
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Bottles at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today it's time for a new challenge at Moo Mania and More - Bottles.
 At Art Journal Journey the challenge is 'The sea' , so I had the idea to do a ship in a bottle. When I sent off my page to Susi, she showed me hers - also a ship in a bottle. Great minds think alike!

And here with reversed colours:

Today started off with some sun, but after a few minutes the clouds took over and the day was cold and windy.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love both versions of your ship in a bottle, that's a fun theme for your new challenge. Nice photos, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful art...

  3. Die Seite ist so schööön... mir gefallen all die feinen Linien, die Du gesetzt hast besonders gut!
    Jo.. ein lustiger Zufall, aber es ist ja auch naheliegend ..Flaschen und Meer - ergeben eben Flaschenpost?! Deine Aufnahmen sind toll.. welch Farbpracht am Himmel?!
    Einen guten Tag Valerie!
    Danke sagt Art Journal Journey und Moo Mania & More!

  4. Had a quick look on the challenge blog and love this Valerie, did you draw your bottle. Think I may enter this one again. Love the photos...xx

    1. Yes, I drew the bottle, it's a bit wonky but never mind!

  5. Love your ship in a bottle Valerie!

  6. What an excellent ship in a bottle! Did you draw it? I am so impressed. We had lots of rain yesterday afternoon, but it stayed dry for Wee Man's Potted Sports in the morning. There is still a chill wind blowing tho'. Brr, I'm not a fan of heat, but even I am ready for a wee raise in the temperature, haha.
    Have a good day Valerie {{Hugs}}

  7. wow wie genial!
    Deine flaschenpost gefällt mir sehr gut mit dem schiffchen darin.
    tolle himmelsbilder hast du gemacht.
    schönen tag dir.

    XXX Jenny

  8. Amazing photographs. Our sky looked like that yesterday when we got on the train to come home. There were huge hail stones pounding on the roof of the carriage. We had to get a taxi at the station to come home as it was raining so hard.

    Your journal page is amazing and I love the way it changes from a sunny and bright day to a really stormy scene.

    The ship in a bottle is wonderful and brought back a lot of memories for me as we went to a very small workshop and watched someone erect a galleon in a very small bottle--a long time ago and the place is not there any more.

    Have a great day and thank you for the greeting for Vic's birthday he was thrilled with that.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Hi Val, I must apologise for being MIA for so long, real life kicks in again lol. I love your ships in bottles, especially the one with the darker colours - it's a bit like our weather here at the moment :-).

  10. Such a beautiful piece my friend, full of poetry! Stunning photos as well, ah the beautiful sky!

  11. I don't know what I like better, the original or the reverse. Very cool. And I think your quote is exactly how I am feeling right now. Have a great day.

    1. Exactly how I feel, that's why I put it there!

  12. That's a very clever bottle (a phrase I don't often use) in the way you have made it look transparent.
    Love the beautiful ship too and the flying birds.
    It's a really ingenious piece, Valerie.

    I see you are having interesting weather too, I recognise the black cloud in the last photo.

    1. Yes, you might - the clouds are coming over from the North of the British Isles....

    2. Forgot to say how well the inverted version turned out, absolutely terrific colours and it gives another view of your painting, it makes the ship look ghostly.
      It's sunny here today!!!!!!!!!

    3. Of course it's sunny - you sent the clouds over here!

  13. This is a nice page and cute quote too! Beautiful photos.

  14. Interesting effect with the reverse colours it totally changes the mood of the piece.

  15. gorgeous photos! You gotta love mother nature. :)

  16. Fantastic idea so creative to stamp the ship into your bottle. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  17. Cool page. Great sky photos.

  18. Ein tolles Buddelschiff. Deine Fotos sind wieder der Oberhammer

  19. Valerie, this is a favorite of mine from you! I love that bottle and what a gorgeous sky you have created! Love it! Hugs!

  20. Hi Valerie, this is a wonderful page. Love the ship in the bottle with the quote.Your sky shots are beautiful too. Have a creative day. xo

  21. Einfach herrlich, deine Flaschenpost! Wunderbare Seite mit diesen sonnigen Farben!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  22. Another brilliant idea to do a ship in a bottle. Great page, I love both versions. Amazing sky photos today!
    Hugs, Mar

  23. How perfect is your project for your art journal page and also for the Moo Mania bottle challenge. I love it! We have clouds too with lots of rain.

  24. So cool and inspiring.

    Love and hugs

  25. Love the ships in bottles.... they've always fascinated me :)

    Ohh moody skies.....

    Karen x

  26. Fabulous ship in a bottle a great idea and the two pages look amazing.
    Yvonne xx

  27. Amazing underwater drawing. Adore the the sunrise photos.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  28. Ship in a bottle, love it!! Fabulous Valerie and the sentiment rings so true sometimes doesn't it!! Love your sky photos! hugs :)

  29. Oh how I can relate to your ship in a bottle...perfect words
    and how great about you and Susi's great minds indeed!
    The reverse colors are very pleasing too.

  30. Wonderful ship in a bottle and the pastels sketches are great too :-)


  31. Your ships in the bottles are fabulous!! I keep singing, message in a bottle.... ")

  32. You do take the best sky pictures!
    Ships in a bottle - notes in a bottle, both so romantic. I like the darker one as it is mysterious!
    Sandy xx

  33. Love, love, love your ship in the bottle. xox


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