
Wednesday 4 February 2015

Beings from Ancient Egypt.

Hi Everybody!

Hope all those who have had a lot of snow are keeping safe and warm,
look after yourselves!

For 'Birds, beasts and humans' at Art Journal Journey I have made a journal page (A3) with an old Egyptian theme. I painted the background with orange and yellow acrylic paints and sprayed some diluted red ink to give more colour. The image shows Tutankhamen squashing his enemies under foot, on a background painted with blue-green and gold.  Then I added colours for the jewels and gold, and used white highlighter to define the lines. After fussy cutting it I placed it onto the background. I drew the eye of Horus and the Ankh with felt pens. The quote is from Pharaoh Akhnaton, who lived about 1400 BC. I find the strange beings who are part animal or bird, and part human, very fascinating. Horus was one of the oldest and most significant of the Egyptian deities, and is sometimes portrayed as a man with a falcon head. The Ankh is also known as the 'Breath of life', or the 'Key of the Nile', and represents the concept of eternal  life.

Hope to have more photos to show you tomorrow, I wasn't able to get out much today!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love what you did here I happen to love orange

  2. WOW! This is gorgeous! Well done my friend!


  3. Good Morning Valerie. What great talent you have to produce something as large and make it into a masterpiece. Love those vibrant colours . If this were mine I would have it framed. Hope the hand is feeling better. Take Care my friend. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. This is really wonderful, love the vibrant colours too.

  5. großartige seite,gefällt mir sehr.

    xxx Jeannette

  6. Gorgeous painting! Love the colors and the quote.

  7. Fantastic piece, I know how you love the ancient Egyptians. Great colours, and you have combined the images and colours to give a real WOW effect! Hugs, Sarah

  8. ich liebe die alten Kulturen auch sehr und die Idee mit den alten Ägyptern für diese challenge ist klasse! deine Schrift in dem großaufnahmebild gefällt mir sehr! der Kontrast zwischen dem Hintergrund und dem Türkis ist ebenfalls toll!!

  9. Amazing artwork and wonderful colours that have brightened this very dark, wet day.

    Hope you get better soon and can get out for a walk.

    Love Chrissie

  10. A striking piece of art Valerie, it's like a fire blazing in the background. Very wintry with us too today. Keep warm! xx

    1. It's very frosty here, I'm doing my best to keep warm!

  11. Fabelhaft ist diese Seite - bin begeistert!
    Gute Besserung Sweetie!

  12. Wonderful hot colours and an fabulous Egyptian page.
    hope your hand is on the mend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. M;y hand and ribs are feeling a bit better, it will take time to get really better.

  13. What a wonderful page Valerie! Great colours! hugs :)

  14. Fabulous creation here today and all those gorgeous colours, just adore{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  15. Hope you are feeling better each day....really love the Egyptian piece!

  16. Beautifully done, Valerie. This reminds me of the Star Gate movie. hugs, Teresa

  17. If I could live my life over, I would be an Egyptologist. What a fascinating time in history and glorious achievements in architecture. What a shame that part of the world is so screwed up. It contains so much history important to us all. Your journal page is wondeful, full of great color and mystery.
    Sandy xx

  18. Fabulous quote Valerie and your creation is wonderfully rich and mysterious!
    Everything Egyptian is so interesting.
    P.S. thank you for the AJJ reminder on my blog...I had birds and beasts on my brain *gg*

    1. You're welcome, glad to have your gorgeous piece on our link-up! Hope those birds and beasts don't disturb your brain toooo much!!

  19. Fabelhaftes Werk! Toll der Kontrast der Farben und schönes Zitat! Gefällt mir sehr!

  20. WOW! I really love this ♥♥♥♥♥ I have always been fascinated with Egyptian history and art and I love that quote. I just may have to borrow it sometime. Hope you are feeling well and that you can get back outside soon . We are expecting snow tonight but hopefully not too awful much.

  21. I never knew that the ankh was known as the breath of life, i like that.
    such a wonderful piece with great details and a wonderful subject.

  22. Oh this is an interesting piece, mystic and magical, very fiery!

  23. Hi Valerie, hope your hand is better today. Your newest work is wonderful and such a bright and cheerful color to warm up the cold days.
    Interesting information too.

  24. Wow wow wow - this is something else - love it!!!!!

  25. What a super bright large page and thanks for the Egyptian lesson, very interesting.

    1. Thanks - I can't get away from the habit of wanting to teach!

  26. Wow - this is spectacular. I LOVE LOVE LOVE orange - was my wedding color 42 years ago!! But I know nothing about Egyptian things... this is just wonderful.

  27. When I have been absent from blogland and then manage to visit your blog it is the most wonderful jolt, to lay eyes upon your art and the intensity you bring to your art.
    I am sure this is on fire, it is glowing and conjures up the feeling of the heat of the Egyptian desert. Fabulous.
    Valerie, I managed to catch up on comments for my blog and have to say Thank You. Even when I am absent from visiting your blog, you take the time to stop by my own. Your comment also made me smile. I was well aware that it was product info overload but you know how it is and if truth be told, I was happy to help this company promote their new products as much as possible. Unfortunately there might be at least one other product info blog post!!!
    It is getting late so I will say goodnight but I really did want to stop by to say Thanks and also to see what you have been busy creating.

  28. Fabulous piece Valerie, such vibrant colours and a real Egyptian feel to it.

    Hope you are feeling better again!

  29. Your use of vibrant colors underscores your message.

  30. Absolutely Stunning Valerie! xo
    You keep safe & warm also!

  31. Love the symbols. xox

  32. Ich bin hin und weg, da könnte ich jetzt stundenlang schauen. Die Farben sind sooooo schön... der Rest natürlich auch :)

  33. Wow - such drama in the colours and the images - this is astounding.
    Alison xx

  34. Eine super Seite! :-)
    Die Farbkombination ist toll! Die Figuren sind auch echt super!

  35. I really like this Val, I'm enjoying your Egyptian theme very much xx

  36. I am enjoying this all,over again Valerie!
    Sandy xx


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