
Sunday 18 January 2015

Another Modigliani for Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Another day has flown by. I went to a friend's, and we were busy sewing carnival costumes. Slowly, slowly, we are getting there, I think we will soon have them finished. It's fun finding new ideas all the time, changing direction here and there and making alterations. Earlier in the week I sewed a pink satin rat for a friend who is going to carnival as a pink punk, and that was fun, too.

For 'Inspired by the masters' at Art Journal Journey I have one more Modigliani piece. This time I chose the portrait of Diego Rivera, the husband of Frida Kahlo. Modigliani painted it in 1914. For the background I used another brush wipe and experiment page in A3, to which I added some more colour with sprays, and stamped onto the wet paper with a background stamp. The portrait was once again painted on a separate sheet using water colours and pastels. It was fussy cut and then glued to the background. I chose a quote from Frida Kahlo this time : 'I have suffered two grave accidents in my life, one in which a streetcar knocked me down. The other accident is Diego. Diego was by far the worst'. Their relationship was filled with  quarrels, separations and reunions, but neither seemed able to live without the other.

Today started off cool and very misty:

Here is the pink punk rat; her name is Ratty:

Have a nice Sunday. take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. cute punk rat! Lovely photos and interesting about Frida and her husband's relationship, nice work!

  2. Ratty does not look ratty at all. She is adorable.

  3. wow,dein diego portrait ist klasse geworden,ich masg die warmen farben und den roten mund.
    traumnhafte bilder hasst du wider gemacht,ich freue mich immer wenn ich hier zu dir komme.
    hab einen schönen tag.


  4. Großartig ist Dein Diego.... absolut schön diese Gesichtsfarben auf diesen Hintergründen... ich bin direkt traurig, wenn Du die Serie nicht mehr weiter malst!
    Die Aufnahmen sind traumhaft( schreib ich immer das gleiche? - ich sollte mir mal was anderes einfallen lassen, oder?)
    Ratty ist mehr als cool..... Eine HAMMERRATTE!!!
    Dir einen entspannten Sonntag !

  5. I Love the way you have painted Diego, and the quote you chose! The Rat is really sweet, so pretty, I still have the teddy you made for S some 20 years back! Lovely morning mist photos, too. Have a lovely day! Hugs, Sarah

  6. mondigliani ist wirklich einer "deiner" Künstler! auch hier klasse gemalt... aber ich habe nie verstanden, was frida an diego so fasziniert hat, dass sie nicht von ihm lassen konnte, trotz all seiner untreue.
    eine pinke ratte *g*. sie wird viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen im Karneval, schöne Idee!

    1. Du sagst es, ich weiss auch nicht warum Frida ihm so liebte, er klingt einfach unsympatisch.

  7. Great artwork and a wonderful portrait such a shame that they couldn't live with or without each other.

    Love the Ratty I bet he will be the star of the carnival.

    The weather has an air of mystery. Ours is crisp,icy and very cold but the sun is trying to come out :)

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie

  8. Ha, I love Ratty (apparently they make very good pets!) and your misty photos. Another wonderful portrait. Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  9. You are really rocking these Modigliani pages Valerie, another beauty!

  10. Das, was Johanna schon geschrieben hat, war auch mein erster Gedanke eben...
    Wieder irre gemalt, Valerie!
    Besonders gefallen mir heute deine blauen Fotos, das musst du malen!
    ... und ich liebe die pinke Ratte! LG Ulrike

  11. Love love love the misty foggy photos, my favourite type of weather other than rain! Ratty is too cute!! have a great Sunday! hugs :)

  12. I love t see your art, you have amazing vision and imagination, you try so many new adventures that its always a joy to see what you have created, I love the pink rat too!

  13. Beautiful work on the Diego piece! The punk rat is so much fun--I'm sure your friend loved it!
    Icy rain here today....good day to stay in and nurse my sinus headache!

  14. Magnificent work! That looks amazing.
    Have a nice week end!
    Photographer Gil Zetbase

  15. Stunning work Valerie. Thanks for the cultural journey too as I had never heard of him. Love the beautiful pictures. Sorry I have not been around much recently, but hopefully next month will see me back to normal, whatever that is. Hugs Rita xxxx

  16. love your page! I also love your adorable pink rat. It has been warmer and sunny here the last few days . Very strange for this time of year ... enjoying it though and have even opened windows today to air things out before winter returns :)

  17. Well I have been here multi times trying to leave a comment!
    This time I will just say Hi and see what happens!!
    Sandy xx

  18. Lovely painting and your rat is adorable, just love the frilly ears and the whiskers are so clever and cute! ~Diane

  19. Another stunning portrait. I love how you use this piece to pour out some of your past hurts. Somehow putting things out in an artistic form is more freeing than using only words; I at least that is what I have found to be true.
    Blessing hugs,

  20. Super portrait and great photos. x

  21. Great Diego (ala Modigliani). Whatever did she see in him, he treated her so badly. xox

  22. Valerie the portrait art is wonderful and Ratty is too cute. Love her hot pink color!!
    You captured the misty day beautiful in your photos.
    Have a great week.

  23. Super painting Valerie, he isn't what you could call handsome, I feel sorry for Freda. I think your pink rat looks fantastic,.
    Yvonne xx

  24. What a beautiful and emotive painting. I love the photos too, the quality of light is so delicate. What a cute ratty too!

  25. I was just going to the comment box to comment on your portrait when I saw Ratty.
    Gaaahhh! everyone should have a pink satin rat, love Ratty.
    Your portrait is pretty good too, he looks quite an interesting character.

  26. Very interesting and stunning painting! The photos look as always so perfect and I do think the pink rat is also very interesting! Hugs!

  27. This looks so cool.. Well done.


  28. Love your portrait Valerie, you have got so much light and life into it. Loving Ratty rat too xx

  29. Die pinke Ratte ist rattenscharf - der absolute Knaller. Und dein Bild klasse, ich mag den weißen Text umzu.


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