
Saturday 10 January 2015

Beuys meets Mondrian

Hi Everybody!

We had a wild and stormy day here today, I think it was the same over most of Europe. I went for a walk this morning, but the wind was blowing so hard along the Rhine that it was difficult to stand still, and I couldn't hold the camera steady. Let's see what tomorrow brings. I managed to keep myself well occupied at home with various sewing and craft projects, so no problem, and I got a bit of extra exercise on my stepper.

For Art Journal Journey I have made a project inspired by 2 artists, Piet Mondrian and Joseph Beuys.  Mondrian was a Dutch painter, and Beuys came from Krefeld, a town on the opposite side of the Rhine to where I live. He was also Professor at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf for many years. Beuys made a lot of very provocative installations, and his trade mark was his hat, which he always wore. He gave many autograms with his hat and signature.
I have made an A3 piece. I gave it a coat of gesso, and then divided up the colour fields and painted them in red, yellow and blue acrylics, leaving 5 white. I made a stencil from Beuys' hat, and drew it in the white fields. I added quotes from Beuys and Mondrian  along the right and left edges. Beuys was certainly a great character, but on the whole I think I prefer the art of Mondrian. I forgot to draw one of the black lines before I took the photos, but I have now rectified it!
I am aslo linking to Mix it Monthly, colour blocking.

 (Images courtesy of Wikipedia)

The Rhine was very muddy and swollen again:

Have a nice day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your idea of combining artists again, the Beuys hat is fun sitting on the white squares of Mondrian! The weather looks cold and dreary. Here we have a lot of rain and wind, too, so I am staying home with the kids. Hugs, Sarah

  2. ich wär nie auf die Idee gekommen, die beiden zu kombinieren... aber hej, es sieht gut aus!
    beuys finde ich sehr interessant, ich hatte das glück, hier Künstler kennenzulernen, die mir sein werk nahegebracht haben. und mondrian liebe ich einfach wegen seiner Klarheit und den starken Grundfarben!

  3. Very creative Valerie. It looks dreary and cold along the Rhine. It is bitter cold in my area of the US. Single digits temps Minus 10 wind chills (Farenheit)

  4. The river is looking very dark and turbulent but your art is bright and bold. Hope the weather is better for your walk today. Xx

  5. Ich mag beide Künstler und finde die Zusammenstellung hier richtig genial Valerie!
    Die Fotos zeigen heute die WInterliche Stimmung am Rhein sehr gut- danke ...
    mönsch bald kommt ja schon wieder der Frühling, oder... was soll's die grauen Tage werden auch wieder rum gehen!
    Hab noch einen schönen Tag -Indoor or outdoor wherever-
    danke für die schöne Seite zu unserer AJJ Sammlung!

  6. A fabulous piece Valerie :D Mondrian is one of the few artists whose work I instantly recognise, I really enjoy those blocks. I've never heard of Bsuys, but I like your stencil hat :D
    Ditto with the weather 'report' for yesterday and today. Time to enjoy the indoors me thinks. Stay safe and warm ((hugs))

  7. beuys ist nichgt mein favorit,aber deine seiten sind schön gemacht.,

    hab einen schönen tag.


    1. Mein Favorit war auch auch nicht, aber interessant!

  8. Wonderful post Valerie with such a lot of interest about the artists. Your artwork is stunning and the way you added the hat shows it up so well.

    The Rhine looks angry on the photographs so best to stay in and craft. We have just been shopping for essentials and I am pleased to be beach home safe and sound as tree have fallen in places and many are creaking.

    Take care and have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Was für eine geniale Idee! Dein Bild ist großartig!
    Schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Gruß, Annette

  10. Love your awesome creation, so fabulous is the image and it. LOVE the journey

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  11. Wow, love the bright colours Valerie! Great photos today! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs and smiles :)

  12. Very clever to combine two artists in such a colorful piece! The Rhine sure looks angry today! The sun is out again here, so I am sure the snow will melt away.

  13. Fantastic art...wonderful energy..and great photos..awesome ! Always fun visiting your creative world!
    HUg, wishing you a wonderful and magical new year my friend!

  14. The hat is intriguing, you are so knowledgeable and cultured Valerie! My challenge is to spell Beuys. Stay away from that river

    1. Yes, it's a strange name, even in Germany I often see it wrongly spelled!

  15. Fantastic page, and clever to use the style of both artists. The river looks so angry, stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Interesting journal page ♥ The river does look cold and rough and very muddy. Stay warm and take care.

  17. I can see you've had a fun week Valerie and you've made some wonderful pieces. I really like this 'inspired by the masters' theme, and your cats are my favourite. We're having pretty much the same weather over here as you are. Enjoy your weekend xx

  18. Was für eine tolle Kombination, darauf muss frau erstmal kommen. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Der Rhein sieht herrlich wild aus.

  19. Very nice!! The river looks scary high!! Take care in that weather!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Wild river shots. I always think of "felt and fat" when I think of Bueys and that marvelous floor he made out of leather in his studio. Nice take on the two artists. xox

    1. Yes, there was a big outcry when a cleaner cleaned away his famous fat corner!

  21. Such a clever and we'll executed piece. Loved learning of him and how he added the hat to his signature. Big hugs,

  22. Love the bright colors! Its sure to brighten everyone's day.

  23. Eine sehr interessante Mischung! Darauf wäre ich im Leben nicht gekommen.
    LG Ulrike

  24. Loving the blocks of colour and hat shape. x

  25. Hi Valerie, once again your artwork is amazing. Love the bright colors with the artists hat!
    Your pics look cold and wintry. We are having the same here and it's been gloomy all day.
    Have a great week.

  26. Klasse Idee die beiden Künstler unter einen "Hut" zu bringen, Valerie! Das passt so genial zusammen, seeehr cool! Und passt zum Colorblocken auf MIM bestens! Sogar der Hut passt bestens zum Inspirationsfoto der Dame in Schwarzweiss! Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  27. Very cool art! It reminds me of a stained glass window.

  28. brilliant art for your combination of challenges Valerie! It sure does look as cold where you are as it is here-brrr!


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