
Saturday 23 May 2015

The Spirit in the Bottle

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, and that the weather is being kind to you!

Today I have another bottle piece for Moo Mania and More. I was inspired by the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale 'The spirit in the bottle' (Der Geist im Glas), and by one of my big glass vases. I used kraft paper (A3) for the background, and painted it with black gesso mixed with a bit of blue. After drawing the outline of the bottle I painted the face using diluted acrylics and various pastel colours. Then I coloured the vase using pastel chalks. This was a fun make!
(the little spots were caused by dropping a bottle of spray ink on the table which spritzed, but I quite like the effect, even if it was not intended!)
Also linking to Friday show your face at Kim Dellow's Blog

And this is the vase. The strange spirit you can see is a reflection of me taking the photo....

The day started with a wonderful sunrise:

Mr Jay casting a longing  look at the fat-ball on the wall:

And Lilly has the last word today:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loving your cool bottle art! And a cute Lilly that is.

  2. This is such fun, and really well made, just love it! Great photos as always. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your Geist im Glas is gorgeous Valerie! Love the way you painted the face!
    Hugs from Lili to Lilly!

  4. Your Geist im Glas is gorgeous Valerie! Love the way you painted the face!
    Hugs from Lili to Lilly!

  5. Fantastic idea for the bottle challenge Valerie and what a beautiful vase to use as a model.

    Lovely photographs and the little bird looks so happy among all of your balcony wonders

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. gute Idee mit dem flaschengeist! schönes WE, Valerie!

  7. Dein Flaschengeist gefällt mir sehr gut, Deine Fotos auch

  8. You've achieved a great effect with the genie Valerie, although he's still a bit scary to me! Your balcony is looking lovely, we have another beautiful day today, hope the sun shines for you too. Xx

    1. Don't be scared. he just pretends to be bad, is really quite harmless - well, up til now, anyway....

  9. Was für eine tolle Idee Valerie und super umgesetzt! Dein Vase im Original ist aber auch zu schön!
    Herrliche Fotos und Lilly sieht sehr selbstbewusst aus ..wie!

    Schönen Tag Liebes!

  10. Wow Valerie, that is so effective. Bravo! :D
    Your sunrise photos are beautiful, especially the first two.
    Have a lovely day {{Hugs}}

  11. Absolutely gorgeous journal again, Great colour combo used.
    have a lovely weekend.
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  12. Liebe Valerie,
    dein Flaschengeist ist absolut genial ;-)... die Fotos ebenso, vor allem der Sonnenschein ist traumschön... Lilly würde ich gerne mal in die Ferien nehmen *lächel
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. Ha-ha. What a fun piece. Has some cubism going on too which is really neat. And what a beautiful sunrise you had this morning. Hope your day is going as beautiful as that was.

  14. Perfect spirit in that lovely bottle and how fun your inspiration is liebe Valerie!
    Beautiful pot of Forget-me-nots ... ♥!
    Meow to Lilly too.

  15. Love your spirit in a bottle Valerie! Well done with the subtle glow, it gives the bottle great definition and depth! Beautiful photos, you really get some gorgeous skies where you are! hugs :)

  16. Cool. I like the dark blue that resembles feathers.

  17. Hi Valerie .. I love the spirit in the bottle - the colours are gorgeous and I'm rather fond of the spirit within! Lovely photos ... and Mr Jay looking longingly ... while Lilly looks grumpy she's last! Cheers Hilary

  18. What an inspired painting! It looks like it's glowing! I love the sunset photos too and Lily is so cute!

  19. What a fantastic piece Valerie :-) I love the colour of the vase against the dark background and I can't make up my mind whether it's a brown bear or polar bear who is staring back at me.

    Gorgeous photos and what a sweet cat

    Tfs and best wishes
    Annie x

  20. Very much like your creation and your humor at an accident that worked to the good. Your sunrise photos are beautiful. Lilly makes me want to reach out and pet just to hear the purr.

    Hugs and Blessings

  21. i love where you found your inspiration for this fun piece.
    you sure see pretty skies!

  22. Fabulous bottle with Genie, the spots add lovely interest. Lovely photos as always.

    Warm hugs

  23. Magical creativity and post! Thank you for sharing

  24. Wonderful idea! I just love the way you have captured the magical look of a spirit in the the bottle, just looks fabulous! Thank you so much for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. It is great to see your fab work and of course lovely Lilly. Kx

  25. A real fairy tale creation! I love the colours and the expression of your 'spirit in a bottle'! Lily looks such a lovely cat. Our cat Daisy often joins me when I'm creating, but she can't stay awake for long! xx


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