
Thursday 26 March 2015

Friday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and it's Friday again.
This has been a sad week here with the dreadful plane crash, and it is awful to think how many lives have been adversely affected by it. The plane should have landed here at the airport which I can see from my windows. My heart goes out to all those who came to pick up their loved ones, and will never be able to see them again.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings, and Paint Party Friday I have made a little semi-abstract piece, rather smaller than usual, as it was just a piece of waste paper, 21x19cms. I used it to mop up colour from a larger piece I made, and when I looked at it,  it reminded me of sunset over the Rhine meadows when they were flooded. I added more colours with Gelatos, a few strokes with a charcoal pencil, and some Dina Wakley birds.

This morning started out cold and wet, with the sun struggling to break through the clouds.

On my walk I looked for signs of spring, even if it doesn't feel like spring just now.

This chappie over one of the shop doorways was looking, too.

Have a good weekend you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A lovely post, beautiful art and gorgeous photos.

  2. Boah Wow,dein abstraktes bild ist eine wucht,es ist so mystisch und es gibt soviel zu endecken,die zwei figuren ganz unten sind auch klasse,bin sehr begeistert.
    deine traumhaften frühlingsbilder der natur sind wunderschön.
    hab einen schönen abend,bin gerade am singen üben,es macht einfach spass ,und das zählt doch.

    Bussi Jeannette

  3. Beautiful artwork Valerie, so lovely and colourful. Really love those flower pics as well.
    Have a good weekend yourself.
    Fliss xx

  4. Good Evening Valerie. Love those paintings, these are my kind of thing, not that I paint at all, but I do love strong colours. More of your stunning photos too. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. I think your painting is stunning and the colours are fantastic. Wonderful photos, too, so good to see spring springing! Hugs, Sarah

  6. I agree- the plane crash is so terribly sad. Especially as more news comes out about it. Those poor families and people on the plane. But your piece is full of beautiful colors and it is nice to see someone has lots of spring blooms. I can't wait for them here.

  7. Yes very sad Valerie. Your work though is awesome as always. Love all those flowers on your walk. We all can say a prayer for these people and their families. Take care and have a pleasant weekend.

  8. I felt very sad when I heard the news. Everything that happens to Germany still feels very close - and probably always will. I was especially sad that 16 high schoolers were among the dead. Probably kids around my daughter's age. What a nightmare for these families.
    Your artwork is beautiful, Valerie. I like everything about it - the colors, the composition, the beautiful birds by Dina.

  9. Those poor families.

    Beautiful piece, I love the way it came about.

    Lovely to see all the flowers, especially the daffodils!

  10. I though immediately that your paintings were fashioned after your walks way before I read the text. Very beautiful! Colours so nicely mixed!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Was für ein mega schönes Bild - diese fantastischen Farbverläufe - echt klasse!!!
    Bei euch blüht schon viel mehr als hier. Wir brauchen dringend den angesagten Regen. Ich wünsche Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, Dagmar.

  12. wow, spring is really springing for you! The artwork is beautiful and the colors are gorgeous.

  13. The color world in your work is so beautiful and rich with details.

    Yes, a sad accident.

  14. Ja so traurig ist das ! Unvorstellbar!
    Dein Bild ist ein TRAUM..ich bin ganz verliebt !
    Diese herrlichen Blütenpracht, die bei Euch schon sprießt...herrlich-
    würd ich auch gern schon haben hier, aber dauert noch !
    Einen schönen Freitag - HAPPY PPF!
    Happy AJJ!

  15. dein journaling ist einfach wunderwunderschön... und auch frühlingszeichen häufen sich jetzt. tolle bilder!
    ja, das mit dem absturz ist der pure Wahnsinn. auch unsere schule fliegt jedes jahr mit einer schülerauswahl nach Barcelona - man mag da gar nicht weiterdenken... und verstehen wird man es wohl nie können.

  16. Gorgeous colours! I have visited Rheinland twice and can still remember this breathtaking views.

  17. It was a terrible thing that happened with the plane - and which seems to be happening more often this last while. One of the saddest things I heard which never got a mention on the main TV news is that there were 5 dogs from a rescue in Spain on their way to their new forever homes on that plane -that struck me as desperately sad that they never got their happy ever after after years of abuse after all.
    On a brighter note - I love your painting - it was serendipity that this wonderful sunset was created by accident and I love that you turned it into a beautiful sunset scene.

  18. So sad about the crash my thought are with everyone affected by it and that includes you Valerie. It seems it was the co pilot that did it on purpose.

    Beautiful piece of art and difficult to believe how it started out. It looks better than many I have seen hung in art galleries.

    Gorgeous photographs of the early blooms and whimsical figure up above.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Sad to hear about the crash. It's true that it would have affected many peoples. Your painting looks beautiful. Clippings of flowers looks wonderful...

  20. Such a terrible tragedy, such an awful way to lose a loved one. Spring seems to be much farther ahead with you, can't believe the amount of blossom and flowers you have. Lovely sunny day here today, have a lovely Friday. Xx

  21. Beautiful art work and lovely and full of spring spirit photographs. Thank you for sharing. Have a good and creative week!

  22. We have been watching that sad story unfold on the news, quickly followed by a terrible fire and building collapse in lower Manhattan. Just so tragic.

    I am constantly amazed at what you do with something you mopped up with. This looks beautiful and very planned.

    Have a great weekend my dear friend.

