
Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Last Day of 2014

Hi Everybody!

Time has flown by this year, and we have reached the last day of December.
A new year will be starting tomorrow, bringing with it new chances and opportunities, and new things to do, see and learn. I wish you all a happy and healthy 2015!

Today is also the last day of our collage challenge at Art Journal Journey.
We have had more than 200 entries this month, which made me very happy, and I enjoyed visiting lots of blogs and seeing so many different interpretations of the theme. Today I am showing a collage of my collages made this last month, and I had a lot of fun making them.

 I want to say thank you to Diane for the beautiful cards and gifts she sent me for my birthday and Christmas, and for being such a good friend through the year. And I have made another collage to show all my lovely gifts. And in addition I found fleecy leggings and  ear-warmers in my parcel to keep me warm on cold days like today. Diane's Christmas card is also something very special, made like a shadow box, but which can be folded flat to send - just stunning! Thanks a lot, Sweetie!

And last but not least, some impressions of my corner of the world today:

This view always reminds me of Narnia!

Breakfast time:

The jay is very hard to 'catch' as he never keeps still!

The hawk sat in the tree for a long time today, and we watched each other....

Snow and ice:

Here's hoping that the New Year will bring us health, happiness and peace.

Have a good celebration today, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!
See you again in 2015!


  1. Don't the ducks go away for winter? Beautiful gift cards, and lovely Art Journal collage. Happy New Year Valerie!

  2. Love the beautiful collage of all your collages, you worked really hard! Lovely presents from your friend, and great photos as always! Happy New Year, hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful to see the collage of your AJJ works of art for this month Valerie and amazing that so many joined in.

    Beautiful card and gifts from Diane and thank you for sharing them with us.

    It looks cold where you are but ours is just frost and ice so far with no snow.

    Have a lovely day and A Very Happy 2015.

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Guten Morgen Valerie!
    I am back --
    so tolle Collagen hast Du in den Tagen gepostet, in den ich mich vergnügt hatte!
    Bin schockiert, dass mein Geschnekchen immer noch nicht da ist---was machen die nur damit???
    Das darf docch wohl nicht wahr sein!
    Es war super - meine Füße und Waden sind allerdings vom vielen Shopping und Sightseeing absolut geschunden!
    Die brauchen jetzt erst mal liebevolle Zuwendung!
    Hab Dir gewunken und an Dich gedacht am FLUGHAFEN DU(e)SSELDORF jedes Mal!
    Danke für alles!

  5. Thank you dear Valerie for this year. You've chared so great art and photos us to enjoy.
    Happy New Year,
    Hugs xx

  6. You must be keeping your postman in a job Valerie, what a lot of gifts you received. Hope 2015 is a good year for you, wishing you health, happiness and creativity! Xx

    1. I keep my postman happy, he always gets the stamps!

  7. schöner Rückblick, Valerie! auch dir einen guten start in ein glückliches und gesundes neues jahr!
    und wie immer schön zu sehen, in welch idyllischer Umgebung du wohnst.
    xo, johanna

  8. Happy Happy New Year dear Valerie * May all of your wishes come true!
    So happy to meet you this year.
    Thank you for sharing your talents and passion and for the special views into your beautiful corner of the world!
    This month's AJJ challenge was another hit.
    Collage is something near and dear to me always.
    Your collage of your collages is fabulous.
    See you next year oxoxo

  9. Happy New Year from Australia, it is now 2015 let's hope for a better year. Love the collection of wonderful creations, style and gorgeous colours...xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  10. Have a wonderful finish to 2014 and a better 2015! Happy New Year! Hugs!

  11. Hi Valerie, just popped in to say thank you for all of the wonderful walks we go on together in the coffee time wouldn't seem complete any more without a visit to you!! Thanks also for always leaving such lovely comments on my blog, I love hearing from you!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS! big hugs :)

  12. Happy New years eve my dear friend, your collage of collages is fabulous as were each and every one of them! So glad you liked your treats too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. Dear Valerie,
    Beautiful collage representing a great year. Love your posts and all the special inspiration you share throughout the year. You are a blessing and wonderful blog friend.
    Your cards and gifts are lovely. Diane creates fabulous cards and I am enjoying this one too. It will be displayed all winter!!
    Happy New Year and the best to you in 2015.
    Love and Blessings

  14. HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIEND!!!!!! It has been a more beautiful year thanks to all the wonders you share with us. Peace, Happiness, and Good Health to you ♥

  15. Liebe Valerie, du hast das alte Jahr mit einem unglaublich produktiven Collage-Monat abgeschlossen!

    Für das neue Jahr wünsche ich dir die gleiche Energie in Sachen Kreativität .. und bleib gesund!
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  16. Lovely memory collages and beautiful photographs. Happy New Year and all the best to you for 2015.

  17. Was für ein großartiger Rückblick auf Deine Kreativitt!Vielen Dank auch für die tollen Fotos die mich immer wieder anrühren.
    Ich danke Dir für die guten Wünsche, die Du verschickt hast und wünsche Dir auch einen guten Rutsch und ein glückliches, gesundes, kreatives 2015!
    LG Anja

  18. Beautiful collage of collages! I'm glad the water was not frozen so the ducks could still swim around. We have had a sudden turn to cold temperatures...can snow be far behind? Happy New Year!

  19. Great to see all your collages, and you've done so well by keeping this popular theme together with commenting and pinning, quite a task with so many entries.
    Your area looks marvellous today with the cold and the snow and ice, I especially like the third photo with the lovely street lamps.
    "See" you in 2015! Have a great year!

  20. A fantastic collage of all your pages. Loved the snowy scene photos.
    Happy New Year Valerie
    Yvonne xx

  21. Superb collages and photographs. I agree with your Narnia comment. Isn't that just a wonderfully magical book, I wonder if Wee Man would like it........hmm.
    Sending wishes for a wonderful New Year to you Valerie. Lang may yer lum reek. And may the best you have ever seen, be the worst you will ever see. ((hugs)) xx

  22. Thank you for a wonderful year here at Bastelmania. Valerie, you have treated us each day to creative art projects, fun ideas and amazing techniques. Your photos and history lessons of your area have been magnificent. Valerie, may 2015 treat you well with good health, a creative spirit and the ongoing friendship from so many of us. God bless and HAPPY NEW YEAR with love.

  23. Very very very wonderful collages this month! And I love the gifts and card from Diane.
    Happy New Year, Valerie!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  24. Love your collage of collages! Wow you sure created a lot of artwork. Happy New Year to you, wishing you all the best in 2015, Shirleyxx

  25. Your corner of the world is very different than mine, I enjoyed the birds as I watch them too (my feeders are quite busy right now). I noticed there were cactus in one of the photos so it must have been a shot from inside a window because they couldn't possibly grow outside like they do here. I hope you find plenty of time to make your art in the year to come. Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

  26. Oh my your collages are so artsy. Happy New Year and much happiness and health to you my dear.

    I enjoy your world where you live. Very awesome all you do. Nice for me to sit back and enjoy here everything. As I said your photography is very inspiring. .

    Thumbs up.


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