
Wednesday 21 January 2015

Van Gogh and Happy Mail

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day, and that the weather is being kind to you!

For 'Inspired by the masters' at Art Journal Journey I have made a piece (A3) reminiscent of Van Gogh. I have painted this scene many times for various projects. Today I decided to cut it into squares to look like the view out of a window into the dark night outside. I started off by masking the area I wanted to paint blue on my journal page, and splattered it with white paint and fairy dust while it was still wet. The starry night picture was painted onto a piece of cardboard packaging and cut into 9 more or less equally sized pieces. I glued them to the background and then added a picture of Van Gogh's self portrait, mounted onto a scrap of hand-painted paper. I wrote a quote at the bottom.

When the masking tape comes off you have straight edges:

Today I have some happy mail to share with you. The wonderful card and stencils came from the lovely Teresa in Canada. She sure knows what I like playing with - lovely stencils - THANK YOU!!! I especially like those basic shapes,  and have often wished for stencils like this!

These lovely things came from from dear Susi.
There is a new journal, and a handmade journal cover, a gorgeous card in Susi's inimitable style, stamps, a new Craft Stamper magazine and some stickers. Am I lucky, or am I lucky? THANK YOU!!!!

This Christmas card has been traveling from the States for nearly 5 weeks, but found its way at last - snail mail! It was made by the talented Sandy, who makes the most gorgeous altered paper bags you can imagine, with an enormous attention to detail. The tag was in the front pocket and the card inside. 

If you have time, look at the blogs of these lovely ladies if you don't already know them. Thanks again to you all!

And now some of my visitors from today:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. ooojj dein van gogh ist ja toll,und schlne gescgebjke hast dz bekommen,viek freude damit.
    tolle bilder hast du wider gemacht,die vögel sind schon richtig rund ,hihi,du bist zu gut zu ihnen.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    knuddel jenny

  2. Love the idea to present Van Gogh through the window, really beautiful. Great photos, and lovely presents, enjoy! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Once again I have to tell you how much I enjoy seeing your art work. Looks wonderful my friend. And great photos as well..


  4. Your amazing work of art is incredible. Each time I visit your art, your photos, it's like entering another world.xx{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. Wonderful artistic piece today Valerie the rich background was waiting for the things you added to show them off.

    How lovely to get all the wonderful gifts as well. I am sure you will really have fun using those.

    Love Chrissie

  6. Einfach herrlich dein van Gogh! Eine tolle Idee! Wunderbare Post hast du bekommen ... ich freue mich für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  7. A fabulous Van Gogh piece - enjoy playing with your new goodies.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Deine Van Gogh Seite ist wundervoll gestaltet..tolle Idee mit dem Fensterblick!
    Da haben wir Dich versucht ein wenig zu verwöhnen liebe Valerie.... tolle Post ist das !
    Deine Vögelchen sehen allesamt zufrieden und wohlgenährt aus! Brave Valerie... wir haben heute auch wieder voll aufgestockt ..bei Lidl gabs tolle Vogelfuttersachen recht preiswert ... leider komm ich auch mit der Zoomeinstellung nicht so richtig an die Vögelchen zum Fotografieren, dabei sind vor allem die Meisen absolut nicht mehr scheu..ich könnte die direkt untem im Garten fotografieren, aber ich verpass immer die Gelgenheiten irgendwie...
    Aber egal .. Du machts immer so schöne Vogelbilder... das genieße ich mit!
    Hab noch einen schönen Tag!
    AJJ dankt aus ganzem Herzen!

  9. Just Love your Van Gogh piece, especially his quote. That certainly describes me! he he

    1. I think it describes a lot of us crafting crazies!

  10. Love your Van Gogh window and what a great quote! I think a lot of us can relate to that. Lol! Super pics, my favourite is the one with the blackbird and your blue glass bird. Enjoy your happy mail. My PC is back up and running. Yipee! xx

  11. This one I like very much - great idea and congrats to such lovely presents ;) Have a nice day Ariane

  12. Lovely work, Valerie.It is an interesting idea to use a well known artist for inspiration. Lovely photos of birds too.See you on Tag Tuesday!
    Jane x

  13. Love what you have done with the Van Gogh interpretation! Thanks for sharing your beautiful gifts and photos.

  14. Very creative take on Van Gogh! Lucky use with those beautiful handmade cards and fun gifts!

  15. Love your piece today and how it looks like a window pane!! What wonderful pressies you got, lucky gir! big hugs :)

  16. Your Van Gogh page is amazing!!! I do love his work and you did a fantastic job . You also got some very lovely packages in the mail too. You are only luck lady!!!

  17. Ha, der Kaktus ist wieder im Bild - irgendwie wirkt es immer so, als ob er draußen auf deinem Balkon stünde...
    Ein sehr schöner VanGogh-Beitrag wieder von dir, du so fleißigen Frau!
    LG Ulrike

    1. Meine Kakteen stehen seit Janhren draussen auf dem Balkon, Sommer und Winter!

  18. Your Van Gogh piece is wonderful!! Love the quote too. Sometime I feel like that quote. LOL
    Love seeing your birds today. What special gifts you received. Everything is perfect for you. Have fun creating.

  19. Love the beautiful page you created. The quote is great! :)

  20. Totally awesome inspired piece. Love it.
    And yes, you are very lucky, your friends are really sweet to send you such Happy mail :D
    ((hugs)) :o))

  21. I like the piece broken up that way, looks so good. Little black birds all round. xox

  22. Such talent. I loved the page you created. Do you display all of these, or do you sell them?

    1. I put them in a box- no place to display them!

  23. Das ist ein wunderschönes Werk, tolle Hommage an den Künstler.

  24. Great idea for the Valerie-Gogh, the window panes are so effective with the portrait and the words, very clever indeed,

  25. Love how you created your Van Gough, the window looks brilliant. Enjoy your happy mail.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Fabulous painting, Valerie. I really like your window technique.
    What a lot of happy mail you got this week. That is wonderful and you deserve every bit of it.
    I love your bird photos. You got marvelous close-up shots of them.
    May the remainder of your week be as blessed as its beginning.

  27. Oh my goodness! I love your little visitors! They are so so sweet : ) AND your gifts and cards are just beautiful - what fun going to the post must have been. Beautiful Van Gogh- inspired pieces as well! I love the geometric patterns! xo

  28. A most gorgeous piece in honor of VanGogh Valerie! I love this! xo

  29. I love this piece too :) I know I am viewing them newest to here but I like to be different lol Your gifts are pretty cool and very thoughtful. You are obviously a loved lady. But then you get back what you give out :) Have a lovely day T x

  30. You certainly are making my heart smile Valerie! You are a wonderful talent to follow. You know I love your blog. Great bird pictures!
    Sandy xx

  31. Oops! I forgot to tell you how much I like your Van Gogh! Do know the painting of his bedroom? That's the one I would like to duplicate - if only I could!!!
    Sandy xx

  32. Lovely Van Gogh and beautiful cards and presents from your talented friends. ~Diane


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