
Saturday 11 July 2015

This, that and the other for Saturday

Hi Everybody!

Every day I plan to start writing my blog post early, and every day I leave it till the last minute - what is so fascinating about last minutes? Are other people
also so attracted by them?

For Art Journal Journey, post-postage, I have made another journal page in my 'comedians' series. This time starring Laurel and Hardy. I used to love them as a kid. We had children's morning at the local cinema at weekends, and it was 2 hours of fun with L &H, Charlie Chaplin, Disney cartoons and more, and we all used to have a fun time. I drew cartoons of Laurel and Hardy, and added a copy of a special stamp-set for Oli's 100th birthday. The A3 background was as usual painted with gesso and stenciled with various motives in red and black. I added one of their lovely quotes. I had fun making this and thinking back to times gone by. I am also linking to Friday Face Art at Kim Dellow's blog.

Today started off with a wonderful sunrise. I love watching the sky change in those few minutes - beautiful.

I saw this funnel spider waiting for visitors when I was out today.

Love the colours here:

This house by the Rhine is from 1675 and used to be the customs House.

Have a great day you all, enjoy your weekend,
take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. oohh ich liebe laurel and hardy,hab gerade eine dvd geschenkt bekommen mit laurel und hardy,deine seite ist megaknaller,und deine himmelsbilder sind traumschön,danke dafür.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  2. Glad you had fun with your Laurel and Hardy page! What beautiful photos today too. 1675 is a long time ago.

  3. Love the new page, beautifully made, as always, and beautiful photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. I love these guys! I have seen many of their films! So fun and innocent!
    Glorious photos again, thank u!

  5. Amazing photographs again with such vibrant colours. How wonderful to see the spider on its web as well.

    The Laurel and Hardy page is wonderful. Love your amazing sketches and nest printing.

    We used to go to a little museum in Ulverston years ago as Stan Laurel was born there. The museum had lots of their special things and also a tiny cinema where they would show any Laurel and Hardy film anyone wanted to see. I am wondering if it is still there--must look online.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. What a wonderful post! Your fabulous page and drawings. ..along with the memories for me too of Saturday morning cinema, did you used to see Hopalong Cassidy too? Your photos today are just stunning , I wish I could see a sunrise like this! Have a wonderful day! Chrisx

    1. Yes, we did. And other films about a bunch of naughty kids, can't remember what they were called, but really funny!

    2. Was it Our Gang or something like that? 2 of the characters used to be Alfafa and Buckwheat? Alfafa 's hair had a piece that stood up on the top of his head!

    3. That's right, now I remember it, they were such funny little rascals! Thanks Chris!

  7. schöne Hommage an dick&doof - waren mein erstes kinoerlebnis mit sechs!! das sonderblatt verführt zum schnitzen... (aber wahrscheinlich ist es wieder mal kopiergeschützt)
    tolle Fotos! wünsche dir ein schönes WE !

  8. Hallo, liebe Valerie, Du musst diesen Kommentar nicht veröffentlichen.
    Ich wollte Dir nur mal schreiben, dass mir Dein Blog gefällt.
    Sicher kann ich mit diesem grandios souveränen Stil Deines Blogs gar nicht mithalten und bin auch eine Frau NICHT DEINER GEneration. Für mich ist der Computer seit einem halben Jahr eine absolute Neuentdeckung und mein persönliches Wunderland.
    Ich hoffe, ich übertrete da keine mir unbekannten Grenzen.
    Wenn, dann werde ich Sie kennenlernen.
    Die gibt es ja nunmal überall.
    Aber staunen möchte ich schon weiterhin!
    Du hast einfach guten Geschmack und perfekte Aussendarstellung, Phantasie und Können.
    Herzlich Pippa

  9. Oh ja: Dick und Doof! Wie habe ich sie immer geliebt!
    Wie auch bei Johanna, waren die Beiden ebenso mein erstes Kinoerlebnis, unvergesslich.
    Wie schön, dass du ihnen eine so schöne Seite gewidmet hast!
    LG Ulrike

    1. Mein allerstes Kinoerlebnis war 'Dumbo the flying elephant' als ich 4 war. Solche Sachen bleiben uns ewig erhalten!

  10. Eine ganz tolle Seite /EINS DER HIGHLIGHTS unter lauter hellen Sternenseiten diesen Monat) , ich liebe die beiden auch seit meinen Kindertagen... ich hatte es natürlich schon besser als Du, bei mir gab es die beiden schon im Fernsehen..als Serie und ich hab sie nie auslassen! Wunderschöne Bilder sind das wieder !
    Einen schönen Samstag Valerie!

