
Saturday 31 January 2015

Inspired by the Masters - summary and collage

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, so hope you all have a good one!
Today started off cold, damp and windy, but got better in the course of the afternoon, and we had a really pretty sunset.

Today is the last day of the challenge 'Inspired by the Masters' at
 Art Journal Journey, and I was really happy to see so many great contributions. I have made a collage of all the projects I made in the course of the month, and I am quite happy with the results. I enjoyed trying new things, like paper weaving, learning about artists, and trying to copy their style, which enabled me to learn a lot. All in all a fun month!
Hope to see you again tomorrow when the new challenge theme will be revealed!

The blackbirds are usually the first visitors each morning. If their 'breakfast' is not yet there, they get noisier and noisier till I take their goodies out!

The evening sky was beautiful. There were still a lot of clouds, but lit up by the sun they made a great scene.

I love the silhouettes of the old man and his grandson:

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You are a fantastic photographer! Fab photos!

  2. stunning photos today Valerie, and a wonderful collage!

  3. Love the collage, you really made a lot last month! The sunset photos are great, you really know how to capture the moment! Have a nice weekend, the kids are here, so I need to get started on breakfast soon. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Wonderful photographs-I always get lost in the scenery when I look at them.

    What a lot of magical artwork you have done for the AJJ theme this month-looking forward to seeing what comes next

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie

  5. tolle werke hast du creiert diesen monat,ich bin ganz bgeistert von deine portaits,du wirst immer besser,liebes.
    habe auch noch kurz vor torschluss ein bild gemalt,bin schon gespannt aufs neue thema.
    hab einen schönen tag.
    ach deine naturbilder sind auch einfach traumhaft,du und die camera seit eins.

    knuddel jenny

    1. Danke, Liebes, Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende!

  6. Deine Collage ist grossartig mit den unterschiedlichen Künstler-inspirierten Bildern! Das Thema hat mir sehr gefallen.
    Die Fotos sind wieder sehr schön, besonders die Landschaften <3
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    LG Ilona :-)

  7. Awesome photos, loved the one of the adult and child walking beside the river. Fabulous collage of all your artwork, look forward to seeing whats in store for us next month.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Each individual piece of art has been a revelation, and I love that you've had such fun experimenting with styles. Seeing your work in that collage is even more fabulous! I find it so hard to pick one single favourite! As always your photos are stunning - my favourite there is easy: the penultimate one with that amazing blue-grey sky!!! Oh wow!! Would you mind if I use it as an art inspiration? I'd love to create something using your photo as a prompt - I'll happily credit you as my inspiration on my blog. Sending hugs- Shroo:)xx

    1. Thanks, of course you can use the photo, I will look forward to seeing what you make.

    2. THANK YOU SQUILLIONS!!! I'll have fun with this project! Hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  9. Oh how lovely to see all of your fabulous artwork in that great mosaic you created with it liebe Valerie!
    I cannot believe I never got to play along.
    It will be nice to see February as my January was rough.
    Lovely photos of your special part of the world.

    1. Hope the new month will be a better one for you!

  10. Your art looks even more wonderful all together in the collage! You really accomplished a lot this month. Enjoyed see the photos today, too! Have a good weekend.

  11. You've been very studious and creative with your great collages.
    Your photos are good as usually and I love uour balcony blackbird.
    Happy weekend,

  12. Hi Valerie , your collage is amazing , such a great collection of beautiful art! favourites are the cats. Beatiful photography as well. Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyxx

  13. Your photographs are truly stunning Valerie!!! And your collage is gorgeously bright and cheery.
    Hope your weekend is going well ((hugs)) x

  14. I've loved your 'inspired by' work Valerie and you've made a fabulous collage to showcase it. Beautiful photos, I guess Mr blackbird is totally unperturbed by the cat face! Hope you're feeling well. Take care. Xx

  15. A wonderful collage of amazing artwork.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. eine grandiose Collage, du kannst dich über eine menge schöner bilder freuen! auch deine Fotos sind klasse, speziell die wolkenbilder!

  17. Loved seeing your months collage of works :) These photos are truly beautiful ! I could set and stare at those scenes and just relax and enjoy life. The would make beautiful enlargements and framed.

  18. Tolle Bilder und einfach toll wie viele geniale Arbeiten Du gewerkelt hast!

  19. Valerie WOW wow wow....stunning photos and collage. I love everything I don't even know where to start!! The birds just fabulous, and the vibrant and gorgeous it all is... eye candy galore!!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Fabulous mosaic of all your paintings, a superb collection.
    That's a very fine blackbird, he's all ready for Spring and is that his missus in the next photo?

    1. Yes, and she bosses him about - if she wants to eat first, he has to wait in the tree!

  21. Gorgeous photos you have taken! Beautiful collage of all your beautiful works! ~Diane

  22. Wow, what an amazing collage! You did so much wonderful work! Gorgeous photos too, moving and beautiful...

  23. Marvelous collage of your art pieces for January. You did an amazing job, especially the portraits. Can't wait to see what the team comes up with for February. It will go quickly. Lovely photos, too, Valerie.


  24. You were oh so busy last month and the month before and the one before that. I am amazed that you can put a spread together every day. Bravo. xox

  25. Hi Valerie, you sure had a wonderful month of creating and I love the collage. Best wishes and renewed creativity in February. Love your walking pics today.

  26. Du hattest einen wirklich unglaublich kreativen, produktiven Januar! Deine Farbvorlieben werden auf der schönen Collage all deiner Werke deutlich, so wird die Seite total harmonisch.
    LG Ulrike

  27. Love your collage Valerie, it's great to see all of your art together. I can't believe you made the birds wait for their breakfast, you should get up earlier lol xx


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