
Tuesday 17 February 2015

This, that and the other

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are having a good day!

Today is Tuesday, which means a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and at Try it on Tuesday.
 At Tag Tuesday out theme is Text. I made two word-bird tags, using scraps of DP with text to cut the birds, and wrote some sayings around the edge of the first one.
My visitors this afternoon liked the birds, and they have already flown the nest and found new homes.

At Try it on Tuesday our theme for the next two weeks is 'Tic tac toe'.
You can choose any line, horizontal, diagonal or vertical, from the selection and use the elements in your project.
I chose punches, bling and cardboard, although my card would also fit to the line beads, punches and flowers.

I made a 6x6" card with a Valentine theme. The centre part has been made from a tag cut from partly peeled cardboard. The images are from my stash. The patterns down both sides have been punched with a large border punch. I added some beads and a bling heart. The sentiment has been sprayed with paper softener (LaBlanche)  and formed; once it dries, the paper stays in form.
You have two weeks to enter the challenge, and all projects are welcome, so hope to see lots of you joining in!

Today I have some different 'wildlife' photos to show instead of the usual birds and ducks; the ladies in their carnival costumes. The first one shows the whole group. Each one represents a different decade. I made the Charleston dress from Karina and Gabi's wild pink punk outfit, complete with rat. I 'wiped' the faces of the other ladies as I didn't get a chance to ask them if they wanted to be posted. I don't think they would mind, but better safe than sorry! Don't they all look gorgeous?

I made a matching bag and rat for Gabi:

Lovely Luzi wanted to be like Disney's Snow Queen, with a long dress, hooded cape, long gloves, and a bustle at the back of the dress.

Here it was not quite finished, but coming along nicely:

Last changes to the sleeves and belt.
(The colours look a bit darker here because of the electric light)

It was fun making the costumes and doing something different instead of just patching my jeans or sewing cardboard!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot or coming by!


  1. These are great pictures look like you had a great time
    Love your art as well

  2. Adore this, Love that and admire the other....these are gorgeous.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  3. Die Vögelchen sind wunderschön und die Karte ist ein Traum..
    und die ganzen tollen Kostüme sind sooo schön... tollsehen alle aus..
    Deine Kostüme sind natürlich die Allerschönsten!

    Einen tollen Tag heute!

  4. You did a wonderful job sewing those costumes, what great ideas! Your little birds are fantastic, and the card is beautiful - all in all, a lot of talent! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Wow! What a great selection of photos. Fab job with the costumes. Your birdies and the card are gorgeous! X

  6. Wow! The girls all look amazing Valerie and so colourful with the bright pink theme. Love the Snow Queen outfit as well and especially the cape--it is gorgeous.

    Beautiful tags. No wonder they found new homes very quickly.

    Fantastic DT piece for Try it on Tuesday as well. I can't imagine how you can fit so much into your life but I am so pleased that you do and that you share it with us.

    Love Chrissie

  7. Is there no end to your talent Valerie, the girls look FAB! It's a wonder I didn't hear you all giggling from here! Your little word birds are very sweet too. Have a great Tuesday. Xx

    1. I'm sure you must have heard us - it was loud enough, for sure!

  8. Your TioT-project is beautiful and the sewing work stunningly well done.
    Hugs xx

  9. Oh, diese Vögelchen sind ganz bezaubend! Einfach fantastisch deine Kostüme! So viel Liebe zum Detail! Einfach wunderbar, Valerie!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Annette

  10. Fabulous projects today Valerie! Love those birds and your Valentines card is gorgeous! Wonderful costumes too! hugs :)

  11. I love your valentines take on the TIOT challenge, you bird tags are super and I love the dresses, hugs Bee

  12. Wonderful art and costumes! Love the bird tags!

  13. Wow what a lot to see! The artwork is fabulous, the sewing is amazing, the outfits are gorgeous! And is that you in the Charleston dress? Beautiful! have a great day, Shirleyxx

    1. No, I am afraid not! I prefer to be behind the camera!

  14. You are a talented seamstress, too? Tell me, what can't you do?The costumes are fantastic, each and every one! What fun you all must have had.

    Love the bird tags and the tic tac toe sounds like a fun challenge!

  15. Where to begin today. Love the bird tags and of course the fantastic card for TioT's.
    But those outfits you made are the STARS of todays post for me. The girls all look gorgeous , all dressed up and ready to party. They look as if the all had a great time. Dress designing should now be added to your list of talents.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Great post today, Valerie! The bird tags are fabulous and the Valentines card is beautiful. Love the fantastic costumes, very fun!
    Hugs, Mar

  17. wow, you are quite the seamstress!
    I bet they all had so much fun.
    your tags and cards are lovely too.

  18. Hi Valerie, I love these kinds of posts for this that and the other. Your bird tags are adorable along with the card you created. Love the costumes!! Is there anything at all you can not do??? What great pics of the girls. Your work is incredible. I bet you had so much fun!!
    Hugs and Happy Creating!

  19. The girls looked gorgeous, the costumes were a real knock out too! Pretty birds also. ~Diane

  20. Fabulous sewing skills my friend. Love Gabi's the best I must say, so festive. xox

  21. What an amazing blogpost with so much to admire.
    Love the costumes and I am lost in wonder at all the work involved in making these beautiful and original dresses. Of course one has to have a bag to match one's pink rat.
    Love the Valentine card too, everything there is just perfect and I do like the punched side pieces.
    And right back to the top - these little birds are such beauties, I am not surprised they found a new home so quickly.
    A brilliant blogpost and art - three gold stars are awarded.

    1. You mean you don't have a bag to match your rat? That would be shocking!

    2. I think it is only essential if the rat is a shocking pink one?

  22. Die knallpinken Damen sehen total klasse aus, super Kostüme! Au, da warst du ja total fleißig mit der Näherei, sie können alle froh sein, dich zu haben!

    Die Papiervögelchen sind großartig, ganz toll gemacht. Da freut sich sicher jeder, der von dir eins bekommt!
    LG Ulrike

  23. All of your work today is outstanding!!!! Love the bird tags especially ♥ The carnival outfits are spectacular and I"m sure they all appreciate your hard work. I haven't made clothing in years... used to do it all of the time :)
    Have a great day and stay warm.. We have a severe cold spell heading our way so I"ll be inside for a few days.

  24. There is just no end to your talents, Valerie. Those outfits are marvelous. My favourite is the snow queen because I am a princess kind of girl all the way. Love those bird tags. No wonder they flew the coop so early. It was nice of you to give them up. Your vintage style Valentine is beautiful too.
    hugs & smiles,
    PS - Got plowed out about an hour ago.

  25. Love the birds and you girls looks so chic!
    hugz, Z

  26. Love the birds and you girls looks so chic!
    hugz, Z

  27. Wow Valerie! You have been busy and everything looks just fabulous. Love those costumes, so bright and sparkly.
    Fliss xx

  28. Your birds are superb, Valerie! The gals are so gorgeous!

  29. Such wonderful photos my friend. They look wonderful. I do love your tags and cards as well. I always enjoy my visit here.

    Hugs, Linda
    My Happy Place

  30. How marvelous, Valerie. I enjoyed the entire post.


  31. A wonderful selection of both artwork and photos! Nikki x

  32. You made those dresses?'re awesome! Fabulous photos and I do so love those little birds as well! - Shroo:)xxx

  33. Visiting to get a closer look at your bird tags. :) Love them.
    Your art is always so inspiring. Great group photos.

  34. Love these bird tags, such a fab idea, and these costumes are AMAZING! Is there nothing you can't do Missus :-) xx


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