
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Wings, dreams and cats

Hi Everybody!
Today I was able to see the sunrise again, and most of the day was dry and sunny, which was good. It's still rather cold, and we have bad weather
on its way again, but that just makes it even more important to
enjoy the sunny hours.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings, I made another Journal page. The background is a mop-up page. I  sprinkled Brushos and water onto a large sheet of paper, and it was too much, so I was able to make three more backgrounds by mopping up the excess. This is one of them. I used my head stencil to draw the heads with white gel-pen, and then doodled the butterflies, flowers, bubbles  and birds.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'dreams'. I have used parts of an old tag to make this one, (I Deconstructed a lot of stuff while clearing up/out last week and am recycling things bit by bit)  which shows the wedding of my great uncle. My mum is the girl standing on the left. She always told us that this event was part of her dreams for years.

This morning the sun rose over the frosty fields:

Where there's sun, there's shadows:

And here Lilly and Lucky were trying to convince me how hungry they were:

Have a nice day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love those colours Valerie. Your take on the heads are fabulous. Wonderful to see such a glorious sunrise and you have taken a marvellous shot. Love those cats too. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Nice cats! Our weather here is on and off. Lovely page and tag!

  3. Love your colourful journal page, the white looks good against the yellows and purples. Great tag and photos, too! Have a nice day, it's raining here again.....Hugs, Sarah

  4. Gorgeous post, Valerie. I really love the fascinating journal page and the wedding photo was most beautifully done by you.
    Have a happy day,

  5. Wow.. die Seite ist wieder mal wunderschön.. die zarten gedoodelten Elemente im Gegesatz zu dem spektakulären HIntergrund in seiner Farbigkeit sind wunderschön! - Das schöne Kärtchen mit dem tollen Foto ist ein kleines Prachtstück... ich denke das ist toll wenn man da beim Basteln die eigene Mama sieht als junges Mädel und sicher viele Erinnerungen hochkommen beim Werkeln!
    Deine Naturfotos sind wie immer mehr als gelungen und die beiden sind wahre Stubentiger..keine Frage,
    der Blick sagt aus, dass sie es nicht weiter akzeptieren werden ernährungsmäßig derart vernachlässigt zu werden!
    Sie sehen auch schon ein wenig unterernährt aus ... sag mal kümmerst Du Dich als Ersatzdosenöffner auch richtig?

    Einen schönen Tag Dir!

    1. Ich glaube die Katzen glauben dass sie unterernährt sind....

  6. Very beautiful and romantic journal page with a fantastic background.
    Wonderful idea for the dream tag as well. Great that you used this special photograph

    I am pleased tp see the sun was shining and that you could see shadows again. I love your shadow photographs.

    Have a great day. Will emal later

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. What a fabulous photo Valerie, I bet the dresses were stunning IRL. Fabulous colours on your mop up page too, it almost looks like batik! Have a great Tuesday. Xx

  8. Gorgeous creations and wonderful pics with lots of wonderful goodies
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  9. A gorgeous journal page, the background is fabulous and the tag is so beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Love your artwork and the fabulous card! Beautiful shots of the sky and the kitty cats. Have a great day. hugs :)

  11. Hi Valerie, wow lots to see here :) Your Journal page is beautiful, love the mop up background and your drawing of the wings of love :) It's been very cold here again but the sun is shining as well. Beautiful sunsets and kitties. Take care, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  12. Your journal page is lovely as always--I like how you made the bubbles in the face! What a gorgeous photo, of course, used beautifully; but what caught my eye was the flowers they were holding! Hugs!

    1. Of course, the flowers are your big passion, your beaded ones are always gorgeous.

  13. Wonderful page with a fabulous design, Valerie! Love the beautiful silhouettes. The card is fantastic too. Adorable cats!
    Have a lovely day!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Tolle seiten sind das wieder ,das gedoodle ist ganz wunderschön.
    Schöne Bilder hast du für uns,echt schön.
    Hab noch einen schönen Tag.

    GLG Jeannette

  15. Die blau-schwarze Katze ist ja zum Verlieben! ... und das Laternen-Schattenfoto gefällt mir total!
    LG Ulrike

  16. Wow, those both are gorgeous, love the wedding photo and frame! ~Diane

  17. Love the bold colors with the white ink!!! Lovely kitties and I"m sure you listened to them and fed them goodies!!!

  18. Beautiful page and tag. I love your doodling with the white gel pen and the fact that recycled with both art pieces.
    If you are not careful, those adorable kitties are going to take over your blog. One of these nights you will hear the tap-tap of keyboard keys and awaken in the morning to a brand new blog called, "The Lucky Lil Revenge".

    1. They would probably be demanding more food for house cats!

  19. Great art and photos as ever..... your cats are so cute!

    Karen x

  20. Another colorful project, Valerie. The old photo really caught my eye. Aren't they wonderful and to think your mum was in it too. I actually accomplished something yesterday; I did our income tax reports and submitted them. Not something we look forward to each spring but a requirement. Hope the sun shines more for both of us. It is chilly here today with a sprinkle of snow on the tops of the mountains.

    Love hugs,

  21. Stunning base colours on your journal page Valerie. Its a wonderful family wedding photo, you are lucky to have it safe with you.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Love the colourful piece, Valerie! What a fabulous wedding picture of your family.

  23. Was für eine großartige Journal-Seite! Diese feinen Doodles auf diesem farbenprächtigen Hintergrund sind klasse! Auch die Karte ist zauberhaft und voller Charme! Einfach wunderbar!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  24. I love what you do with your stencil heads Valerie, and the wedding photo is fabulous. Those poor cats hardly have the energy to stare at you they are so hungry lol xx

  25. Gorgeous background with those splashes of color!!
    I adore that card and your Mum is so beautiful- how old must she have been there- 12-13? So sweet- thank you for sharing Valerie!xo

  26. LOVE that old photo....and the kitties too. xox


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