
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping safe and well in spite of bad weather in some parts of the world. We had a cold, showery  and grey day here, but it could have been worse!

For Art Journal Journey I have another piece for 'inspired by the masters', and my inspiration was once again taken from Ellen Jackson's woven art, patchworks and mosaics. For my project I used small squares and strips of hand-marbled paper and fragments of old letters from the 1930s. I arranged them on a black card background, and matted it with some DP. The quote I have used is, 'Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world my come to being' from Teilhard de Chardin. These fragments of old letters tell the story of people who were forced to flee from Germany under the Nazis. They are unfortunately not complete, as many parts of the pages have disintegrated. I decided to use the remaining fragments - after copying the originals - in my artwork.

We have a new challenge starting today at Moo Mania and More, 'Masculine'.
You can join in with all formats of art - cards, ATCs, Journal Pages etc, not just Moos, and you have 2 weeks to join in!

I made a card using an image from Gecko Galz, from the collage sheet, 'The smart dressed man'. The mustache was a present I got in a set some time back.
The sentiment is on a separate, moo-sized card. I used some textured gold cad as matting.

It was cold and damp outside today, and I enjoyed watching the water birds at the Rhine again. The Rhine looked rather choppy today, we had a lot of rain yesterday. 
The heron sometimes stands as still as a statue:

This duck was watching the others swimming

The gulls sitting on the jetty were cheeky as always:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Love your fragments patchwork, so beautiful and a very special quote, too. The card is quirky and fun, and the photos are great, as always. Have a nice day! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Das sieht alles wieder PERFEKT aus Valerie! Einmalig schön!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Tag Sweetie!
    Danke für die fantastischen Designs für die Challenges !


  3. Love the artwork Valerie the patterns show up so well with the black.
    Beautiful and classy card for a man
    Terrific photographs today with lots movement with thecwater and very sharp pictures of the birds

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie

  4. Deine Kollage ist wunderbar! Schön die Kombination der Brieffragmente und dem marmorierten Papier ... wirkt echt klasse!
    Großartig deine Fotos von dem Fischreiher! Er ist wirklich standhaft!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  5. A beautiful and thought provoking piece Valerie and a great masculine card, the word "spiffing" comes to mind. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Xx

    1. Ha! I haven't heard that word in a loooong time!

  6. Love the pics and the sea gulls....awesome...Brilliant and imaginative creation again...xx.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  7. Lovely projects!The card is superb!Here is very hot.It's a pity Fall is only in April.I guess we will evaporate till there.

  8. The first is a very touching and thought-provoking piece of art; the second just makes me smile!
    Looks cold on the Rhine today!

  9. Wonderful artwork today, the marble pattern is beautiful! Wonderful photos! hugs :)

  10. I really like the cuts of abstraction! There was a time I loved to use paint as well!

  11. Love the journal page.♥ Those Heron shots are great. I love Herons... I should try to paint one again's been a while. It's beautiful here again today but winter is suppose to return tonight . Must get outside while it's nice :)

  12. Beautiful marbled tiles and artwork again. The masculine one is quite interesting.... Happy Wednesday, Shirleyxx

  13. The square journal page looks fabulous! Love the fancy man card too, adorable!

  14. A beautiful art page and your Moo Mania piece is a lot of fun. I like that quote :o))

  15. Another great woven art piece, made so meaningful by those letter scraps.
    Your card is fabulous. I love all the gold and that mustache is smashing.
    I always enjoy your nature walk photos too.
    Blessing hugs,

  16. Very touching art piece today, especially for those of us who lived during WWII. Love the photos of the birds today. The heron species in your area are much lighter than our darker blue/grey herons. Still foggy and wet here but at least no snow.


  17. Das marmorierte Papier zusammen mit den Schriftfragmenten wirkt sehr gut, dazu noch zu einer aktuellen Thematik!
    LG Ulrike

  18. Fabulous artwork Valerie, a very thought provoking piece, and your mustache is great fun! I wouldn't fancy a dip in the Rhine today Brrr xx

  19. Love your masculine card with the amusing words, but I might give him a miss.
    It's amazing how long the heron can stand like a statue, sometimes you can even wonder if it is one.
    Your first piece is very moving, I like the way you have added pink to mix in with the letters.

    1. I am sure any man like that has to be a bachelor!

  20. My first thought when I saw your masculine card - "what to get the best dressed gentleman"
    My thoughts about your art journal page - sadness.
    Wonderful pictures.
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, it reminds of bad and brutal times and many sad memories.

  21. Beautiful work Valerie. Your art journal page is interesting and gives one pause and thought.
    Love the masculine card. The stash is so cool!! Lovely walking pics. The birds brighten the grey day. We are 80 degrees here and it's like a spring day while the east coast is covered in snow.

  22. Deine beiden Werke sind klasse, besonders gut gefällt mir die Karte. Schöne Fotos hast du wieder von deinem Spaziergang mitgebracht.

  23. lovely inspired art today, very masculine moo! Lots of different types of birds today.

  24. The history behind todays awesome page, brought a lump to my throat. We should never forget.
    Loved the male card, he's a handsome chap, but it looks like he knows that.
    Yvonne xx

  25. I am so enjoying seeing your journal pages!
    Love the man card!!!
    Thanks too, for the photos!

  26. Your projects look amazing my friend! And your photos are fabulous! Love them!


  27. Wonderful artwork and masculine card - your photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  28. A most beautiful patchwork collage Valerie-
    Those herons are very brave to face those waves and cold water!!


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