
Monday 1 June 2015

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend was good!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey with the theme
'Masculine and feminine'. This  gives us a very broad scope to explore all aspects of what makes the sexes  different. We are born males or females,  but we are expected to develop into masculine or feminine. Is that the same? Are the traits which we ascribe to the sexes born in them, or do we learn them? What is expected of us? How does the other sex see us? What makes a man a man or a woman a woman? Do men have to be hard and rugged, cool, calculating, and smoke camel cigarettes or smoke pipes? Do women all have to be soft, fluffy, helpless and dependent on their menfolk? Is it possible, allowed or desirable to be a bit of both? This month we want you to show us all you can about this fascinating theme, to show us your ying and yang, to journal about what you think being masculine or feminine means.... You might want to just do pages about men, or about women, or both.  Whatever, let your imagination run riot and your creativity be boundless. Susi and I are looking forward to seeing what you make of this interesting theme.

For my first piece I glued some vintage book paper onto an A3 sheet and  painted it with gesso. I stenciled various motives using fired brick DI. The images of Daniel Craig  and Audrey Hepburn are from Andy Skinner. I printed 007 onto vintage book paper. I fussy cut the images and  glued them with mod podge. When they were dry, I added the black stenciling and doodling. 007 is always stereotype for the hard, cool and fearless man, Audrey Hepburn always played very feminine roles. Are women only allowed to be decorative, or can they pack a punch, too?  The quotes are from Oscar Wilde.

And a few photos from yesterday's walk - it was so cold and windy down at the Rhine today that I didn't even take my camera out of my pocket!

Love the light and shadow created by these leafy 'tunnels'

In the hospital garden:

And this one was growing by the wayside near the stream -
deadly nightshade. The flowers are always so pretty, though, and later the fruits look just like tiny tomatoes, although they are definitely not edible.

And these are the dark clouds which soaked me with rain and hail when I was on my way home:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great new challenge, and a fantastic page from you to start it off - where do you find all those ideas? Love the photos, too. Have a sweet day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Eine besonders schöne Seite für das neue Thema Valerie!
    Ich freu mich schon wieder sehr darauf!
    Ich hoffe heute ist besseres Wetter bei Dir, damit Du wieder einen schönen Fotoausflug machen kannst!
    Herrliche Aufnahmen sind es ... die Blüten sind ganz besonders attraktiv !

    Auf einen guten neuen Monat!

  3. Fantastic photographs. I haven't seen any deadly nightshade for years and had forgotten how beautiful the flowers are.What an amazing sky over the boat on the Rhine it looks painted.

    Terrific page to start off the theme for the month. I will have to get my thinking cap on for this one

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Liebe Valerie, Deine Gedanken zu dem neuen Thema sind sehr weise. Ja, ich glaube (weiß es), jde/r hat beide Anteile in sich. Aber reizvoller finde ich immer noch die Frauen :)

    Eine wunderschöne Seite ist entstanden, ein wunderbarer Auftakt in einen neuen Monat. Ich freue mich sehr. Auch Deine wunderschönen Fotos freuen meine Augen. Ja, der Sommer ist da - zumindest bei Dir ;)

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und eine wunderschöne Woche wünscht Dir

    1. Mein Mann hat gesagt, 'Die Frauen sind reizvoller und auch reizbarer'! Aber Dein Ansicht teile ich!

  5. ich bin zurück, wenn auch im Moment nur körperlich;) aber ich hoffe im lauf der zeit auch einen beitrag leisten zu können. deine seite ist jedenfalls schon mal sehr schön... und die krachenden rhododendron-farben durfte ich auf meiner reise auch genießen!

  6. Fabulous work of art, thanks for the link of the male and female downloads.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  7. Love your page Valerie, the quotes are so true!

