
Monday 27 April 2015

Logic versus imagination

Hi Everybody!

We had very changeable weather again today, but it was still fine for taking a walk. Tomorrow should be very wet and stormy. But bad weather is always good crafting weather!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote I made a page using a page used to mop up another page sprinkled with Brushos. I added more colour wih Gelatos. Then I used various stencils - the big flourish is from TH, the birds from Dina Wakley,  the leaves, flowers and head are from me. I painted the head with white gesso, but the colours leaked through again, and I decided it would be wise to like it as it is....The quote is from Albert Einstein.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes.

Last week I had a look round the gardens of a Trust House run by the Church which offers sheltered and assisted housing for old people in one of the ancient houses in the Church Close. This beautiful relief is on the wall of the entry.

This sculpture is above it under the roof:

This huge copper beech tree, also very ancient is in the garden:

There is also a 'Lourdes' Grotto there, very beautifully made and kept. This is not my religion, but it is a wonderful, peaceful place to step into and be away from the outside world for a few minutes.

Have a great day you all take care, 
and thanks a lot fo coming by!


  1. wow,wunderschöne seiten und tolle farben auch,die bilder sind klasse.
    schönen wochenstart für dich.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Lovely page and thanks for sharing the photos! Happy crafting!

  3. What a beautiful page again, I love seeing your 'heads'! Beautiful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Der Schnörkel pass so genial zum Kopf und der Spruch wird dadurch besonders schön inszeniert! Grosse Klasse Valerie...
    was für ein toller Ort .. gefällt mir sehr gut .. dieser alte Baum ...wunderbar! Schön dass dort Menschen ihren Lebensabend verbringen können!
    Hab einen wunderbaren Wochenstart !
    AJJ sagt ♥ DANKE!

  5. der spruch wandert direkt in meine Sammlung... und er ist an diesem kopf wirklich gut angebracht.
    ich lieeebe Rotbuchen!! aah, diese Jahreszeit mit den frischen blättern, soooo schön...

  6. I've always loved that quote :) What a beautiful and emotive page. I love the birds being inside the head and the colours remind me of Autumn (my favourite season), What a lovely grotto! It puts me in mind of a gift my aunt once brought me from one of her visits to Lourdes. Sending you some bright morning sunshine from Shroo:)

  7. Stunning and using one of my all time favourite quotes! A great page again!

  8. Such a stunning piece of art Valerie - the photo's are wonderful - the tree is my favourite - I bet if it could talk it would have some tales to tell

    1. Yes, I often stand and wonder what trees or old houses could tell us if they could talk....

  9. A super page Valerie, love the big swirl up the back of the head. The weather here was crazy yesterday, started with hailstones then it was snow, the flakes were huge, everything was white! Xx

  10. Another fabulous page with a great design and amazing colours! The photos are very beautiful!!!
    Have a lovely day, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  11. That's a marvelous quote, and a very clever use of the flourish. The color scheme is spectacular too. Blessings!

  12. Wonderful little trip you took us on...your neighborhood is overflowing in riches and nature and more!
    Great use of the mop up paper and you've illustrated that super quote beautifully...
    neat how the flourish adds so much expression and movement to this piece liebe Valerie!
    Happy new art week.
    I thought of you when we visited the wisteria in Washington DC

  13. A great page, love the vibrant colours and such a wonderful quote.
    Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  14. A wonderful page and quote. loved the photos, it looks a haven of peace and tranquility.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Love the art and the Einstein quote is one of my favorites. That huge old tree is AWESOME! Great photos of another beautiful place, Thanks for sharing ♥

  16. So much beauty and inspiration in this post. You have captured the peaceful atmosphere of the church and grounds so very well. Your page is beautiful too. I love the birds flying within the head and the quote is wonderful.
    Hugs & smiles,

  17. Beautiful vibrant page with a fantastic quote. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  18. That flush of brightness around the head is quote striking. Wonderful piece Valerie. xox

  19. I always love your artsy heads! Thanks for showing the look about the church and beautiful grounds!

  20. What a superb swirly alive colourful design, really good work. Unusual to see birds flying inside a head.
    It's all so imaginative and inspired.

  21. A gorgeous colourful page Valerie and really beautiful photos too.
    Fliss xx

  22. This is really lovely Valerie, I especially like the birds in the head, and the colours are so vibrant. Hope the weather sorts itself out soon, it's been like Winter again here today! xx

  23. Hi Valerie, Lovely art work once again. Yes, stormy weather makes for fun creating inside. I do the same and we have had bad storms and tornadoes yesterday and more storms on the way tonight,
    Love your gorgeous photos too and the sculptures are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Creating.
    Hugs, CM

  24. Valerie, I like the way you wrapped the large stencil around the back of the head. The colors are wonderful as are your photos. What a trip I am having visiting your area via your photos. Have a restful and creative week.


  25. Wow! I am always so very impressed at how you connect art with photography and your posts are a feast for the eyes and for the soul! I really love this piece for its sense of energy and movement. The color palette is so powerful and I love all those swirls and curls! Wonderful work, as always, and I'm so glad you share your pieces with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!


  26. Stunning artwork page Valerie and terrific photographs and interesting text to go with them.

    Love Chrissie xx

  27. Brilliant quote and fabulous use of colours! Love the look of the peaceful place you visited! Chrisx

  28. Gorgeous page Val! Your coloring is stunning!! xo

  29. Jetzt habe ich mir erst mal deine letzten Post angesehen - alles wieder sehr toll, auch die immer schönen Fotos! Die Dachträgerin gefällt mir sehr, meistens sind es ja Männer...
    Ja, ich bin sehr froh, wieder online zu sein. Wenn ich im Urlaub bin macht es mir gar nichts aus, aber wenn man zu Hause ist, braucht man das Netz!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike


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