
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sea and wild flowers

Hi Everybody!
Hope your day is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made another rather creepy page. For the background I layered several  different images over each other digitally. Then I added more colour with Gelatos and water colours to give it a watery look. I collaged the seagulls, fish and starfish to make an underwater dream world where once again the divisions between sky and sea, above and below have merged.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is wild flowers. I layered floral patterned card and printed acetate to make the tag, and added a little flower angel/fairy which I had in my stash. I finished it off with a flowery ribbon.

I was pleased to see that the ancient mulberry tree here is green with new leaves. It is always later than the other trees. Although the tree has often been propped up with supports, it managed to survive all the storms we had last year although so many others were destroyed. It is a reminder of the silk weavers who lived and worked here in the 18th century.

I love the little hedge flowers.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yes, definitely a bit spook, but I like it!, great ideas floating around under water. Your tag is very pretty, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Love your underwater dream world and the tag is soo sweet!

  3. I'm really loving the wonderful surreal nature of your underwater themed work - it's beautifully illustrative and gorgeously moody and magical. Epic! xxxx

  4. Ich liebe Deine Seite heute! genial! Und Dein Elfchen ist entzückend schön... diese 3 D Sachen sind immer nett , oder, obwohl ich nicht die nötige Geduld aufbringe dafür.. aber besser als die Fadengrafik, das war leider ganz und gar nichts für mich!
    Was für ein Baumriese!Gigantisch!
    Hab einen guten Tag Valerie..bin schon wieder im Stress hier.. der Süße bestimmt meinen kompletten Tagesablauf hier! lol!

    1. Da hast Du recht, ich habe Ewigkeit rumgefriemelt bis das Elfchen zusammen war!

  5. Love the page today Valerie and there is a lot to take in as I looked at it more deeply. Terrific to have such brilliant ideas.

    Love the tag and the pinkiness and great that the beautiful girl stands out.

    What an amazing tree to watch change through the year.-I hope the support keeps it up for many more years to come.

    The clematis in the hedgerow is beautiful. We have a few of those variety in our garden and a very big one along the fence is in flower but only on sunny days. That means that the flowers are well curled up in ball this morning with the heavy rain and the dreaded wind.

    Hope the weather is better where you are

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Your page is quite scary, but totally brilliant.
    The wee fairy is adorable on your pretty tag.
    I'm glad the old tree is being supported so well, I love to see old trees being cared for and not just cut down. Have a good day {{hugs}}

  7. Now, I don't mind this painting Valerie, in fact I think she's quite beautiful. Lovely little tag too. Have a happy Tuesday. Xx

  8. Fantastic and creative and loving this image and colours...xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  9. That tree is really supported by the pillar? Wonderful.

  10. Wonderful page, it may be a little on the dark side, but it is so detailed and interesting to see. A beautiful feminine tag today, love the sweet fairy image.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Interesting sea page, and how you covered one eye there, it grabs your attention. Sweet tag and this is such a beautiful if fleeting time of year with all the new blossoms.

  12. eine schöne seite und tolle bilder wieder.
    hab einen schönen abend,ich warte hier seit tagen schon auf meinen aschenbrödel stoff ballen,ganze 10 meter,er ist noch nicht hier weil die adresse falsch war *grrr*

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Willst Du Aschenbrödel werden? Hast Du auch Glass Schuhe? Hoffe dein Paket kommt bald.

  13. What a beautifully coloured green-pink sea. Imagine swimming among the fishes and then seeing The Face even if it does have a strange beauty.
    There's quite a contrast with your very pretty tag.
    I love both of them, superb artwork.

    1. Yes, it might cause quite a shock - I wonder if she can speak under water?

  14. I love the subtle face in your background. I don't find it creepy, though it is rather haunting in a compelling kind of way.
    Your little angel is all kinds of adorable and lovely. A beautiful tag.

  15. WOW! That tree is ancient!!!! So glad it has made it through another winter. Love the art today ♥

  16. A really lovely and quirky page Valerie and love the pretty fairy tag (my favourite fairy stamp too) and great pics as always.
    Fliss xx

  17. Wonderful news about the Mulberry tree - some things are just meant to be. I don't know if I believe that statement I just made but am so glad all the bad weather did not affect this precious tree.
    Both of your makes are wonderful - you certainly know how to capture the mystery of the sea! By the way, I think you forgot more techniques than I will ever know!!

  18. Continuation - first I am silent then t can't seem to shut up!
    That little girl is so very sweet!
    Sandy xx

  19. Hi Valerie, your page is awesome. Love the quote too. Your tag is adorable and I love the little girl images.
    Always nice walking photos.
    Have a nice day. Hugs, CM

  20. Another super page with so fantastic colours. The tag is wonderful!
    Hugs, Mar

  21. Val, I think it is pretty cool, not creepy at all!!
    Your tag is so sweet-love the pink! xo

  22. Mysteries of the deep! She is quite creepy, a long dead body perhaps???? Lovely flowers. Clematis? So pretty. xox

  23. OOOOer!!! but still fantastic! Glad you followed this with cutie and some fabulous photos though or I might not sleep!!! Hugs,Chrisx

  24. Beautiful page, very atmospheric! I ma loving your tag Valerie! It's so soft and romantic! Love how you layered pieces of your angel, what a wonderful way to create dimension! hugs :)

  25. Wie schön, es ist eine ganz tolle Journalseite geworden, die ich mir erst heute anschaue.
    Zur Zeit bin ich mit so vielen Sachen beschäftigt, dass das Blog-Gucken etwas seltener ausfällt.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  26. Wow Val, your tag is so pretty, and your journal page is stunning! xx

  27. I love the delicate fairy tag and am happy to see the mulberry tree still thriving!


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