and you don't have to visit him again any time soon.

  7. Herrliche Aufnahmen - eine fablehafte Eule - ein tolles Gesicht mit super digitaler Bearbeitung!
    Du hast mir meinen Tag wieder mal verschönt mit Deinem Post!

  8. eine süsse eule und ein tolles gesicht,die fotos sind auch wunderschön..
    einen schönen tag heute.

    hugs jenny

  9. FABulous owl. his eyes...we heard the owl at the caravan last week again. ..hadn't been around for ages! Love the face (s ) and your photos as always! Hope you are recovering now! Chrisx

  10. Everything I see here is stunning...LOVE the owl, just adore it and would love your permission to use it on a card at some stage and credit you....the's impressed more and more each visit.xx
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  11. Die Eule ist richtig toll und den Blick bei der Dame hast du toll dargestellt - Gesichter kann ich gar nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag, Dagmar

  12. I love your owl, the clock eyes are a great idea, the face is beautiful as are your photos. I hope all went well at the dentist.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Your owl is a real masterpiece with amazing detail! Moon & stars in the eyes--just WOW!

  14. Your work is beautiful, as always, the portraits and the owl, I love owls,!!!!!
    The photos are lovely of your area and I see Fall creeping in, best wishes with the dentist!!

  15. Your owl is amazing Val, is there no end to your talents lol. Hope all went well at the dentist for you xx

    1. Well, my talents seem to end abruptly by things like Housew***k, clean**g etc!

  16. Love the owl. Hope your mouth feels okay, dentists visits can linger I've found. Nice views of your world. xox

  17. Love the owl Valerie. Reminds me of one I stitched many years ago in black and white silk thread. It hangs in my son's home. Love your face sketch too in the different edits. Lovely walking pics and the pretty flowers along the Rhine. Hope your dental appt. went well.
    Glad your storms have passed.
    Hugs, cm

  18. OH MY!!! I do so LOVE the OWL ♥♥♥♥♥ Great face too with all of it's digital redo's :) I'm sure that it's King Arthur reincarnated that owns the ship :) His spirit lives on ♥ Love the other photos too.

  19. Your owl is wonderful Valerie!!! and clever you giving it "tictoc" eyes too :-)
    Your lady sketch is brilliant too in each and every version ♥
    Fun to see that magically named boat on your beautiful Rhine.

  20. Love the black and white owl, its got fantastic eyes.
    The sketches look awesome, think the middle one in blue appeals to me most, but they all are great.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Your owl journal page reminds me of zentangle which is usually done in white of off white paper with black ink. He is mighty handsome! Interesting that the upcoming theme at Moo Mania is black and white because I have been pulling out papers that are white with black the last few days. I want to make some cards with those two colors. Your sunrise photos are spectacular today. Happy you are finished with the dentist. Take care.

  22. Your owl is wonderful Valerie; I like how you did his eyes. My favourite of the faces is the first, your original one. Hoe you have a good weekend looming {{Hugs}}

  23. Wow there is a lot to see here but I must say that I love love your owl ! I like all versions of the face, can't pick a favorite but I can why you like the bottom one the best. Again beautiful photos as well, Shirleyxx

  24. ooooooohhhhhh....I just love the clock eyes of the owl - great idea!!!!!

  25. Love your lady and all the digital variations - isn't digital technology just fabulous! Maybe she had a stiff neck and could only move her eyes :)
    Love LOVE your owl too.... Gill xx

  26. OMGosh! Your owl is wonderful!! how sweet and detailed! You put much love into this!
    Who who wouldn't love him? teehee xo


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