
Tuesday 12 May 2015

TIOT, TT and a JV for AJJ

Hi Everybody,
Hope our day is going well!

If you are wondering what all those abbreviations in the title mean, I can translate them for you: Try it on Tuesday, Tag Tuesday and a Joint Venture for Art Journal Journey!

Today a new challenge is starting at Try it on Tuesday with the theme 
'Sewing and Buttons'.
You have 2 weeks to join in, and all formats are allowed. You can see lots of lovely examples on our blog. I made a felt elephant, all stitched by hand, with real buttons etc. I know it's not perfect, sewing elephants is something I haven't tried before, but I suppose there is a first time for everything! I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, flowers.

At Tag Tuesday the theme is Music. I wanted to use my Mozart stamp, but he seems to have gone on holiday. I found a nice image by Gecko Galz, which I mounted with pink and blue matting. The butterfly has been crackled and distressed. The quote reads, 'A world without music is like a bird with broken wings, a nest without eggs or a butterfly which has forgotten how to fly'. I only wrote the first part along the side of the tag, and the rest is on the back.

Now to the joint venture for Art Journal Journey, the sea. 2 weeks back I looked after my little friend Sally while her Grandma was at the doc's. She helped me make this page. The brush wipe page with added Gelato colours was from me, and Sally, who has just turned 9, drew the octopus by herself, and painted it. The choice of pink metallic paint was all her idea, too. I drew the outlining when it was dry, and wrote the text. Sally had fun punching out butterflies, and added them to the page so it wasn't so boring. She punched lots of other butterflies, birds etc and took a big bag full  back home with her. I think she has talent!

I tried reversing the colours, and like this version even better:

My resident jay was hungry today, and spent a lot of time attacking the fat balls:

Looks like he's saying 'Yummy!'

And Lilly and Lucky have the last word again:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the whole concept of this creation and that elephant and image is fabulous. xxx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  2. oohh dein elefant ist sü süsss,und dein tag ist zauberhaft,der octopus ist sehr süss und so lebendig.
    schöne bilder von dem vögelchen hast du gemacht,bei mir kommen sie auch immer zu futtern.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    glg jenny

  3. Lovely work for the challenges, your 9 year old friend is talented too. Your cats have good lives!

  4. Fantastic work, love what Sally made, too, you are a great team. Love the photos of that cute bird! Hugs, Sarah

  5. ein putziger Elefant! und ich würde auch sagen: der invertierte Oktopus hat was! sollte ich auch öfter mal probieren, ich vergesse immer darauf...

  6. Love the elephant saddle and the tag is stunning Valerie with the amazing colours and images.

    Sally must love coming to visit ypu and be
    able to learn about crafting. The page is so much fun in both colours.

    Terrific pictutes of your bisiting bird. It lpoks happy to be there on your balcony. Cats ate so funny and I loved your photograph of them

    Have a good

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Der Elefant ist zauberhaft und ich bewundere alle diese handgenähten Stiche an ihm... ein Geduldsspiel wär das für mich!
    Dein Tag ist super- ob der Mozartstempel wieder kommt aus dem Urlaub?
    Sally hat echt talent und mit der digitalen Fabrveränderung sieht es klarerweise realistischer aus..
    aber ich mag Sally's pink octopus auch !
    Na der Balkongast scheint sich richtig wohl zu fühlen!
    Den hast Du eingegarnt!
    Einen wunderschönen sonnigen Dienstag wünsch ich DIr!
    Thank you ♥♥♥ AJJ ♥♥♥ is HAPPY!