  8. Love your page Valerie, the quotes are so true!

  9. I love your art and photos today Valerie.... those quotes made me smile!

    Karen x

  10. Terrific page and fantastic quotes, Valerie! Great choice of the theme this month at AJJ, I love it!
    Have a lovely day!
    Hugs, Mar

  11. Great page Valerie and a great quote. We could be here all day discussing the differences between men and women, they are definitely different, although I believe we are half nature, half nurture. Some things we are born with but others we learn from the people who,pass through our lives. Have a lovely Monday. Xx

    1. That is true, and it's always a good topic for discussion and philosophising!

  12. A fabulous journal page and a great theme, I love the quotes.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Ein toller Einstieg von dir in dieses wunderbare neue Thema. Mir gefallen auch sehr deine Worte dazu, und ich freue mich sehr auf die bestimmt spannenden Beiträge.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  14. Fun page. I love the images you chose. I'll have to make some pages and play this month as it is another interesting topic at Art Journal Journey. Stay warm and dry, we are finally getting rain and cold and for us, it is about time as we went one whole month with no rain!

  15. Nice take on the new challenge, stunning photos today!

  16. Love your choice for the new theme. This is a fabulous page and super words.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Well stereotype or not, who doesn't love some Bond!!! Love your piece Valerie and I am in heaven with all your floral photos today! Have a great day, hugs :)

  18. Stunning page, great challenge! And the photos are beautiful!
    Groetjes Karin

  19. Love the journal page and this month challenge should produce some very interesting art :) Can't wait to see it all. ♥ Your weather sounds much like ours this past week...very wet and very cool .. was supposed to go camping with the sons family but it was canceled :( By the middle of this week we are supposed to be warm again :) Lovely photos!!!

  20. Gorgeous Page Valerie, I love anything designed in black and white and this is perfect for your theme.Lovely flower pics and that sky shot if beautiful.
    Have a great day.

  21. What a great theme for June when many weddings take place. Love your first page, Valerie! Sorry you got wet on your walk. Take care not to catch a cold. I look forward to each new day - man vs woman.


  22. What an interesting topic. Your page is gorgeous; Audrey is stunning.
    Thank you for showing the flower photos; they are beautiful. It seems to me I've heard you mention hail a time or two before this. Is hail common where you live? Rain is not so bad, but hail can hurt. I hope you didn't have to be in it long.

    1. We've had a lot of hail showers recently. I was lucky that the hailstones were small!

  23. What a fab theme Valerie and I love your piece - Audrey was one of my favourite actresses, or maybe she was just in my favourite films - it's a bit chicken and egg isn't it lol. Your flowers are lovely, so full of colour xx

  24. WOWWWW, was für eine schöne Seite. Gefällt mir sehr. Tolles Thema hast du ausgesucht.
    LG Carola

  25. Oh dear, I do hope you got dried off and warmed up rather quickly once you got home. The last thing you need is a chill. Your page is fabulous and the quotes are totally perfect! :o))

  26. Great theme and a beautiful inspiration piece to start off the new month!

  27. Wonderful inspiration piece for another cool AJJ challenge Valerie!
    Classic hollywood goodness.
    Good thing the hail was small = ouch!
    Happy June

  28. Goodness, I think this is one of my most favorite pages of yours...and the flower colors have me running to my bead stash to match them!

  29. I love this piece so much!! Great colors and composition...
    I also have to say that your photos are fab as well.

  30. I agree with the others that your piece is a great start to the theme. I don't know how you manage to produce such consistently excellent and daily art, I think your kitchen table has a hand in it.
    Great contrast here between Audrey and 007, and the red and black stencilling adds so much to the portraits. What a lovely picture you conjure up with the woman being soft and fluffy and the man smoking a pipe, sounds like the start of a fifties romance.

  31. The man's man and the ultimate lovely Audrey Hepurn. Perfect place to start. xox

  32. I didn't notice the quotes before and they are great! Love your art and your beautiful scenery where you live!

  33. Love ❤️💗💛💜💚


  34. Great journal page and lovely images. I really like how the book text appears through. The page is so effective with the black and white and red and I love the quotes! xx


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