
Thursday 4 June 2015

Love is all you need

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

For Art Journal Journey, Masculine and feminine, I have made another journal page - what else?! This time I used an image of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, printed onto some glossy book paper. There was not enough ink in the printer, and it came out with stripes in it. As the ink stays wet on the glossy paper longer than on a normal one I was able to add some black EP and emboss it, which gave another different effect. This was not quite how it was planned, but sometimes we need to go with the flow! I fussy cut the image, and mounted onto an A3 sheet painted with black gesso mixed with some dark blue and sprinkled with some fairy dust. The text is a quote from John Lennon and was written with white using a large stencil, so that it dominates the page. I outlined the image with white and wrote a Beatles quote directly onto it.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes.

Just a few photos of my early morning visitors yesterday, as I was at the hospital most of the day for some examinations and tests.

This little jay has a tuft on his head and a feather sticking up at the front, he looks really funny:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks for coming by!


  1. Love the embossing on the printed image of John and Yoko. I think it really enhances the page. Hoe clever to think to do that when you saw the lines.Hope all is ok and your day in the hospital was just for routine things.

  2. What can I say but BRILLIANT.... brings back a lot of

  3. Beautiful page and sentiment here. Pretty photos. Hope your tests go well.

  4. Love this great sentiment! Varlie-Jael, your page is so beautiful :)

  5. Terrific page and the stripes on the couple add a certain something I reckon. I will be singing the song all day now :)

    Very serene photos today of the beautiful little birds visiting their other 'mum'

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Love your John and Yoko page, and that you have brought those great words into focus - fantastic! Like the idea of you being the birds' Mum! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Was für ein toller Effekt mit dem Embossing Pulver ... fabelhafte Idee.. und schnell musst Du da dann auch gewesen sein.. ein Geistesblitz und schnell umgestzt... ... find ich toll!( Bis ich das EP fände wär die Tinte sicher schon wieder!
    Deine Ideen zu M/F sind richitg toll, weisst Du das?!
    Ich glaub der kleine Kerl wird Dir bleiben! Der ist richtig süß!
    Hab einen schönen Feiertag !

    1. Ich muss manchmal lang suchen um seltsame Dinge wie Staublappen oder Schuhpolitur zu finden, aber ich weiss immer wo mein EP ist!

  8. Liebe Valerie, Dein Pärchen mit all seiner Liebe ist vom feinsten. Ich liebe es :)
    Feine Vogelbildchen erzählen eine Sommergeschichte, wie schön.
    Ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut !?

    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir

  9. An excellent page Valerie and I like the first quote. The wee Jay is so cute with his bed-head, lol Hope all went well at the 'spital :D {{Hugs}}

  10. Wonderful photos that beautiful birds!

  11. Sieht absolut super aus, bestimmt viel besser, als wenn der Drucker genügend Tinte gehabt hätte! LG Ulrike

  12. clevere schnelle Reaktion mit dem embossing pulver... ich finde, die streifen machen sich sogar sehr gut hier!
    dann wünsch ich dir mal gute testergebnisse! take care!

  13. Fabulous page Valerie, love how the image turned out. Great work with the stencilled quotes.
    Wonderful pictures. Hope everything went ok at the hospital.
    Avril xx

  14. Fabulous page Valerie, love how the image turned out. Great work with the stencilled quotes.
    Wonderful pictures. Hope everything went ok at the hospital.
    Avril xx

  15. Fabulous page and great photos, Valerie! I hope you are doing OK and that all went well with the tests and examines! Hugs!

  16. Beautiful piece today Valerie, I love the white on the dark background! There are always so many wonderful birds in your garden, what a wonderful thing to wake up to! Hope all went well with your hospital visit. hugs :)

  17. I like how the image turned out. The stripes are fabulous. Isn't it lovely how mistakes in art can turn into opportunities to do it so much better than you had planned?

    1. So true, some mistakes are really serendipitous.

  18. I really like this Val, I think the stripes work really well, and the quote is perfect. Hope everything went well for you today xx

  19. I really like the page and the stripes give it a rather unworldly look which is totally fitting for the image and quotes. Love the birds and hope all is well with you and the hospital visit was jut routine check ups.

  20. Awesome page, its good to go with the flow, especially when you get such fabulous results.
    Lovely photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. The image of John & Yoko came out pretty cool--I love happy accidents! Hugs!

  22. Perfect theme for your art journal today, Valerie. What a huge loss when John was killed. It just makes no sense why people are so cruel or crazy. Hope the doctors were pleased with your tests and your hand/shoulder have completely healed. Be careful and take care of yourself. It is so easy to fall when we are concentrating on our projects. Another weekend is on the horizon. I can't believe how fast the days fly by.


  23. really fantastic journal page Valerie, and I always love seeing your photos of the sweet birds!

  24. Such great art here as always! I love those sweet birds too!

  25. John Lennon, what a force he was. Great bird shots. Hope all is well and you are okay. Tests are not fun. xox

  26. Uplifting art and photos. I hope your tests went well!

  27. I love this because my hubby and I have always loved the Beatles and many did hate John for loving Yoko! Seems strange today but that was the way is was way back then. And then someone took John's life way before it should have ended! He was one of the greatest song writers!
    I too get those annoying stripes sometimes but you certainly did use them to your advantage and made it look lovely!


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