
Saturday 4 July 2015

Mental floss

Hi Everybody!

Oh my, it is sooooo hot here. The asphalt on the roads is melting,
other roads are cracking apart - things are not made for these extreme temperatures here - nor was I!

For Art Journal Journey, post and postage, I have another journal page to share. This is another one where I was inspired by a stamp. I bought the stamp years back in England, and have kept it till now. There is a whole series of these funny ones, but I just concentrated on this one:

And then I imagined standing in front of the mirror in the morning and flossing my mind, so here is my personal version of the stamp, drawn, painted and collaged onto an A3 background painted with gesso:

It's not really a good likeness, I never paint my fingernails!

And just for fun:

I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Friday face art.

I was up extremely early today - it was too hot to sleep, and by the time the sun went up through the haze I had already washed three loads of laundry. At least they dry quickly in this heat!

Have a great day, take care, 
and keep warm or keep cool as the case may be!
Happy Independence Day to all friends on the other side of the Big Pond!

Thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yup, it looks really hot in those photos. I am also not made for that heat, and ours is coming in a few days. I love your funny page today. How clever to be inspired by those fun postage stamps. Try to stay cool and I hope your temperatures drop ASAP.

  2. Cute page and stamp inspiration! The skies look beautiful in that heat! Wow, hope it cools down a bit.

  3. wow,wie cool deine zeichnung ist,absolut witzig,hihihier istes auch very,very hot ,aber kurz gergnet hat es auch mal,aber es ist trotzdem sooo stickig warm.puuh,hab gestern draussen auch mal ein paar bilder gemacht,zeig ich nachher mal.
    ich hab auch so witzige stempel,kaum eingesetzt,deine seite ist sehr inspirirend..ich müsste auch mal die ohren durch pusten,hihi.
    wünsch dir trotz der heißen hitze einen schönen sommertag.

    hugs jenny

  4. Love your 'portrait' today, very witty, and fabulously made,great idea to get us thinking clearly! Stay cool!Great photos, too.Hugs, Sarah

  5. :D Danke für den fetten Grinser am frühen Morgen, ein tolles Werk. Und deine Fotos sind mal wieder herrlich anzuschauen.

  6. Fab piece Valerie! In fact I need to do this mental flossing right now:))

  7. Fab piece Valerie! In fact I need to do this mental flossing right now:))

  8. Amazing photographs Valerie=worth getting up early I reckon. Thank you for sharing them.

    What a wonderful page you create with a fun peep at you doing your mental floss. I have never seen that stamp before but I am so pleased that it inspired you to do the artwork

    Have a good day weather permitting or a long rest if it is too hot. Very hot but dark and wet as well here.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Genial gezeichnet Valerie! Bin begeistert! Absoluter Knaller diese Seite !
    Vielleicht sollte ich auch öfter Zahnseide benutzen?!

    Herrliche Sonnenaufgangsfotos sind das!
    Keep cool !!!!!!!!!!
    und AJJ sagt ♥♥♥DANKE♥♥♥

  10. LOL - What a fab, fun painting. Sometimes it would be wonderful to be able to floss ones mind and clear out unwanted debris.
    Your sunrise was spectacular, you have a stunning view. Wishing a cooler day for you today. {{Hugs}}

  11. Wow Valerie, I have had a good laugh at this one, The stuff we store in our heads could do with a sort out now and again. A fabulous page. Lobv the photos of the sky.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Holy heat!! Blacktop is melting? Try frying an egg and let me know if it works! lol I have always heard the old phrase,so hot you can fry and egg- but we have never made it that warm here to try it!! heehee
    Your postage peeps crack me up!! Love your humor!!
    Thank you for the 4th wishes!! xoxo

    1. They showed on TV people frying an egg on a stone!

  13. Ooooh if only we could floss out the mind!!! THis is such fabulous creative work! Your photos are amazing too. We are freezing here!! I wish we could trade a little chill for some warmth!

    1. If it was possible I would do it straight away!

  14. Very hot here in Texas, USA, too. Love your art - you are so talented.

  15. Oh-ho, Valerie, that is so funny and I like your version even better. Sorry to hear the heat has been so unbearable where you are at. It makes me grateful that our only complaint is that we are still waiting for summer to begin here on the east coast of Canada.

  16. Hehheheheheheh - this is sooooooooooooooooo FUN Valerie. I'm afraid the things in my head are so jumbled if I flossed - more would come out than the floss!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like my marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just laughing out loud looking at your INCREDIBLY FUN creation. And the little stamps are perfect - wouldn't it be so fun to see that on a real envelope!!!??? And your sunrises... thank you so much for sharing... gorgeous. Loved reading all of this. Happy 4th to you too!! j.

  17. Love this one!!!!!! So fun and I sometimes feel my brain could benefit from a good flossing now and then :) Beautiful sunrise photos. Hope your weather becomes more tolerable fast :)

  18. ich hab mich schlapp gelacht über deine mental floss seite!! schönes Wochenende noch!

  19. Hi Valerie
    Brilliant! I am sitting here with a big :)
    We've had rain all day and the central heating on by early evening!
    I am so sorry I have been absent for the longest time but I had little choice in the matter. Just hope that I will be back commenting on a more regular basis but difficult to say at this moment in time.

  20. Wow look at the sky with it's vibrant colours, great photos AND the funnies pages which one can only have a fab chuckle at...thanks for the

  21. Another great page hot I can't take it

  22. Wow, das ist ja so toll! Einfach fabelhaft deine Zeichnung und so pfiffig deine Spielereien damit! Herrlich!
    Herrlich sind auch deine Fotos ... vielen Dank dafür!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  23. Marvelous flossing. I would be too if it was that hot...we are heating up but, thankfully, not that hot. Heat makes for fab sunsets. Xox

  24. This is wonderful Valerie, I think I need a mental floss. LOL Great creation and pics. Thank you for the Independence day wishes too.
    Have a blessed Sunday! cm

  25. This is wonderful Valerie, I think I need a mental floss. LOL Great creation and pics. Thank you for the Independence day wishes too.
    Have a blessed Sunday! cm

  26. What fun painting and a creative idea, Valerie! Love your mental floss stamp and the fantastic page. Beautiful photos, too.
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Love your floss piece Valerie, that really cheered me up this morning!! Great shots of the sky, isn't mother nature wondrous! hugs :)

  28. This piece made me smile! My mind could use lots of flossing, ha ha! Sorry you are suffering with that heat, but it certainly produced pretty photos.

  29. This really made me laugh Val, brilliant selfies lol. Your photographs are stunning today xx

  30. Such a brilliant take of the stamp, it so fun, will be thinking of it next time I use dental floss :)

    We're having heave rains today, but the sky is clearing, so the weather is quite agreeable here.

    Love and hugs

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hey Valerie adore what the inspiration led too! Clever idea! I think I need some mental floss D'oh! Thank you for linking up to #ShowYourFace and for the shout out too. Kx

  33. I love your art ... your pictures...reading your posts😀 inspirational! Xxx


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