
Thursday 16 July 2015

A Victorian letter

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another vintage piece for Art Journal Journey, post and postage.
The A3 background was painted again with a mix of gesso and DecoArt titan buff to match the colour of the antique letter, which is naturally just a copy. I added some background stenciling using vintage photo DI, and some washi tape. I added various stamps of pens, ink, post marks,  the typewriter etc, and a figure with a stamp head using a Penny Black stamp. The sentiment was handwritten - 'send love into the world - send someone a letter today'. This was another fun piece to make.

Today I walked along the shore:

This young thrush was sitting on the wall behind the Basilica, I love the 'scruffy' feathers.

The fire bugs seem to like to sit on a wall somewhere where it's warm:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the vintage look of today's piece. Enjoyed the summery photos.

  2. eine schöne seite,die bilder sind toll.
    einen schönen tag dir,ich geh nachher eis essen mit einer freundin.

    hugs jenny

  3. Wonderful journal page, beautiful photos. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Just love the beautiful page with the vintage look and wonderful background. What a great collection of this theme you have already made. I just sent you an email does that count as a letter:)?

    What wonderful photographs. I am wondering what the wonderful blur flower is as I haven't seen one like it before. The young thrush didn't seem to mind you being there at all. How great to be able to get so close to it.

    Have a really lovely day

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  5. Eine wundervolle Seite Valerie und wenn ich die Fotos so sehe bekomme ich große Lust mit DIr am Rhein spazieren zu gehen!

    Hab einen schönen Tag!

  6. Such a lovely walk today I almost forgot that I came to look at your page! A lovely vintage look, love all the elements you have used on your aged page! I wondered what the flower was too - don't think we have chicory in northern England! Chrisx

    1. Pity, it's a gorgeous flower, I love the colour.

  7. A beautiful page and lovely photos. The chicory plants are in flower where I walk the dogs which means that they are due a hair cut because the seeds get so tangled up in their fur.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. We have those same blue flowers growing wild here, too. They add such a nice pop of color!

  9. Lovely photos and love that vibrant blue in those flowers....LOVE your fabulous page today as well.xx

  10. Wonderful Victorian piece Valerie and I just love those shots of the blue flowers! hugs :)

  11. Valerie, I love this piece of art which you made to appear so authentically vintage.

  12. Hi Valerie, this is another wonderful work of art. Love the stamp and the background. Great walking pics. The fluffy feathered bird is so pretty. You captured great shots.
    Have a happy

  13. It seems like I am always a day behind posting to your blog. Your postage themed pages have all been so wonderful and I will hate to see this month go by so quickly. Your Victorian page is super with the letter in beautiful handwriting. I don't believe the schools even teach handwriting anymore. what a shame! More peaceful photos today and I am glad we don't have those firebugs as they don't appear to pleasing to the eye.


    1. They are quite harmless, the colouring is evidently to scare off predators!

  14. Love the vintage feel of today's art and the original handwriting on the letter is so beautiful. I have always admired beautiful handwriting but could never master it for myself. Great photos the striking blue of those Chicory wildflowers ♥

  15. Tolle Seite - und wie wunderbar blau ist die Wegwarte... und wie schön, der leuchtende Käfer!
    Leider gibt es ja immer weniger Käfer, ist dir das auch schon mal aufgefallen? LG Ulrike

  16. A very beautiful page as always Valerie. I like the figure with the stamp head :D
    Your blue flower photograph is so lovely and the baby bird very cute. {{Hugs}}

  17. Your page is stunning. I love all of the vintage elements. Gorgeous nature photos too.

  18. What a beautiful vintage piece you created pulling together all of those special ingredients!
    Thank you also for the very fine nature fix this afternoon with your lovely photos (always!)
    GLG oxo

  19. A gorgeous vintage letter page, pleased to read it was a copy, the original must be so precious.
    Lovely photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  20. All your vintage touches look great, I like the head stamp on the stamp body, that looks so good.
    You are really rocking with this theme with so many unusual arty pieces.
    Baby birds are fun with their cheeky faces and scruffy feathers, it's a great "posed" photo.

  21. Wow! Art and nature. So exciting, so much inspiration here! Thank you.

  22. The highlight of my day... is YOU Valerie. Thanks bunches for the pictures and another fabulous stamp/letter page. It seems the perfect rendering of what I imagine when I read Victorian novels. Love the look and especially the body with the stamp head - eheheheh - just great! j.

  23. The highlight of my day... is YOU Valerie. Thanks bunches for the pictures and another fabulous stamp/letter page. It seems the perfect rendering of what I imagine when I read Victorian novels. Love the look and especially the body with the stamp head - eheheheh - just great! j.

  24. What a gorgeous page Valerie! !How clever is that little stamp girl!! I love her! xo


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