  8. Sally obviously had a fun and creative time with you. What a super octopus. I absolutely love your elephant, definitely my kind of thing! I'm painting and wallpapering my daughter's room today so I'd better go and get her out her bed. Teenagers! Xx

  9. ... der Elefant ist doch perfekt, als würdest du schon seit Jahren Elefanten nähen!
    So, so, du verführst deine Balkonvögel also auch im Sommer mit Futter - ist ja auch nett solche Gesellschaft zu haben.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  10. Wow, Valerie I don't know where to start, so all I will say is 'Absolutely Fabulous', for them all. The Elephant is my favourite, so cute with lovely details.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wonderful projects, I love the elephant and Sally's octopus.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Wonderful projects. Love especially the crackled butterfly.
    Hugs xx

  13. Love ALL of the projects today. I especially like Sallies work. You may have some competition in your future. LOL. She is talented. Great Jay pictures and love the kitties.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. What fabulous post (although I will be singing that song all day!) I love your elephant! Your tag is beautiful! Love your Jay photos - I am so jealous!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. I love your elehant Valerie, it is so sweet. Your tag of course is beautiful and today's undersea project is a delight to behold. The octopus is so pretty in pink and the the white butterflies are ingenious. Have a fabulous day :o))

  15. All so fun. Cutest ever elephant. Like you octopus. Heard a really interesting radio show about them and how intelligent they really art. The most interesting bit was that there brain is in a ring around their neck and has 17 lobes, pretty cool sea stuff. xox

  16. Love your little elephant, so sweet!! Your tag is just gorgeous, however do you get the amazing crackle on your butterflies?? Beautiful photos today, a lovely way to start my day! hugs :)

  17. What a beautiful assortment of art you share today!! The tag and journal pages are lovely, but I just Adore your lil elephant! He is so precious!! xo

  18. Hi Valerie, you have a sweet variety today and all is special. Love our little elephant. So cute and I love the tag along with our gorgeous journal page. You sure captured great shots of the bird feeding. So precious! Have a creative day.

  19. Forgot to say how precious Lilly and Lucky are. Give them kitty hugs from me! Hugs, CM

  20. Great post Valerie - I have to say I especially love your elephant :)

    So cute!!!

    Karen x

  21. Der Elefant ist ja wohl der Oberhammer, echt sooooo süß.
    Deine Werke finde ich - wie immer - super und Deine Fotos natürlich auch

  22. Fantastic post today with fabulous art pieces. Your elephant is very cute and I love the beautiful tag with the lovely butterfly. The page is amazing as usual. Cute cats!
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Love your elephant and admire your sewing skills! I have a female cat name Lili!

  24. That octopus is wonderful! Lots of fun!

  25. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE !!!! The journal page ♥♥♥ The elephant is a win win too ♥♥♥♥ Great tag and the photos are beautiful as always. Always a joy to the eye to visit with you :)

  26. What a sweet elephant with his pink coat, it's really lovely. Congratulations on your first ever sewn elephant.
    Sally can come and paint at my house any time; her choice of metallic pink for the octopus is excellent and her white butterflies certainly add oomph to the painting. In fact, much as I like photo-editing I prefer the original in this case. Well done, Sally.
    Your musical tag is beautiful too. Hope your Mozart stamp enjoys his holiday.

  27. Lucky & Lily look adorable sharing! I like how your elephant came out...I love elephants and don't think anyone could make a bad one, LOL! Buttons & sewing will be a fun theme for sure!

  28. Three terrific projects today and all are wonderful. I am really enjoying the theme for your journal and the elephant toy is very special with the buttons and colored threads. Always like your photos as you know.

  29. Wonderful. Love the Elephant with his colourful ears and your tag is beautiful. Sally has talent love the idea of the pink octopus in her garden, great alternative with the colour too.
    Fabulous pictures, thaJay must be a pleasure to watch.
    Avril xx

  30. Wonderful. Love the Elephant with his colourful ears and your tag is beautiful. Sally has talent love the idea of the pink octopus in her garden, great alternative with the colour too.
    Fabulous pictures, thaJay must be a pleasure to watch.
    Avril xx

  31. OMGoodness! That bird was totally posing for you in that one shot where he looked right into the camera.
    Your octopus is so cute, in both colours, and your elephant is adorable. Gorgeous tag too. I love that beautiful butterfly.


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