
Saturday 21 February 2015

I am the dream....

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, so have a good one. Hope those stuck in the snow are keeping warm and safe, and that the weather gets better for
you very soon.

Today I have another piece for Art Journal Journey, Birds, beasts and humans to share. We already have over 150 entries, and the challenge runs for another week. You can see all the wonderful entries by clicking on the link in my sidebar. I used one of my ready made backgrounds - when I have time and/or colour left over, I make BGs, it's always good to have a supply. I did some background stenciling using various stencils, bought and home made, and black soot DI. The flowers were stamped direct from some Memento Dewdrop stamp pads, and then highlighted with white dots, as was the house stencil along the bottom edge. This was quick and fun to make.

I have been watching some men working on the roof of one of the ancient houses near the Church, bit by bit they are putting in new wooden beams instead of the rather decayed old ones. It's interesting to see how well they work as a team.

My visitors were queuing up already when I got up this morning

The falcon doesn't come onto the balcony, but enjoys picking crusts of bread from the garden

The jay came rather late, and was rather disappointed that the food had already been eaten, so had to be content with picking at the fat balls


Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely page, and beautiful closeups of the birds.

  2. Just beautiful Val, love the colours and style, and the quote, and the photos. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely colourful page Val..... great bird shots.

    Happy weekend to you too

    Karen x

  4. Das ist eine wunderschöne Arbeit Valerie... ja ich denk fast für mich , dass die so nebenbei gemachten Hintergründe, bei mir zumindest, zuletzt die schönsten sind... während wenn ich mich bemühe einen speziellen Hintergrund zu erstellen für ein Projekt.. wird das ohnehin nie so wie es angedacht!
    Was für raffinierte Blumen mit den tropfenförmigen Stempelkissen.. das nenn ich einfallsreich und praktisch kreativ! Oh ja die Dachdecker! Das ist für mich die Gilde, die am besten meist eingespielt ist aufeinander - eine wahrhaft fleissige und heldenhafte Zunft- riskieren sie doch tagtäglich ihr kostbares Leben um unsere Dächer zu erneuern. Die Truppe, die unser Dach vor 3 Jahren im Sommer hier neu gedeckt hat, war einfach nur brilliant! Ich hab sie sehr geschätzt und sie täglich mit leckerem Essen verwöhnt - die Armen hatte hier auch noch eine extrem Hitzeperiode beim Neudecken unseres Daches!

    Wunderschöne Vogel-Aufnahmen zeigst Du uns heute wieder!
    Hab einen schönen Samstag Valerie!

    Art Journal Journey DANKT ♥lich!

    1. Ja, die Dachdecker sind toll, es war schön zuzuschauen wie sie die Dachpfannen zack zack geworfen und gefangen haben - und alles da oben, über die Stadt Mauern!

  5. A beautiful creation to show case and love the style...Gorgeous colours as always.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  6. Eine wunderschöne Seite in tollen Farben - ich muss auch wieder einmal HG auf Vorrat machen, wenn mein bastelzimmer

  7. Wieder fertig eingeräumt ist. Die Idee mit den Stempelkissen die Blumen zu machen ist richtig genial!!!!Hab ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  8. ein super Hintergrund und die Idee mit den stempelkissen-Blumen ist cool... das warme orange versöhnt mich ein bisschen mit dem miesen wetter. kaum war ein tag sonne (gestern), sollen schon wieder tagelang nass-kalt werden. die vögel hast du ja schon ganz schön "angefüttert", dass sie so nahe kommen, das eichelhäherbild ist wieder klasse.

  9. Superb background, lots of interest I like the dew drop flowers. (hugs) :o).

  10. Really beautiful artwork today Valerie with amazing background made even better by the beautiful white pen work.

    Love the way the chaps are using old fashioned techniques to restore the old roof--hope to see it when they have finished--courtesy of you ofcourse

    Hello to your wonderful birds which must be such a joy to see daily on your balcony.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  11. Great painting, I like the way you use the diamonds and birds and numbers and so on to make such a interesting background with depth.
    You've got some wonderful shots of the birds, especially the Jay.

  12. Gorgeous piece today Valerie, I just love the touches of bright blue and green! Wonderful shots of the birds today, I love nature! hugs :)

  13. Really wonderful background, Valerie. The color, texture and those flowers are so pretty!

  14. Lovely vibrant Journal page, your birds are beautiful ! Have a great weekend, Shirleyxx

  15. Valerie, this is so fantastic, you always amaze me with your choice of colours. Stunning photos as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. Wonderful colourful page, the white pen totally lifts the images from the background.
    Yvonne xx

  17. A wonderful journalling page in the most stunning colours. Great layout .
    Sweet little birds too......with a new cat next door I need to get up really early to see the birds. My two cats are too old to bother with them x
    Tfs and have a great weekend
    Annie x

  18. Lovely captured birds and 'I am the dream' sounds so good and uplifting. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Your collage painting has so much depth to it, I love the soaring birds and the real birds too! Xx

  20. Wunderschön, ich könnte jetzt hier stundenlang sitzen und die Farben genießen.

  21. Great journal page again. :) Love the bird pictures and I like seeing the roof restored on the ancient building too. Watching a well trained team of builders is more interesting to me than a sports game. ♥

  22. Danke für deine Sonnenseite, tut den Augen richtig gut, bei dem Grau draußen.
    ... wie nett wieder deine Vogelbesuche!
    LG und schönes Wochenende von Ulrike

  23. Hi Valerie, Love this Dream and Dreamer Page. Your visitors are so pretty and you are capturing great shots. Great to watch the builders and their teamwork.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, CM

  24. Wonderful painting! I love the concept of dream and dreamer. So much depth to your piece! Beautiful birds, how amazing that you have a falcon come to visit!

  25. I do love your page about Dreamers.. I always say I'm a dreamer or is that a day-dreamer. LOL..
    Anyway your page looks amazing. And of course I am loving you photos.

    Hugs, Linda
    My Happy Place

  26. beautiful creation Valerie. Very creative and love the colors. As always, love the photography. I will have to look up the name of your native jay. Beautiful bird. I am also a great fan of the raptors. - Jim

  27. Wonderful and vibrant page, Valerie! As always your walking photos are fantastic. Hope you get some nice warm weather soon! Hugs!

  28. Lovely birdies and men at work is always fun to watch :-)
    Brilliant use of your lovely and vibrant background Valerie.
    Every touch is super and the white pen is the frosting on the cake.
    Greetings from very snowy Virginia...we are in the middle of an arctic blast they are calling the Siberian Express.

  29. Gorgeous. Love those stamped flowers.

  30. Liebe Valerie,
    es ist so wunderbar kreativ immer wieder bei dir, ich bin begeistert - die Fotos sind traumschön, lieben Dank fürs zeigen.
    Herzliche Sonntaggrüsse, Sichtwiese

  31. Wonderful luminous layering in your spread. Love your bird shots. You do capture them so well.

  32. Brilliant idea to use the dew drop pads to make a flower, I'm going to try that. I wish I had visitors like yours. That blue jay is beautiful!!!

  33. Lovely page, those workers look cold too! ~Diane


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