
Monday 25 May 2015

Monday Mixed Bag

Hi Everybody!

Hope the weekend is going well!

Today I have another piece for Art Journal Journey, the sea.
This was made with all the 'sea' remnants that were flying around on my table from other journal pages this month. I Made a background with tissue paper and mod podge, and painted it with gesso and then a blue-green for the sea. I made a collage of all the bits and bobs. The washing line was left over from something else, and the gulls were so obliging to hold the ends.

I wasn't able to get out for a walk today, as I was not feeling so good, but I did enjoy watching the three young jays on the balcony. Under the watchful eyes of their parents they came to get their rations. They are very fluffy, and rather straggly and very clumsy, but really delightful to watch.

Dad keeping his eagle eye on them:

And here are the kids:

Aren't they pretty?

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. GORGEOUS PHOTOS they are so intriguing to me.
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  2. Great collage. I love the fun details and all the images together. Also love seeing the photos of your jays. They are quite addicted to coming to your feeder, aren't they?

  3. Good Morning Valerie. Sorry to hear you felt unwell, but hey, this page really is wonderful and the artwork and all the additional textures look fabulous. The Jay's look beautiful as ever and what a treat for you to see them so closely. Hope you have a better day. Hugs Rita xxxx

  4. Wonderful collage and I love the adorable birds! Nothing more delightful than watching the young ones!! Feel better soon! Hope you don't have what I had a month ago!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Lovely page and photos. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Love your fun journal page, with so much to see, and of course, those birds are so sweet. Take care o yourself, Val! Hugs, Sarah

  7. diese augen sind ja wie ein magnet, die uns in eine geschichte ziehen... ich hoffe, du fühlst dich inzwischen wieder besser... take care! xox

  8. Your page is fabulous. How brilliant of you to add your washing line to the mix :o)))
    The wee chicks are so cute, and those blue feathers are magnificent!!
    Have a good week ahead Valerie. I do hope you are feeling better this morning :o))

  9. What wonderful photos of your little bird family Valerie and also the forget-me-knots. Our garden is full of them at the moment but they are paler shades than yours.

    Love the art page which shows it isn't what you add to a page it is how you add them. Everything looks just in the right place with a story to tell.Great background idea as well

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Great collage Valerie, clever how you used all those bits and bobs. I specially love the banner and the washing line! The little flags really look as if they are blowing in the wind the way you coloured them, - so clever and those seagulls are indeed very obliging :o)

  11. Eine absolut perfekte verspielte Seite! Die Augen der Puppe ziehen extrem in den Bann.. immer direkt etwas schautrig wenn sie mich so anvisiert.
    Meine Güte die sind ja so hübsch Deine Jungen! Gut gemacht Valerie- zauberhaft dass Du sie auch noch alle vor die Linse kriegst!
    W. hat auch gute Nachrichten vermeldet..ein Vogel ist aus dem Nistkasten und hat Willi wüst vom Baum aus beschimpft und er hat ganz leises Gezwitscher im Nistkasten vernommen..also sind offenbar welche drin!
    Hoffentlich werde sie wieder flügge!
    Schönen Sonntag Dir !
    Gute Besserung!

  12. Great fun Valerie, I love the washing line! Hope you're feeling better this morning, take care. Xx

  13. Oh My!! I love this page Val!! The creepiness and mystery combined with the fun of the seagulls- had me looking for more! heehee
    And your Jay has become quite the poser!! Camera ham! heehee Such beautiful photos you share- thank you my friend! xo

  14. Beautiful artwork today Valerie, but I admit I'm a little distracted by the wonderful bird photos!! Wow, you get a lot of birds in your garden! What an amazing feeling it must be to look out your window and see so much beauty, I'm entirely jealous! hugs :)

  15. The Pirate ship sunk to the bottom of the sea taking the crew and all their dreams.
    Only that which cannot be named watches over them now as they sleep the endless sleep.

  16. Valerie I love your seagulls with the laundry, they got me smile, a very beautiful page with all the different elements.

  17. Your page has so many interesting elements. I love the child's face.
    That bird family is darling. They really seem trusting of you to let you get such good shots.
    Enjoy your Monday.

  18. Beautiful, both your collage and photographs. Blessings!

  19. Wowww, was für eine schöne Seite. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Tolle Fotos konntest du von den Vögeln einfangen.
    LG Carola

  20. How utterly amazing to have baby blue jays and equally amazing to get such good photographs.
    Sometimes baby birds can be a bit more trusting of us because they don't know yet.

    Your sea picture today is like a dream, of course seagulls volunteer to hold up the washing, there is a very large frightening face, a bathing hut and a big black fish, and I am always partial to some jolly bunting.

    Hope you are feeling better this evening.

  21. What an amazing art journal page Valerie and so imaginative with the face looking at the ship.
    Gorgeous bird pics too and so lovely to see such cute little babies
    Have a great week and sorry to take so long to get here - so busy at the moment!
    Fliss xx

  22. Hope ypu are feelong better. Quite the mystery in the seascape this one. All elements represented nicely. Cute clothesline. Baby birds about here too. xox

  23. Hi Valerie, hope you are feeling better. Love your art page today. Love the bird pics too.
    Have a good week ahead!!
    Hugs, CM

  24. Very lovely collage today!

  25. So lustig finde ich deine Idee mit den Vögeln und der Wäscheleine!
    ... und ich liebe deinen Häher inzwischen total und freue mich jedes Mal über neue Bilder von ihm!
    LG Ulrike

  26. Glad you are feeling better now sweet Valerie! (I am working backwards trying to catch up with you!)
    This piece is so charming...
    I really like clothes hanging on a line and so do the gulls I see *gg*
    This has a nice mysterious and magical quality with the girl peeking out

  27. Wow! So dramatic….and baby jays too!! Wonderfull! Chrisx


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