
Friday 10 April 2015

You can't have too many blessings!

Hi Everybody!

Here we had a warm and sunny day - great! I actually had to take my jacket off this afternoon, can hardly believe it!

For Art Journal Journey, Favourite poem or quote, I have made another page. This time the quote is in Hebrew. It is the Aaronic benediction or blessing, found in the book of Numbers chapter 6, 22-26. The Priests were required to lift up their hands and bless the people. Many thousands of years later, this blessing is still a part of the service in Synagogues and Churches all over the world. In ancient times and today in the synagogue the Cohen (Priest) arranges his fingers as shown in the illustration on the painting. There are 28 letters on the hands, and the number 28 in Hebrew numerology stands for the word 'Koach' - strength. The letters along the base of the hands spell the name for God. I used a copy of a page of Hebrew from a prayer book in the background, painted over with diluted gesso and then given a thin layer of gold paint. I added lots of metallic rust, copper and gold. For the hands I used an illustration from Wikipedia, which I printed,  fussy cut and used as a stencil. I used gold and white gel-pens from uniball for the script and hands. The lettering was done with a script stencil. The text reads 'The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.'

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin; Stamps and Stencils, anything goes, and Simon Monday Challenge, A is for Aaronic  Blessing.

Today started off with a wonderful sunrise - the sun and I both rose at the same time today.

The swans were still paddling around

The sky was blue

And the magnolia trees are bursting into bloom, so beautiful.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful page, this is really beautiful, with fantastic colours! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Thank you for the explanation. . .wonderful story. The photograph is fantastic as always. The swans and the blossoms. . .beautiful. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  3. Can't wait to be able to take my coat off! Beautiful page and photos, happy PPF!

  4. Wunderbare Seite .. und da hab ich jetzt wieder einiges gelernt dabei! Danke!
    Meine Finger so zu halten macht mir Mühe-aber mit Konzentration geht es !
    Traumhaft Frühlingsbilder dazu!
    Happy Friday !Happy PPF !Happy AJJ and so on...


  5. Love the rich colours in your art work. Happy PPF

  6. Beautiful page!
    On Sunday I shot swans too, they look like yours - maybe they are sisters! :)
    Today it's sunny, max +14, so neat!

  7. Toll! Mich hat die hebräische Sprache und Schrift auch immer schon fasziniert - ich sollte mich wohl endlich damit beschäftigen...
    Schöne Fotoserie. Ich bin übrigens auch aus D, was man meinem Englisch-blog nicht mehr unbedingt ansieht...
    Liebe Grüsze und schönes WE

  8. Beautiful work. Loved seeing those magnolia's.

  9. What a lovely journal page - Hebrew writing is like an art form in itself! It's so lovely to have sunshine isn't it - we've had some lovely days here too and it makes such a difference.

  10. Stunning work and the message behind it, also beautiful! That amazing sunset looks like a potential gorgeous!! Our Magnolia trees have bloomed and shed their blossoms's my personal favorite indication spring is here! Also 18 Celsius today... our weather is so often parallel...

    Hugs Giggles

  11. die Schrift hast du so schön regelmäßig hinbekommen, sieht sehr schön aus!
    und ich werde heute gleich mal nach Magnolien ausschau halten... ihre zeit ist ja immer so kurz!
    schönes WE, heute soll es super sonnig werden:)


  12. Wonderful composition with gold metal oxide-copper-!! Wonderful pictures, beautiful swans!

  13. A beautiful page Valerie and thanks for the explanation, I've learned something new today! We've had beautiful weather all week, I've been away to Glasgow for a couple of days and am off out today for lunch with friends. Happy days! Hope the sun shines for you today! Xx

  14. fantastic work as always. I love the earthy colours contrasted with the gold. Really lovely page :) T x

  15. Love the story that goes with your page today. It is so beautiful, and I love how you used Hebrew on the page. And you have flowering trees that are actually flowering. I am so jealous.

    1. I hope your trees start flowering for you soon!

  16. Beautiful as always Valerie, love the story that goes with it. I am loving those flowers, such promise of better weather! hugs :)

  17. Tolles Kunstwerk, irre Idee und tolle Umsetzung!
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  18. Hello Valerie, very interesting piece of work and thank you for taking me for a photo walk again.