  23. Your art is so beautiful, Valerie. I have cried buckets of tears for those lost in the plane crash.

  24. Your piece has a lovely mystical quality to it, Valerie.
    Yes, such a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all involved.

  25. Oh valerie- all of those Beeeautiful blossoms!! Heavenly flowers coming to life again- thank you so much for those wonderful photos!! And the egg tree is delightful- hop hop hop!
    Thanks for writing me about your pens- I looked them up straightaway and ordered some for myself- <3

  26. Love today's art!!!!! So sad about the plane crash ♥ Beautiful spring photos also... I'ts much colder here today with frost on the deck this morning. I haven't ventured out yet to see if any of the spring blooms were damaged...supposed to be colder tonight so I just might have to throw out some blankets.

  27. Your painting is wonderful! It's amazing how we can find scenes in our "mop up" sheets. Thanks for sharing your walk with signs of spring,

  28. Your painting is so beautiful, and lovely to see your Spring photos Valerie!
    The plane crash is so sad and tragic, my heart goes out to all of the grieving familes too.
    Alison x

  29. Yes, exquisite early spring, delicious colors, beautiful photos.

  30. I love all the colors mixing into each other in your landscape and the birds silhouetted against the sky. Must be awful to live so close to this tragedy. Hugs Emma x

  31. gorgeous colors and I love how they all flow into each other in this piece! Yes, how tragic to hear about the plane crash...
    thanks for sharing such lovely Spring scenes.

  32. Your picture reflects the sadness we all feel for the terrible plane crash victims and their family's. Take care. ~Diane

  33. A truly beautiful piece, Valerie. The serene sky is a brilliant contrast to the splotch that I assume represents the crashing plane. Sad and beautifully illustrated.

  34. My heart goes out to all those affected by the plane crash.
    Your painting is full of beautiful colours and your flower shots are so lovely. I did enjoy seeing that 'chappie' sitting on his sill, what an excellent model.

  35. It's so terribly sad about the plane crash ...... my heart goes out the the victims and their families.... how would you come to terms with that? Why would somebody do that if it is true that he did it on purpose? It really is awful........

    I especially loved your art today Valerie and your Spring flowers and photos.

    Karen x

  36. Okay how many posts have I missed, a gazillion. Catching up backwards. Love this loose piece. The plane crash is a horror to be sure., Can't watch it anymore. Heading back in time. xox

  37. luv those daffodils, and the roses - awesome; really sorry to hear about that plane crash. a happy PPF and thanks for dropping by to view mine

    much love...

  38. This is a beautiful piece of artwork Valerie, I love how the colours blend in to each other. It really is so sad about the plane crash those poor families....
    Hope you have a great weekend xx

  39. A lovely post Valerie and such sad news,those poor families, such a tragic loss.
    Love the fantastic art page, its is a stunning scene.
    Yvonne xx

  40. I feel so much pain for each family who lost a loved one - such a waste. Worse than even mechanical failure - this was done on purpose. Some things are just impossible to comprehend. I think you captured the beauty of the sunset so well in your little painting. That is scrap paper no more with a beautiful work of art on it!

  41. Hi Valerie, Here in the States are hearts are broken for the family and friends who lost loved ones in that horrible plane crash. Our prayers are with them all.

    Your work is beautiful and your photos are so inspiring for springtime.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  42. oh wow, it's amazng you got that from mopping up colours. It's perfect for a sunset! Love the addtion of the birds.....

  43. The colors and your entire artwork is really quite stunning! Beautiful post.

  44. I just love all the colors on your page. Looks wonderful. And all those flowers in your photos are so pretty. TFS...


  45. It's wonderful what you have made from this really beautiful background, just the one tree and the birds, very clever.

  46. Oh, this is so cool, very creative again!
    Our world is one huge war field sad to follow news on tv, newspapers, what's going on...
    Men and their power and religion competition makes our lives difficult, fear spreads and fear leads to other type of sad.
    Here in Helsinki spring is not blooming at all. Had a walk and it was grey but no snow which is good!
    Have a good weekend!

  47. What a sweet and colorful piece. I couldn't help but think of souls flying off to the after life after I read your introduction. The smallness makes a big statement. I love the way the colors shape and blend. Glad you're seeing signs of spring. We are reborn each spring amongst such beauty.

  48. Deine Seite ist ein Traum, herrliche Farbverläufe, toll, was man aus Nebenprodukten alles zaubern kann :)
    Ja, das mit dem Flugzeugunglück ist wirklich schlimm, unsere Tochter fliegt am Mittwoch nach England... immer schön positiv denken.

  49. Boahhh, das ist eine fantastische Seite, einfach klasse!!!
    LG Carola
    (Ich stöbere noch etwas weiter hier)

  50. It was such a sad week. My nephew attends the high school in the small community that lost the entire class and two teachers. None of us have been able to wrap our heads around that. So much unimaginable heartbreak!

    On a happier note, your piece of art is stunning. I love the colors and the energy of it!!

    xoxo Silke

  51. I love the energy of the colors in your painting! Cool photos - and I love the one of the blooming red flowered bush! What is that? We don't have them where I live......

  52. Valerie I Am truly sorry for all the loss there. Such a sad event. I pray for all those affected.
    I have to tell you, when I scroll down my blog reading list and see your colors, I know it is you, even before your name scrolls up........just thought you would love that. You really have a special style.


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