  11. Wie wundervoll! Tolle Seite mit Laurel & Hardy ... da kommen Kindheitserinnerungen hoch!
    Schöne, stimmungsvolle Fotos zeigst du heute wieder ... vielen Dank dafür!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  12. Look at those gorgeous yellow blooms! I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos and art! Hope you have a great weekend.

  13. What can I say except FABULOUS.XX

  14. You really captured Laurel and Hardy so well in your sketch. I bet this was a fun page to make-pages that jog memories are always so wonderful to do. More great photos today. Has your weatehr finally cooled off a bit?

    1. It's warm and sunny but pleasant, no big burning heat!

  15. Hi Valerie, I always love your this and that posts. You truly did an amazing job with Laurel and Hardy. Two of my favorite characters. Always wonderful to see your amazing photos too.
    Have a great weekend, cm

  16. This is so cool and spot on in drawing them :D Love the vintage antique feel of the piece :D

  17. Hilarious theme Valerie, my brother would just love this one!! Beautiful photos, I actually got to go for a walk with my Mom when she was here. I should have snapped some shots but it's really not as pretty as your home town. hugs :)

  18. Heheheh - smiling big Valerie - Laurel and Hardy are WONDERFUL - eheheheheh!!! Brings back great memories too! And the photos you took - ahhhhhhhhhhhh - so intriguing to me. Love, love, love seeing them. You have a great weekend too! j.

  19. Heheheh - smiling big Valerie - Laurel and Hardy are WONDERFUL - eheheheheh!!! Brings back great memories too! And the photos you took - ahhhhhhhhhhhh - so intriguing to me. Love, love, love seeing them. You have a great weekend too! j.

  20. Big fan of Laurel and Hardy, watched them all the time. wonderful page. xox

  21. Ahh, Laurel and Hardy. I remember watching them as a child when my parents had them on the telly. I bought my hubs a boxed set of dvd's last Christmas. The box is in the style of their old suitcase ;)
    Your flower photos are beautiful and the old building fascinating! I love historical buildings.
    Hope your weekend is going well {{Hugs}}
    ps - many thanks for your lovely comments on my and Wee Man's posts, we really appreciate them {{More Hugs}}

  22. Great page again...I love Laurel & Hardy...brings back memories of my son and nephew watching them as children and my nephew laying on the flooring laughing and holding his belly. Those were happy times. Great photos and I love that big ole house ♥♥♥♥

  23. Wow, Valerie, that is one memory provoking fun page. We didn't live near a Saturday cinema for kids, but I do remember being taken to see Laurel and Hardy films with my grandparents. Fabulous page. Love todays photos especially the sky.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Oh how fabulous I love the comedians and Abbott and Costello..this is fabulous art and as always your photos are award winning to me.

  25. Laurel and Hardy...they surely could make us laugh and you did a terrific page using them as your theme today. I can hardly wait to view your next page. Your photos are always welcomed with glee. I worked way to hard in the yard this morning and wore myself out. Another week is on the horizon.

  26. I love your cartoons and that you put their to-from dates on them. They were a lovable duo.
    Grand photos. I hope to get to painting at least one of your lovely flowers this week.

  27. Fabulous photos, Valerie-Jael; the shift of the sky, the stunning flowers and the spider in it's tunnel.

    Great Laurel and Hardy page, I also used to see those matiné movies when I was little, I enjoyed them enormously.

    Love and hugs

  28. Well done on your drawings Valerie!! I remember my Dad play 8mm movies of them on the screen in the garage!!
    Your sky photos are Incredible!!! Gorgeous!! xo

  29. Fab Laurel and Hardy piece Valerie, and your photographs are stunning today xx

  30. Wonderful! I love your Laurel and Hardy and your fab photos Valerie. I am a great one for last minute too, it is always the way isn't it? Thank you for linking up to Show Your face and for the shout out too. Kx


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