  19. Interesting post Valerie with the stunning artwork

    The photographs are beautiful. Everything looks better when the sun shines for sure.

    Daughter Linda will be arriving at lunch time for weekend so who knows where we will be going :)

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. A beautiful post Valerie, gorgeous artwork and fantastic photos yet again.
    Those swans are so majestic. Isn't it a wonderful time of year?
    Happy PPF to you ;D

  21. Fantastic color choice for your page Valerie! Love the delicate white drawings of the hands. Beautiful scenic photos of Spring too.

  22. What a wonderful page with blessing!! I love the hands of gold with the reds and oranges! Beautiful!! And the photos- ahhh Sunshine and spring!! xoxo

  23. I enjoyed reading the explanation that accompanied your beautiful art today! Those swans are sure gorgeous, too! Ah choo! Magnolia blossoms are the only known thing that I am allergic to--can't even walk by them without watery eyes! Happy Weekend!

    1. Sorry about that - there are trees all along our street,this would be a bad place for you!

  24. Thanks for the lesson on the blessing. Love the hands. xox

  25. your swans are absolutely lovely; thanks for your sharing this week
    i'm happy you dropped in at my blog today

    much love...

  26. Oh wow beautiful art and gorgeous photo's. Love them x

  27. Love your work this week and the vibrant colors. The hands are wonderful. I love doing hands. Enjoyed reading about the blessing and the swans look very happy in that cold water.:)

  28. The way you illustrated this wonderful blessing in painting it as you did brought tears to my eyes. This is an awesome piece of art. I hope you use it by printing copies for greetings cards and frame it for your wall.

  29. More great art and with such a powerful meaning ♥ Beautiful sunrise and day you had there ;) I want a magnolia tree in my yard ♥

  30. Wow. This is amazing. I love the research, thought and feeling that went into this piece. I love the rich, light-filled background.

  31. love the background on your painting!! so much texture ... wow, very nice!

  32. Lovely pages. I really love all the symbolism you incorporate. Well done! And, as always, beautiful photos of your surroundings. Hugs to you!!

  33. Hi Valerie, this is a beautiful work of art and scripture. I love the illustration with the hands and the colors with gold you used. Very striking. Your walking pics are beautiful. The saucer magnolias are so pretty. I have the same tree in pink and filled with blooms first then comes the leaves. Not sure why that is, but it is so pretty.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  34. Beautiful page. love the rich colors! Hope all is well. ~Diane

  35. I always enjoy seeing your photos, Valerie. Swans are beautiful.

  36. beautiful work! I was thinking how gorgeous the colors are and then I scrolled down to find that amazing sunrise photo. I can totally see from where your inspiration for the colors came.

  37. A gorgeous page, loved reading the post with all the background details. The sunrise photo looks wonderful [so do all the others].
    Yvonne xx

  38. thanks for explaining the quote, very interesting.... Love the scratches in the background, and the warm rusty colours.

  39. The Hebraic writing is absolutely beautiful. Love your painting. Happy PPF

  40. Such a beautiful page - and amen to the beautiful prayer. My father was Jewish but I never realized that Cohen meant priest. Beautiful photos as well - glad you had such a nice day.

  41. Thank you so much for sharing your educational and inspirational art today Valerie. The sunrise photo is just stunning!- Gloria

  42. Such an interesting post (I learned so much)
    so beautiful too liebe Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing the blessing...the Hebrew text has such an ancient look.
    The hands are a perfect image for this wonderful creation too!
    Brightest of Blessings my friend

  43. Amazing talent to write in Hebrew and create a special page for spring containing a blessing for all to read. BEAUTIFUL VALERIE.

  44. Wow this is stunning Valerie, beautiful colours, just like the sunrise - love it xx

  45. Such a beautiful (and needed!) blessing. Gorgeous day you captured! Thanks for sharing!!!

  46. Great job with the blessing hands. i like, that you tell how you did it. And lovely spring photos with the sun and blue sky. Wish blessing hands for all!

  47. What an incredibly beautiful post! I am uplifted - Thank You!! Chrisx

  48. The colours are stunning and so is the story behind this painterly piece. Thank you for sharing this with us. Thanks so much for joining us at Stamps and Stencils. Julia x

  49. You are right - you cannot have too many blessings but you can always share some of them ...


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