
Monday 6 April 2015

Colours, cats and a hedgehog

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. It's a long weekend here
with a Bank Holiday tomorrow. Today the sun came out,
and although it was still cold, it was great to walk
in the sun. 

For Art Journey Journey I have made another journal page for the 'Favourite poem or quote' theme. The background was made with brushos over wet gesso, and turned out rather more colourful than I was expecting, but I decided to use it with a fitting quote from Albert Schweitzer. The stencil is home made from a free design from I painted the stencil with gesso, and added more white spots and the text with a white highlighter.

Lilly looking serious

Lucky looking fragile....

And Lilly enjoying a rest after feeding time:

Yesterday the postman brought me a little parcel from dearest Chrissie
who sent me a box containing one of her delightful knitted hedgehogs, as well as cards, some embellies, and some pretty felt ornaments which I will show another time. I have named him Spiky, and he already answers to his name. I showed him round my flat and introduced him to the other creatures living here:

He has now settled in and taken up residence on my desk, and seems to like watching what I do on the computer....
Thanks a lot Chrissie, this was a wonderful surprise.

Have a great day, and enjoy the holiday if you have one!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely colourful page today and a cute gift! Lilly's beautiful.

  2. Wonderful, bright colours and a great quote in your work today. Great photos, and enjoy your new companion, Spiky. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous creation and the colour is beautiful.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  4. Amazing artwork today and the white dots and writing add so much to the piece. Great quote to use as well.

    Wonderful photographs of the cats they always look so peaceful--think I am comparing them with my daughter's cat's that never look peaceful ever.

    Great to see that baby hedgehog has settled in and has a name.I think he may have a brother or sister coming along soon--just need some more stuffing :)

    Have a wonderful day. It is supposed to be the first car boot sale of the year here but so far it is cold and damp so I guess only the hardiest carbooters will be there.

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Cold and grey here today, nice weather to stay home!

  5. Was für eine geniale Seite!!!!
    Das ist ja ein süßer Familienzuwachs - der wird sich bei dir sicher wohl fühlen.
    Hier ist heute ein Sonne - Wolkenmix und ich werde wohl an den Basteltisch gehen. Dir einen schönen Ostermontag. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  6. Wonderful work Valerie, the colours are gorgeous and Spiky is so cute.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Eine tolle , tolle Seite Valerie! Ich mag sie sehr und Du weisst wie sehr sich Art Journal Journey freut, ja? Ne nicht fett ..(untergroß) sagt Garfield immer ..die beiden Katzentiere Lilly und Lucky erinnern mich ein wenig an ihn - lol!
    Der Igel ist so süß und scheint sich richtig wohl zu fühlen bei Euch!
    Einen tollen Tag.. hoffentlich schöner als grad hier, wo es wieder Schneegestöber in einem 45 Grad Winkel zu sehn gibt wenn ich aus dem Küchenfenster schau!

    1. Ja, Garfield hat Recht! So fühle ich mich manchmal auch!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A wonderful vibrant page Valerie, just like the weather we had yesterday. Don't mean to make you jealous but it was about 18 degrees and looks like same again today! Love your gift from Chrissie and I hope those fat cats aren't indulging in any easter treats! Have a lovely day. Xx

  9. Gorgeous page Valerie! I hope you had a wonderful Easter! hugs :)

  10. Gorgeous page, love your use of the Brushos. Your cats look so sweet :) Hope you are enjoying the long weekend. Hugs, Shirleyxx

  11. Welch tolle Seite, welch toller Spruch!
    ..und einen lieben Gruß an die schöne Lilly!
    LG Ulrike

  12. Valerie, you are so cute. I wish we could hang out together in real life. I love the way you staged Spiky and talked about him; you really brought him to life for me. And I love your quote for your cat - "Who are you calling fat?" LOL

    Now for your page: this is fantastic. It sings with light and colour and life. Such a wonderful quote that inspired it too. I have a question. A few times you have mentioned using Brushos over Gesso. I know what Gesso is. What is Brushos?

    Have a great day, my beautiful quirky friend.


  13. I am really loving the bright colors and textures you have been using this month ♥♥♥♥ Love the words also . Spiky is adorable and a good fit with all of you there :)

  14. Oh my, such delights - cats, hedgehogs, a little tour of your flat with Spiky and a sweet teddy with his own chair!
    What a photograph of Lucky, he is a BIG cat (and what's wrong with that I can see (hear) him saying), does he actually fit on your lap or does he overflow?
    I enjoyed seeing some of your flat and the interesting items - is that a Moo clock? Spiky seemed to be interested in everything and so was I.
    It's good to have a helper with your computer.

    1. It's a cowcoo clock, the cow comes out and moos every hour!

    2. Hahaha!, I wish I had thought of that word. What a great clock.

  15. Wonderful background and your cats look lovely!

  16. Another gorgeous background, and the hedgehog is too cute for words--a lovely gift!

  17. Wonderful page, Valerie! Love the bright splashes of colour. What a cute cat! Xx

  18. love the art, and the hedgehog, we have a neighbourhood hedgehog, who loves to just wander around everyones yard and trees, I didn't know they could climb. He was sunning himself on my friends front step last week. The devil dog and I have seen him up close and personal, we we taking a short walk and came upon him, devil dog was lucky on a short lease, and we quickly crossed the street, he looks really old Does she sell those hedgehogs

  19. Was für eine tolle Seite - herrliche Farben :)

  20. A fantastic splash of colours, love the quote that you added. Love how you showed the hedgehog round his new home, he will be happy with you.
    Yvonne xx

  21. What a gorgeous piece Val, those colours are yummy. My cat had a figure like Lucky, she wasn't fat she was just fluffy (in her dreams lol) Spikey seems to have settled in nicely though I bet the mooing clock was a bit of a surprise :-) xx

  22. boy! that hedgehog sure does get around! He is so sweet!! heehee Love the cat photos- such beautiful fur babies!
    Your colors are great Valerie! I really love the masked off silhouette!


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