
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Vincent, coca cola and mist

Hi Everybody,

Hope you are having a good day.
Here it was cold, wet and windy, with an eclectic mix of snow, sleet, mist  and lots of rain; good weather to stay home. I did go out for an hour this afternoon, but was happy to get back home again!

Our new theme at Tag Tuesday is 'In the style of'. I chose Vincent van Gogh, and made a quick sketch with gelatos, which I chopped up into three tags. I love the movement in his landscapes, and did this one from memory, it's a good exercise just to play like this from time to time. It's not perfect, but it doesn't need to be.

I made this 6" easel card as a commission for a friend who needed a card with a coca cola theme. The 'shutters' have been punched with my giant border punch.

Just a few photos of the misty and wet Rhine today:

The ships loomed up out of the mist:

The heron  evidently decided to stay home, but the ducks and cormorants
were out.

Have a great day you all, 
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Once again some lovely photos and glorious art!

  2. Love this Valerie. In fact it looks like the work that Van Gogh himself would have enjoyed. Great colours too. Great Pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Lovely work from memory. Beautiful misty photos and your friend will love her card.

  4. Great set of tags, Val, love how you did this! The card is very striking, and I always love the misty photos.
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. On our way home yesterday we had snow. LOTS of snow. Glad we made it home safe. Love your photos of the Rhine with the mist. Beautiful! And those tags are great, especially cut in three pieces. Love them!

  6. Deine drei Tags gefallen mir super gut, einzeln und gemeinsam!
    Die Auftrags Cola Karte ist elegant und wunderschön !
    Was für neblige Ansichten das sind..aber auch schön irgendwie, oder? Eien ganz eigene Stimmung!
    Eine tolle Gegend ist das allemal wo Du lebst!
    ( außer Euer dem steh ich immer noch auf Kriegsfuß)

    Ich wünsch Dir einen super Tag Valerie, vielleicht heute ohne Nebel!

  7. Ja, die Nebelstimmung ist irgendwie schön, besonders am Fluss. Der Flughafen war mal klein und übersichtlich, ist aber zu einem Monster geworden.

  8. Love your Van Gogh piece and the cola card looks great, love those shutters!

  9. Love your creations looks fabulous and the colours are perfect......♥ aNNie

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  10. schönes van-Gogh inspiriertes Triptychon und easel karte!
    schön, wie das schiff aus dem nebel auftaucht. nebel hat definitiv was, so geheimnisvoll. gar nicht geheimnisvoll ist leider unser ständiger Hochnebel, der einfach nur die sonne nicht durchlässt und unten alles grau in grau erscheinen lässt... aber die Schneeglöckchen und Krokusse sind schon da, auch dieser winter wird vorübergehen:)

  11. What a fab Coca-Cola image, "vintage" is so on trend at the moment. Weather did look a bit yucky yesterday, hope you manage out today! Xx

  12. Deine Tags als Triptychon sind großartig! Wie Susi schon schrieb, zusammen aber auch einzeln sind sie wunderschön! Die Cola- Karte ist schön und sehr elegant! Schön Fotos zeigt du auch heute wieder. Mir gefällt das zweite ganz bsonders!!
    Einen schöne Tag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  13. Fantastic tags and cards Valerie.

    Hope the weather improves for you.

    Have to dash as we are going you know where :(

    Catch you later

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Beautiful artwork and I just love what you did for the coca cola card, great idea for the shutters! Love your misty photos, I just love mist (except when it's Stephen King's mist) haha. hugs :)

  15. Your sketch made three nice tags that look great together or on their own. Love those misty photos!

  16. Beautiful panels on today art piece, its a fantastic retro card as well.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Your Van Gogh impressions are really lovely and perfect in their own way liebe Valerie!
    (((hugs))) from cold snowy Virginia, USA

  18. Love your Van Gogh!! I used the love Coke and drank it every day... now I can handle the super sweetness of it, Perhaps maybe I have finally grown up :) Love the misty water shots today.

  19. Love your tags, amazing from memory too! Beautiful card, sure your friend will be happy to give it. ~Diane

  20. Excellent tags Valerie and the cola card is fabulous, I bet the recipient is delighted with it ((hugs)) :o)

  21. I love your panels- how beautiful they would be as a large wall piece! (just saying-heeehhee) xoxo

  22. Love your fabulous three tags and the super card. Great job today, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  23. your tags are so beautiful. so natural and soft.
    I love the coke a cola girl beautiful art there :)
    and of course you know how I love your photos. I have many post to go back and catch up on. My Mother passed away four weeks ago and now we are working on the Estate sell. so hard. Your blog brings me such delight and joy.
    susan s

  24. HI Valerie, your tags are beautiful and you do Van Gogh like Van Gogh!! Wonderful work.
    Love your coke card. So retro!! Looks like you had a cold misty day but got some great shots.
    Have a nice day.
    Hugs, CM

  25. Beautiful bookmark sized paintings and I love your bright Coca-cola card. Honestly, when I read your title I thought you were going to show us a cool painting technique using Coca-cola. You might have to try that now that I've suggested it. ;-)

  26. Traumhaft schöne Werke und Fotos, Valerie

  27. Traumhaft schöne Werke und Fotos, Valerie

  28. Amazing and evocative photos again! I love cormorants.... we have a lot of them here as there are two big rivers bordering the peninsula, the Mersey and the River Dee. There are more of them on the Mersey - our Liver-birds!
    Those tags are utterly magical. Think I said before that I'm a big VIncent fan and these do justice to his - and your - genius. Totally fabulous! Hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  29. Morning Valerie. You do such fabulous work and today is no exception. I wondered, what do you do with all your art work? Do you hang it up in your home? T x

  30. A few pieces are hung up, most things get put into a folder or one of my many boxes or journals.

  31. your art is truly wonderful....I love the coca cola sign and how you fixed it up. I visit your blog and say I HAVE TO MAKE ART today. I have been busy with some family commitments and now trying to adjust to a new medicine and I have yet to make any art.......


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