
Tuesday 23 June 2015

Coffee cups, cars and more.

Hi Everybody!

Today is the beginning of a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday - Tea cups, or coffee cups, or mugs. Hope to see lots of you there during the next 2 weeks, projects of all formats are allowed. As I am a coffee drinker I cut 'my' head and filled it with  coffee cups on a patterned background. In the circles I wrote my coffee poem, written a couple of years back. Here it is again for those who can't read round the circles:

Give me coffee, but not tea,
Tea is not the drink for me.
Coffee, frothy, brown and hot,
I can always drink a lot.
Coffee topped with whipped up cream -
This with joy will make me scream.
Café au lait with chocolate sprinkles,
Makes me happy, stops my wrinkles.
And if the point you have not seen - 
A day without coffee makes me mean!

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine.

I had to make a birthday card for a neighbour who will be 90 this week. As he loves cars, I made one using Tim's old jalopy. I cut the car from cardboard covered with aluminium tape, which had first been embossed with an embossing folder. The crown and wings were cut from the same material. I coloured the 'metal' with Vivacolor rust, and gave it some patina with black antiquing paste. I mounted the car and heart onto brown mirri card, and matted it with 2 layers of peeled cardboard, painted with rust, copper and gold, and partly embossed with Frantage vintage copper and gold. I rubbed the edges with some Inka gold in gunmetal grey, and used  snap fasteners as embellishments. I am linking to  anything but cute, masculine.

A few photos from yesterday's walk, today was too wet!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Kaffetassen im Kopf,eine gute idee,ich trinke auch gern und viel kaffee.
    schönen tag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Lovely work for the challenges and a beautiful card! Nice photos from yesterday, and the rain is good for flowers today.

  3. Love your 'head' with the coffee cups and poems, and the masculine card is great, I am sure he will love it. Nice photos from the houses, too. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful page and awesome card with fabulous and lovely colours chosen...xx {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  5. Really liked seeing some different kind of projects from you! The coffee cups made me smile, like you I am a coffee rather than a tea person and I loved the poem! The card is amazing!! Stunning textures, never has that old jalopy looked that good!!

  6. Fabulous shapes on your photographs Valerie-such wonders you find to share with us every day.

    Love the TIOT DT piece and you head full of coffee.

    The card is terrific with wonderful texture added to it and a burnished look. Your neighbour will love it I'm sure

    Have a good day.

    Chrissie xx

  7. Loving the rooftop photos :D
    The coffee head is fabulous; I love the cup designs and the poem is lots of fun.
    Your neighbour will love his jalopy card. I hope he has a most enjoyable birthday :o))

    1. I love taking photos of the roofs, they are all so different.

  8. Eine super Seite und die Karte is toll gelungen !
    Was für schöne Gebäude Ihr habt!
    Gefallen mir!

    Sei lieb gegrüßt von

  9. Love both makes here Valerie. Very clever idea with the coffee cup and your card will be treasured y your 90 year old friend. I love the Old Jalopy

    TFS and best wishes
    Annie x

  10. Great coffee cup project and photos!
    Have a nice T-Day xx

  11. Love the idea brilliant, I used to love coffee but some of my medications means I can't drink it anymore hugs Bee.

  12. Another one of your fantastic heads. I love them. Using the printed paper made this one looks different from the others, and I love how you used the space to write in your poem. Ha-ha. I don't like coffee the drink but I love your poem. Hope you are having a great day.

  13. Wow! Valerie, love your page and your poem even more- I am a cofee lover!

  14. Wow! Valerie, love your page and your poem even more- I am a cofee lover!

  15. A brilliant idea to use the head and fill it with coffee cups, the poem is fantastic , love how you added it in to your page.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Fabulous page and what creative way to write the poem around the circles! And I love the coffe cups.
    Great card for your neighbour.
    Have a lovely day, Valerie! Hugs, Mar

  17. Wonderful coffee page! heehee , no there is no life before coffee!! I'm sure of it! heehee
    Great card for your neighbor- and bless him at 90!!
    Have a wonderful day Valerie! xoxo

    ps..I swear I did not just read the above comment before I wrote this...

  18. I think no one should try and come between you and your coffee liebe Valerie ;-)
    You illustrated it beautifully in what you created here.
    Super special card for your neighbor!
    Now it's time for me to make a cup of coffee eventho I have lots of catching up to do.
    Happy Tuesday my friend.

  19. such a wonderful coffee piece!
    enjoyed your lovely photos too.
    sweet week to you.

  20. Really creative indeed, nice wording and the colours are vibrant.

  21. Haha! Love this! Great poem too.
    Your card is fabulous. That foil embossed car is gorgeous.

  22. The textures on the card are wonderful. Lucky 90 year old. I dont drink coffee but this work is so inventive and a poem as well, I am almost tempted to try.

  23. Klasse Arbeiten sind das wieder und die Fotos machen echt Lust auf mehr von eurer tollen Gegend ;o)
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  24. I always especially love your photos of buildings and architecture. Tried to choose a favourite here, maybe the white house through the arch with the blue gates.
    You've painted a very clever and effective illustration as a tribute to coffee, how true it all is.
    What a great card for your neighbour, it is beyond anything, from the peeled cardboard to the snap fasteners.

  25. Great journal entry!!! Coffee is my go to drink....again. I had cut back for a couple of years as the doctors were convinced I would feel better with out .... BLAH! I felt worse..... so I'm drinking it again as I please and a much happier person. Nice card for the neighbor all of the details . Great photos of the started off very wet here but the sun finally made an appearance.

  26. Love your coffee head and poem Valerie, great fun.
    Your friend will love his card, love the textures and colours.
    Fabulous photos

    Avril xx

  27. Love your coffee head and poem Valerie, great fun.
    Your friend will love his card, love the textures and colours.
    Fabulous photos

    Avril xx

  28. Wow Valerie, your masculine birthday card is incredible! I looks like an old oxidized copper and brass plaque, very unique and extremely amazing!! Wonderful photos too, I just love all the architecture you have surrounding you! Sorry I missed you the last few days, a little under the weather, but back in the game now!

    Thank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute for our 'Make It Masculine' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  29. I Love the card - I just want to touch it as its so full of texture. Really enjoyed looking at the photos of your walk as well Cxx

  30. What a fabulous masculine birthday card - your neighbour will be very pleased with it. I love the embossed car, which looks terrific against the other textural items. The colour palette is fabulous. Thanks for joining us at Anything But Cute.

  31. I love the car you used and how you embossed to add texture! I'm so drawn to the shiny metallic elements. Thanks for joining us at Anything But Cute xx

  32. WOW!!! This is amazing!!! Love the choice of deep metallic colors in this crafting gem! Thank you so very kindly for joining the Make it Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Samra DT

  33. Wow, Valerie! This metallic card is delightful! I love your use of everything metal, and I see a long list of products I am going to have to check out here! Lovely embossing on the focal images, and great texture made by the corrugated board. Awesome! LOVE! Thank you for joining our Make It Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute! Hugs, Sara Emily DT

    PS I always enjoy your photography! I'm so envious of the architecture you have there! I would never tire of looking at it.

  34. Love your take on our challenge and the metallic card is awesome, too.
    Hugz, Z

  35. Love your take on our challenge and the metallic card is awesome, too.
    Hugz, Z


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