
Friday 13 March 2015

Happy Birthday Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, have a good one!

Paint Party Friday is celebrating it's 4th birthday, so thanks to Eva and Kristin for hosting every week. 

An optional theme this week is to make a self portrait, but I didn't have enough time, so I am re-showing one made a couple of months back for a challenge at Art Journal Journey, as well as my piece for 'Things with wings'. This was worked with water colours, Gelatos and Gel pens.

The self portrait was done in pastel chalks over a background made with acrylics.

I wasn't happy with it, so I digitally chopped it up and recombined the pieces digitally to a collage. Sometimes I would be quite happy if something like this was possible in real life!

This morning started off sunny but cold after another frosty night.

This made me happy - new leaves, a little sign of spring.


  1. Love your photos and your birds are just wonderful. I think your self-portrait is an A plus!

  2. wonderful to see the signs of spring! Lovely page and great to see your self portrait!

  3. It's always fun to visit your blog and see what you've been creating. Today is no exception. Your "Things with "Wings" piece is truly lovely. I'm really drawn to the colors. I really like the way you rendered your self portrait. What a wonderful media choice!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Great pages, images, love the sentiment, gorgeous colours as well.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. Wonderful bird painting today, and love the portrait, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  6. The bird painting is beautiful and I love seeing you in your self portrait. A little sign of spring does our hearts well. Its' just around the corner :)

  7. Was für eine traumhafte Seite Valerie! Ganz wunderschön ist das gemacht !Das Vögelchen ist prächtig auch sein Federkleid, diese herrliche Farbmelange auf dem Körper ist super!
    AJJ sagt DANKESCHÖN!!!
    Dein Selbstportrait gefällt mir immer noch total gut und ja es wär schön sich so aufteilen zu kö
    Man könnte dann gleichzeitig an vielen Orten sein oder an vielen Projekten Arbeiten.... das wär was!

    Ja ich denke es ist nicht aufzuhalten ... endlich wird es Frühling, auch wenn es noch kalt ist und winterlich ... der Frühling bahnt sich seinen WEg unübersehbar- Gott sei Dank!
    Happy PPF!

  8. Lovely birdy painting! Your portrait is very modern and cool, love it! Also thanks for sharing the nature photos, beautiful!

  9. Valerie that is the coolest the collage of pieces so much!! Good job! Beautiful bird painting too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Love your selfie! That bird painting is wonderful.

  11. Compositions exquisitely impregnated by the freshness of spring colors! The portrait is beautiful !! Very beautiful sunrise!

  12. The Wings of Love piece is wonderful Valerie-your ideas always amaze me. The self portrait is so clever and especially the way you jumbled up your face--brilliant.

    Nice to see the new buds beginning to open up--Spring has definitely arrived where you are

    Have a really lovely day

    Chrissie xxx

  13. Your bird painting is beautiful Valerie and your self portrait reminds me of a photo negative, remember them! Have a lovely Friday. Xx

  14. Your self-portrait is very progressive, it is great to look at.
    A good bird journal page, with a pleasant quote.


  15. Wonderful birds, love those colours and I really like the way you have digitally altered your selfie.

  16. Amazing art today. The bird painting is great.
    Hugs xx

  17. Both of your pieces are great today. Love the colors on the bird page, and I also love how you chose to do your selfie with bright colors on the darker background. Lots of fun seeing people's approaches to their own face. Have a great weekend.

  18. Your portrait makes me think of a cubist you! I like it. Pretty bird wotha glorious wing. xox

  19. Love your bird and the self protrait
    Becky x

  20. Such a sweet quote in that bird-image.

    I like the way you've used pastels on black. It's powerful.

  21. dein beschwingter vogel und auch dein clever bearbeitetes selbstportrait sind einfach klasse! und ich finde auch, die nächte könnten allmählich frostfrei werden, dann geht auch tagsüber mehr an Temperatur!

    1. Eine gute Idee, ich waere auch sehr froh darueber.

  22. Your bird painting is really lovely and I love the idea of your abstract self portrait once you chopped it up and rearranged it!

  23. Your bird is beautiful Valerie and what a great idea making an abstract out of your selfie.

  24. That's beautiful! Both your bird, your self portrait (love how you took it apart and made it into an abstract) and the photos of spring coming. I somehow didn't know about the optional theme of a self-portrait. Makes me chuckle about the cow I posted today... xoxo

    1. Now you have made me chuckle! But she is a gorgeous cow!

  25. The bird painting looks beautiful, love your abstract self portrait. It would be a good idea if we could do things like this in real life.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Love your art ♥ Especially love the quote on your Things with Wings art. The self portrait is great..both versions ♥ I love your little bits of Spring showing up too. I've been enjoying the small bits of green showing up here this week. Today is very wet so don't know that I will be making it outside for my walk.

  27. that is such a gorgeous bird along with beautiful sentiment and colors!

  28. Beautiful birds and the self portrait is wonderful, what a talent you have! ~Diane

  29. Beautiful colours on your bird page Valerie, and your selfie is very cleverly done, but then you are a talented artist. The sun is getting higher in the sky and there is more warmth in it at last.
    Have an excellent weekend {{Hugs}} xo

  30. Your bird sweeps across the page creating elegant colors, great movement!
    Say, have I seen you before? Fun picture

  31. Fabulous bird and the face is very expressive! Happy weekend!

  32. Wow Valerie, I really love the wings on your bird and how the colours come out in rays from underneath, just stunning! hugs :)

  33. *ggg* chopping up most photographs of me is something I could really get into.
    Fun and colorful self portrait. I really enjoy how you create art and then take it to the next level with your digital skills Valerie!
    The bird piece is lovely and the words are so soothing to me...
    thank for your that my friend!

  34. Love the bird painting and your selfie is great. Photos are lovely. Love the sunset.

  35. This painting is definitely one of your best for the way you have painted the bird in flight, the flowers and the colours, and the whole composition. I really love it.
    Haha! for your selfie. No, Valerie, you don't look like this, I think this is the ghost who sometimes follows you around, maybe you saw it in the mirror?

  36. Although it's a fun portrait.

  37. Wow, Valerie! You've really outdone yourself with this fabulous portrait, I love love it! The page is fantastic and I love the super bird.
    Hugs, Mar

  38. Wonderful and colorful selfie, Valerie. And the wings of love pier is absolutely wonderful. So beautiful.

  39. OMG this is stunning. Love the vibrant colors Valerie and the selfie is fabulous. You are amazing!!
    Lovely walking pics too.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  40. So magical and colorful - so much life in your painting!

  41. Collage. . .that might work. It turned out quite well. Always love to see the photos. Everyone's ducks always look so different. Blessings, Janet PPF

  42. Wow for the bird and the colors that flow in the painting! Beautiful. Love what you did with the self-portrait:-)

  43. Wonderful art work Valerie! You are so good with color.
    Sandy xx

  44. love things with wings - the colors really pop and lovely composition. I like how you did your abstract self portrait.

  45. beautiful pieces, the selfie in parts composition is really interesting

    much love...

  46. Stunning self portrait! happy celebration AJJ!!

  47. Valerie, I LOVE your bird. The flowers are gorgeous too and the background is stunning.
    How clever of you to reconfigure your self-portrait when you did not like it as is. I really like how you don't throw anything away, even if you don't really like it. It is all valuable as part of your artistic journey and I like how you respect it as such.
    Blessing hugs,

  48. Beautiful wings and fabulous portrait ~ and I love how you worked it!


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