
Saturday 2 May 2015

Jack Sparrow meets Shakespeare

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed the first day of May. It was sunny but cold again here, and we had a wonderful sunrise.

For our new Art Journal Journey Challenge, the sea, I am sharing a rather different page to the one I made yesterday - variety is the spice of life.
The background is a scan from a water colour painting I made as a background. The wonderful image of Jack Sparrow is from Andy Skinner.
I printed it onto my background, and added the gulls, fish and the mermaid (all from the Graphics Fairy). I added colour with Gelatos, and gave him pearls (liquid pearls) for eyes to link in with 'Ariel's Song' from Shakespeare's 'Tempest. In my picture Jack is under the water with the fish and mermaids, although the borders between sky and sea don't seem to exist here. I wrote the first part of the song on my page. Those of you who actually read the text might notice my not-so-deliberate mistake of leaving out a line - sorry!

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;Those are pearls that were his eyes;Nothing of him that doth fade,But doth suffer a sea-changeInto something rich and strange.Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:Ding-dong.Hark! now I hear them — Ding-dong, bell

I drew in some coral - also mentioned in the song - and even his fingers look like coral or sea plants - the sea change that Shakespeare is talking about?

I was awake very early today, and was able to watch the sun rising through a hazy and rather cloudy sky - it was beautiful, with lots of colour changes.

And last but not least - Lilly, trying to look hungry!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely sea inspired page, stunning sunset and cute Lilly!

  2. eine schöne seite und tolle bilder.
    schönen tag dir.

    glg jeannette

  3. Beautiful page, great idea to combine Jack Sparrow with Shakespeare! Lovely photos, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Das ist glaub ich eine meiner Lieblingsseiten von Dir ... einzigartig schön! Und die Bilder sind es auch- schwärm!
    Aus dieser Perspektive sieht Lucky ganz schmal aus... gibst Du ihr zu wenig Futter?! Schäm Dich!
    Einen wunderschönen Samstag!
    ♥♥♥♥♥ fünf Herzen heute von AJJ!

    1. Ja, die kennt alle Tricks um schmal und hungrig auszusehen!

  5. The sea theme certainly offers so many possibilities, fabulous page and stunning photos!

  6. Wonderful photographs of the sun lit sky and also the beautiful cat that always looks so serene.

    Lots of wonderful ideas on your art page today. Wonderful seagulls and then the very scary Jack Sparrow with his piercing eyes. Brilliant.

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  7. Awesome artwork! Love the photos! Xx

  8. oh, pirates... another wonderful idea for the challenge theme. ach, jetzt bin ich auch schon ins englische gerutscht;) das Thema ist echt so schön vielseitig. und ich wünschte, mein kater würde sich mal so schön ruhig für mich in pose setzen!

  9. Another great page love the pirate. Great pics to go with it hope Lilly got fed. x

  10. FABULOUS journal page Valerie, great added goodies, verse and ..gorgeous colours.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. Yes, that beautiful composition on Pirates of the Caribbean! Beautiful colors and exquisite designs! Exquisite pictures!

  12. Beautiful page Valerie, very creative. Love your sky shots, what a wonderfully spooky and atmospheric set of photos. happy weekend, hugs :)

  13. I read your description while "hiding" the painting. Jack with the mermaids!
    The painting is even better than I imagined, and I'm sure the mermaid is quite capable, especially as Jack is beginning to look green and his pupils have turned orange.
    I think it's pretty amazing - where do you get your ideas from? and then paint them!!

  14. Lovely and illustrative creativity! Lilly looks soooo cute!!!!! Thank you for sharing

  15. Hi Valerie, Lilly is so pretty. Love your art work. You captured Jack perfectly. Great designing!!
    Your sky photos are amazing too.
    Have a wonderful first weekend of May.
    Hugs, CM

  16. Another great journal page.♥♥ You are so creative when it comes to pulling things together to fit a theme. Beautiful sunrise shots. I am rarely ever up that early any longer. I used to have to be at work at 4am and i would see some beautiful sunrises then. Glad I don't have that job any longer :)

  17. Ach, diese Seite ist ja zum Verlieben schön geworden. Klasse!
    Über deine Katzen freu ich mich immer und brauche für schöne Sonnenaufgänge nicht früh aufzustehen, du sorgst ja immer dafür.
    Liebe Grüße zum ausklingenden Samstag von Ulrike

  18. Wow what an amazing page Valerie - love all the colours in this wonderful piece of artwork

    The sunrise photos are wonderful as is the pic of Lily

  19. Great page with a creative design and fabulous colours. Fantastic!
    Lilly is so cute!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. so nice to be up for sunset
    i rarely am being a night owl....
    your pirate looks scary to me ;-)
    i think it is his eyes, maybe the fact that he is a pirate too

  21. Wow, love the image, just a brilliant Jack Sparrow look alike. Its a wonderful page and a great quote to go with it.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Absolut genial deine Bilder und Fotos, faszinierend und berührend.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  23. Fantastic journal page Valerie - only you could mix the two - love it!!!!
    Lilly looks like my Tink only much smaller.
    Sandy xx

  24. Great page! A new favorite for me!! xo

  25. A fabulous post - a thrill from start to finish!! Chrisx

  26. Oh wie cool...tolle Seite.
    Auch deine Bilder sind wie immer klasse.
    LG Carola


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