
Thursday 23 April 2015

Butterflies and more

Hi Everybody!

Sorry, just a short post again - had a hard day and am tired out, 
need to crawl into my bed!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poems and quotes; Moo Mania and More, butterflies and Mix it Monthly, towns/villages I have made an A4 journal page - what else? The background was painted with gesso and then acrylics in metallic purple and silver. I added texture with a crackle stamp. The little girl is a stencil from, the butterflies were punched /stenciled and the town silhouette made with a no-name stencil.

Just a few photos from this morning, didn't have time to process the rest of the photos:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice journal page Valerie. Great photos as always.

    Hugs and Blessings

  2. lovely page and photos! I got all tired out today too.

  3. Beautiful page, love the colours in the background and the little girl with the butterflies over the townscape - beautiful Great photos, too. Have a good day, don't overdo things! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Die Seite ist ein Hit Valerie... diese schönen Strukturen und wie alles so harmonisch passt... fabelhaft und gleich 3 Fliegen , pardon Challenges mit einer Klappe!
    Die Farben in den heutigen Fotos sind wunderschön!
    Hab einen schönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  5. Hope you have an easier day soon Valerie.
    The artwork page is so beautiful with a lovely quote and beautiful colours.
    Love the photographs of the moon and I found myself saying good morning to the little bird :)

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xxx

  6. Gorgeous background Valerie and the quote is an excellent one :o)

  7. Some days it would be nice to float away on a balloon! Hope today is less stressful for you. Take care! Xx

  8. wow,auch die seite ist wunderschön,spricht mich sehr an.
    schönen tag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  9. Brilliant colours used here and love this stamp of the girl, added goodies and such a gorgeous creation.xx [fab photos again]
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  10. Lovely page and quote today. The sunrise is beautiful!

  11. Love your butterfly scene, such a perfect fit with the quote you used! That photo of the bird is amazing, what a striking creature! hugs :)

  12. Love the girl catching butterflies...

    I think the Elk in your previous post would have made a fun feature on your balcony :)

    Karen x

  13. Great journal page !!! Sometimes we just do too much and have to have recoup time.. Hope you are better tomorrow.

  14. Beautiful page with a great quote. Fabulous background too.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Hi Valerie, what a beautiful page. I really like that quote and the subject is adorable. Lovely walking pics and the bird is beautiful. You captured some great shots.
    Hugs, CM

  16. Eine traumhaft schöne Journalseite und wunderschöne Fotos, Valerie

  17. I can feel the night magic in this, beautiful!

  18. Oh look at these skyscapes! - best yet, I would say - and your standard is sky-high (hahaha!).
    Do you know what the beautiful bird is? is it one I should know?
    Your journal page is gorgeous with the blues and the butterflies and I am sure the good little girl is only pretending to catch butterflies.

    1. The bird is a blue jay, I have a pair who visit regularly. They are funny birds, and loud!

  19. A wonderful atmospheric sky and a fantastic skyline town stencil,
    Yvonne xx

  20. Valerie, I hope you had a good nights rest and will have a better day. I like the blue of your journal page with the butterflies and the stenciled girl in white. Great quote too!

  21. Lovely page and quote. Sorry you had a hard day.

  22. Delicious butterflies on a nice evening!

  23. Die Seite ist so zauberhaft und verträumt!! All die kleinen SChmetterlinge und die Texturen im Hintergrund! Sooo schön! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  24. This is fabulous Val, I love your stencil xx


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